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Why do some Americans think Yahoo Answers is an American site?

I just came across this question, where the poster asks about a petition. The question was originally posted on Yahoo Answers India.

An American immediately bounces in and says "What happens in that country is its problem. This is America". Didn't he/she even see that the question originated in India? I've seen this sort of thing quite often.;_ylt=Al...


Booth, that's the point. The question was asked on the Indian board.

Wendy c, Yes, I do know that, but the petition was about Indian politics.

15 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    well, you answered your question.............."some Americans" think that, but not all.

    Some of us, are fully aware it's an International site and people from many countries like to use the English language boards to sharpen their skills, and see what's on "America's" mind.

    I sometimes answer questions in Italian, on the Italian boards.

    There are also many "Americans" , like ME, who access the boards from I often say "your country" I am a foreigner.....but I am in fact, am American myself.

    I do alot of political blogging here.......and yes,, you see alot of questions asked from India, England, and from Down Under, in general. The vast majority of questions though, are overwhelmingly about AMERICAN politics, and the British questions, usually don't get lot of hits, discussing Brown or Cameron, or Blair, back in the day. The vast majority is a bunch of pie throwing over AMERICAN politics.

    I guess we run the better clowns, and put on the better circus, I suppose.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I don't understand it either.

    If I were to ask a question about John Key or Julia Gillard in the Politics section, nobody would even answer because most non-Americans have abandoned the sections of Y!A that have become too American-centric.

    I've seen many people here answer questions, presuming that the asker is an America, The person asking the question will then have to add additional details, explaining that they are not from America.

    It's quite strange because Y!A caters for users worldwide and is very much a global site. They have different sites for different counties, like and

    People need to realise that this site is used by many nationalities, not just Americans.

    Source(s): New Zealander.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You don't often see a question from outside of the US in this section, and I've noticed that a lot of people here hardly even read the question before they answer. It's become just a place for American Liberals and Conservatives to insult each other, really. Kind of sad, if you think about it.

  • Randy
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I think it has a lot to do with the fact that many Americans think the world does not extend beyond it's borders unless it's a place to be mocked or invaded. A section is for politics and they assume it means only American politics. Someone asks about what their troops are doing and they assume its American troops. Someone asks about a law and its assumed they simply MUST be talking about American laws.

    The rest of the world is out here folks....get used to it.

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  • 9 years ago

    Bet YOU failed to realize that anyone, anywhere, can click on the little flaggies below and it will show that the question "comes" from (insert country)... when in reality it means nothing?

    You can be in Nebraska, and your question can seem to COME from Singapore.

    I agree many posters wrongly assume a question comes from the US. YOUR premise is false also.

    Persons posting should include something in the body of the question to show where it comes from. Don't rely on the flags or designation from yahoo.


    love your glasses

  • qwert
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Yahoo is an American company

    It's based in America

    Majority of it's employees are American

    Majority of people on this website are American

  • The world is filled with ignorant people. People from other countries do seem to ask questions of us in America quite a bit though.

  • 9 years ago

    Yahoo is based in America and mostly American owned.

    Enough said.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Because Red State Righties have found this site - and they work together to dominate it. This is how they destroyed DIGG.

    They work in unison with each other (and Sock Puppets like those employed by Paul Grass) ... and post an endless stream of hate for...

    - Our President

    - Our Nation

    - Our Form Of Government (they prefer a right wing militaristic dictatorship)

    - Catholics

    - Jews

    - Blacks

    - Musllims

    - Homosexuals

    - Latinos

    - Poor People

    - Sick People

    - Immigrants of all sorts

    - Democrats

    - Single Mothers

    - Liberals

    - Democracy

    - Our Troops (they only like the Military Contractors)

    Their FAVORITE examples of LOVE ... .are ...

    - The SUPER Rich - (they worship them like gods)

    - Corporate Malfeasance ... ( they love that )

    - Bankers

    - Glenn Beck

    - Rush Limbaugh

    - Anything or anyone who spews hatred for those they don't agree with.


    They are obsessive. They are consumed by emotion. Raw emotion. This is what drives them.

    Personally, I find this to be evidence that Modern Republicanism is a form of Mental Disease.


  • 9 years ago

    because the large majority of people on this site are americans.

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