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I'm 25, and I've done nothing.?

I'm 25. I still live at home with my parents. I've never lived on my own, not even with a boyfriend. I attempted to go to university after working full-time for a couple of years, spent everything on the single year's tuition, and dropped out because I knew it wasn't practical (Psych.) And I only recently got my driver's license.

I've stopped talking to everyone, both family and friends. I don't have a boyfriend. All everyone seems to want to talk to me about these days is what I'm up to, and maybe I'm being cynical, but I feel like the only reason they ask is to prove to themselves that I'm stagnant. I spend most of my time on the Internet, staying up sometimes until 6-7AM because, well why the heck not? Who am I sleeping responsibly for? I often find myself sitting in my room with the fan droning in the background, just thinking. As a result, I've gained weight. My face has aged; my eyes seem tired and sad. I have dark circles and frown lines that weren't there even a year ago.

I feel like I've lost maturity, if that's even possible. Bosses used to exemplify me even at 16; now, they all seem to look at me like I'm an idiot, and I can't keep jobs. Guys used to love me, and I was a little chubby even then. I swam competitively for 7 years; now, I feel winded walking up the stairs. And I look down when I smile. I never used to do that. My smile used to be huge.

Anyone my age that can relate? Anyone with hard advice or opinions on the matter?

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hey, I'm sorry you're in such a low place right now.

    Here's my advice:

    1. Start working out and going outside in the daylight. It will greatly improve your mood, your energy, your looks and your health.

    2. Socialize more. Accept any invitation, have a listening ear for everyone you meet, and a ready smile. This will do wonders for your network (which helps in getting a job), your mood (everyone needs company) and your lovelife (through friends you meet more than friends).

    3. Get an alarmclock. Waking up is something you will do for YOU. And it will remedy your dark circles. Also, a proper sleeping pattern will help your mood, because you need sunlight, and make sure you get a better quality of sleep (the hormonal reasons for this are a bit much to explain, but take my word on it).

    4. Do things for others. You have no job, no study. So get off the net, help your parents around the house, do voluntary work, babysit for friends, visit the elderly, give homeworkhelp to the unprivileged, etc. This will make you feel better about yourself, give you a chance to meet nice people, upgrade your CV, and motivate you to get up on normal times.

    5. Get a proper diet. Again, healthy food will do wonders for your mood (sugar highs and lows can make you cranky), help you sleep better, get you in better shape, keep you more energetic.

    6. After you've tried all this for 4 months straight and you still find yourself struggling, go see a doctor. Otherwise, figure out a purpose in life and go for it.

    You're depressed, probably even clinically depressed, but pills will just make your moods more even and they're addictive, so it's always best to try lifestyle changes, first. All the above changes have been proven to be helpful in cases like your own.

    Best of luck to you :)

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    You used to swim competitively, that sounds great! What I am suggesting is possibly the last thing you will want to do right now, but do it and most of your problems may soon fade. You used to be a swimmer. You should join and swimming club, a gym or simply, if you cant make the financial commitment, go outside for walking/running. Think about it, you commence regular sport and stick to it; in a few days you will feel happier and alive, in a few weeks you will have adopted a regime, and a regular sleep-waking cycle (there goes the long nights in front of the computer and the tired eyes), within months you will be looking healthier and leaner (weight gain solved) and swimming laps is easy (let alone walking up the stairs). After a period of work, determination and will you will have regained rhythm, contentment and possibly even competition in your life- you will again walk upright, confident, young and smiling. It wont be an easy journey, so don't beat yourself up if you get lossed along the way. as long as you reach your destination in the end. All power to you xx

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I concur with the other posters, classic case of depression. I have a little of this problem too (I'm 27)...I'm better than I used to be, I've started with hobbies again and am in training for a new career, but I still spend too much time on the internet and stagnating in my room. But I've begun to see that there's hope again and things are starting to look up. Do whatever you can to help yourself with your situation. See a counsellor. Antidepressants might suit you and might not depending on the severity of your case, but you could try something mild like St. John's Wort or 5HTP, both of these are natural serotonin boosters that aren't as strong as actual meds. I found the most helpful thing for me has been yoga and meditation. Some form of exercise, even if its a half hour to hour brisk walk daily, can be great. So could a small pet so long as your sure you can look after it, my ferrets give me great joy on my worst days...make sure you will follow through on caring for them though, the last thing you want to do is create more suffering. Try and work up the energy to get interested in a hobby of some kind, a weekly class of some sort is great to get out and meet people and it's easier to stay motivated than doing something at home by yourself.

    I have dysthymia which is a mild depression, just powerful enough to interfere with my life but not so extreme that I regularly consider death and dying. You could be suffering from that.

    PLEASE get help and try and get out of this situation, I am now just dragging my sorry behind out of a similar situation and I feel very much for you. It does get better, but you have to take the first steps yourself!

  • 10 years ago

    Excellent advice from most of the posters here. Depression is a very real problem and a growing one in our society, but there are things you can do to help yourself feel better!

    The suggestions to swim, run, jump rope or walk are fantastic ~ it has actually been proven that going outside into the sun and taking a short walk every day is a big first step in lifting the black cloud of depression.

    Many of us have been places similar to where you are now, you are not alone.

    Once you have started taking some gentle exercise (not for weight loss but just to remind yourself there is fresh air, sunshine, birds and life outside) you can contact a free helpline or visit your doc for proper medical advice.

    Every best wish :-)

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Well i'm a 21 year old guy and I can relate to allot of what you are saying. It's 6 AM here and i'm still on the internet and have yet to go to bed.

    One thing I do that changes everything, working out. You should get a gym membership and start working out hard. It fills your time, keeps you in great shape and gives you something you focus your energy into. And eventually, something to be proud of.

  • 10 years ago

    I'm 20 and have felt the same way untill my navy recruiter called me and now Im waiting for my shipping date set to become a Hospital corpman. The advice would be to attend a community college. I was great at school but didn't prepaid ahead of time for scholorships so I only attended 1 years worth of credits. It could be worse I tried getting a job to continue going to college but no experience ment no job.... If I was in your position I would attend an 8 month program to become a nurses assistent just to have a steady income and use the money for more schooling

  • 10 years ago

    Sit down and think!!!

    Make a list of what you want to become, want to be, want to do, and see what the next steps are. whether u want an apprenticeship, or work. work till u find what u like and want to do.

    sitting at home, at ur pc,and feeling miserable will not change anything.

    Do it now, while u have the chance. and u want it, else u would not have asked for help.

    u need to motivate yourself and start small steps.

    I was in the same situation as you. I wanted to be able to reach a stage where i could be proud when people ask me about me, to the point that they envy me.

    I havent succeeded academically/career wise yet, but i am happy. i have a degree and hopefully one day i will have a dream career.

    so good luck. and persevere.

    do u know what kind of job you would like to do???anything that interest you?

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Start with a short list of goals. Simple ones. Get a jump rope, and exercise. Don't worry about the weight. You'll be surprised at how quickly you'll change your mood. You'll become more active and the weight will come off, because you're young, it's not the end of the world.

    Try this for yourself, and maybe you don't need to see a psychiatrist.

  • peachy
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    You have to pull yourself together and firmly dust yourself of the stagnant position you have put yourself in.

    Start with your sleep, sleep early, wake up early, go for a run and think you are trying to catch the life that is running away from you.. The life you have decided to put a stop to.

    Find yourself a job, force yourself to smile and be positive... Have hope that things will change for the better when you want and act like uwant them to change.

    Don't wake up 10 yrs from now feeling sorry for yourself. Its a decision u have to make for urself and stick tto it too.

    My heart's with u. I can relate.

  • 10 years ago

    Make the best of your current situation. Sign up for some dating site and take very much your time before committing to an actual meeting to weed out the less serious candidates. Carrying on online relationships is gratifying and will help you build real-life confidence.

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