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US Citizens - what do you believe the government is keeping from us?

Don't throw stones here, because I realize lives were lost on 9/11, but I have done a ton of research on the WTC disaster, and with the help of my brother in law, who works in building demolition, we've concluded that the towers were an inside job... that explosives must have been planted within the building to make it collapse on itself, otherwise, only the top portion of the buildings would be suffered damage. The planes were a rouge. And further more, in our opinion, they were an elaborate, yet inhuman way to enter Iraq - for what - it's precious resources. You guessed it - oil. If this is true, imagine what other cover ups and rouges the government is taunting us with. I've traveled abroad, and let me tell you, most countries hate Americans. To be hated by the world, for something our government (Whom we have almost no control over) is devistating. I don't know if there's anything we can do except spread the message that we are not brainwashed idiots - that we are free thinking, intelligent human beings. What else do you think they're keeping from us? It scares me to think...We the People. More like, We the People in Power.

10 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Conspiracy theories are stupid. I don't think they're hiding much from us. Only top secret terrorist info.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    How could you conclude explosives were planted in the towers? Not a single shred of credible evidence has turned up even suggesting the presence of explosives. Everyone in the demo industry agrees to take down a building like that would require several thousand tons of explosives yet not a shred of physical evidence survived of their presense and not a single explosion can be seen or heard on any of the video taken that day. Nobody can explain how such explosives would have got there un-noticed, how they would have survived the crashes and subsequent fires or how they would have been set off. And certainly nobody can name a single name as to who planted them, how, when or why.

    There are in fact now over 100 papers that have been published in professional physics and engineering journals supporting the natural collapse theory. Papers such as these:

    More importantly, there have been ZERO papers published in professional genuinely peer-reviewed physics and engineering journals supporting the use of explosives. Supporters of such theories prefer to avoid bringing their case in front of professionals who know what they are talking about and instead peddle their tawdry wares to gullible amatuers on the internet and conspiracy nutter conventions.

    Even the building demolition industry, through its trade publication "Implosion World" takes the view the WTC collapses could not have been the result of a controlled demolition.

    A Critical Analysis of the Collapse of WTC Towers 1, 2 & 7 from an Explosives and Conventional Demolition Industry Viewpoint Brent Blanchard

    All of this information is readily available which makes me wonder how much "research" you have really done.

    And of course even if you are still convinced explosives were used in the Twin Towers you still have to tie in the Pentagon attack and Flight 93 to paint a cohesive picture of what happened that day. These are not seperate events, they did not occur in a vacuum. You have to be able to tie these events together and explain:

    o Who did it

    o When

    o What did they do it with

    o Who financed them

    o Who gave the orders, organized the plot

    o How it happened

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Even before 9/11 and before the Neoconservatives came to prominence the party has stated and this has been documented - they said that America needs another Pearl Harbor type disaster so that they can gain public approval of foreign wars in the Middle East, most notably Iraq and Iran.

    I do believe there were cover ups and I do believe our government was somewhat involved. Back under the Kennedy administration a series of false flags known as Operation Northwoods originated in the CIA and the federal government, which even at the time was backed by our highest ranking general - General Lemnitzer.

    Operation Northwoods was going to be government planned terror attacks on US cities, mostly in Florida, and eventually it would spread to other cities. They would guise themselves as Cuban Communist and public approval for another Cuban invasion would be easy to obtain.

    When the documented landed on Kennedy's desk he was disgusted. Executive Order 11110 was the result of this document which would restrict the CIA and ultimately end the fed. 4 months later he was assassinated.

    Coincidences? Really? I mean there are just too many of them and too many things add up for it to be shear coincidence, probability states that all of this was premeditated.

    Source(s): The government made plans to commit terror attacks against us before so I wouldn't put anything past our government.
  • 10 years ago

    Sorry Ahmed, our forensic demolitions investigators spelled it out in black and white after a 4 year study of the tower(s) destruction, it was just what we all observed, 2 hi-jacked aircraft colliding with the structures, absolutely no signs of internal structure demolition.... all info from independent (of government spin) scientific investigators. You claim petroleum crude was the motive? We knew years earlier that your reserves were almost gone (shhh).

    Now…who’s brainwashed?

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    There is no reasoning with you people. Go to the FBI with whatever information that you think you have.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    knowledge is power......if the government shared all their knowledge that would make average joe equal in power to the leaders and they can't have that.....maybe you should find a different hobby

  • Nikki
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    A lot of my money. A lot of jobs. Security & safety.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    You are an idiot. Your brother is even dumber. Truthers are brain damaged conspiracy douche bags.

    Source(s): You need a mental enema.
  • 10 years ago

    Good God you are one sexy smart Lady indeed,,,,,,yes to everything EVERYTHING doc

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    that our president is a kenyan.

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