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AngryOLman asked in PetsDogs · 10 years ago

My crazy Dog question does not like other dogs when she is with me.?

I moved 2 hours away, i get my three year old dog for two weeks per month. She is a mutt part lab, whippet, and bull terrier. When she is with the wife she is fine, she get along with other dogs for the most part. She does not like large dogs, but tolerates them with the wife. when she is at the dog park she does fine, but in a pet store she does not like other animals. Since I moved and the new situation she doe snot like any dogs when she is with me, even small ones. She gets very aggressive. She has not bit yet but her hair is up and she charges bearing teeth. I think since I am the master she does not want any other dog near me. The wife is not she listens to her better but she is used to the wife going to other dogs is an excited Fashion. I have tried everything I can think of but nothing is working. She still obeys all my commands: sit. stay, stop, catch, heal, etc.. I am not sure what else to do any takers.


I thought that I could be transferring fear, but the last two times she act up I was talking with the people walking the dogs in a relaxed manner, and I was playing music talking with the owner of another dog that walked by. She seems to only do this with me, the one whom trainer her. I have her so well trained I walk her without a leash most of the time. It seems to me is, here, where I live now, other than in the old location she is more aggressive, it happens there just not all the time.

3 Answers

  • Magpie
    Lv 5
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You might have the problem we had with a previous dog. He was quite aggressive around other dogs when walking with my husband or I, so we naturally assumed it was protective. However if my mother walked him, she never had any problems (and he was a big strong dog). The issue turned out to be that she never assumed he would attack another dog, and would walk up to them relaxed and confident, this gave him the impressio n everything was OK, we on the other hand worried he would attack, shortened up on the lead and transmitted our "fear" to him - naturally he became more alert and worried! It took a visit from a professional dog behaviourist to sort this out - we needed re-training as well as the dog!

    Your wife is probably less worried than you, and doesn't unwillingly transmit the fear (of the dog being aggressive) to outside sources. If you are really worried try a behaviourist - it really is money well spent, and you can relax on walks and start enjoying them again.

    Good luck.

    Source(s): similar experience.
  • 10 years ago

    From your question it appears that you and your wife have separated. If would also appear that you and your wife have agreed to joint custody of a dog who you both love. Your dog has to spend two hours in the car when she comes to you, this will stress your dog and so will the lack of routine.

    I suspect that when you lived at home that it was your wife who fed and walked her. Now when she comes to stay with her dad, she is confused especially after a two hour drive.

    It is commendable that you have reached an agreement to share her.Loving your dog and wanting to share her is not enough, you must do what is right for the dog. I think that you should bite the bullet and let your dog stay with your wife permanently.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    It is because she "owns you" she is the pack leader, and feels you need protection from other dogs, you should fix this before she gets the idea to hurts any other dog

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