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Tired of brothers crap. owes cash.?
My brother begged for money to keep his place that he was supposed to move to out of state. I loaned him the money with his promise to pay it back. He has not paid one red cent and it is over a year. Bought over 1000 in christmas gifts to other siblings, and family. Thinking of taking him to court for the damage. what are your thoughts? He also owes his daughters, our mother, his father, and a best friend as well.
2 AnswersFriends7 years agoHome loan and I need info?
Just Divorced, a lot of college loans, did quick deed to get name off deed with ex, she should be getting me off the loan, looking to buy a house 50,000 or cheaper. Working full time, two cars.
credit should be high 600s if not 7.
The loan guy is offering a good rate but renews every five years. looks and smells like ARM just not as toxic. I feel I have limited options, could I take this build more credit and refinance in 4-5 years with another bank? What are some options?
4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years agoHow and what gets divided.?
Can college loans get divided in Iowa court when you took classes during marriage on her request?
She wants to split the house bill she wanted but wants to keep all "her" money. She spent all "our" money. I figured if she wants to split we should go the full nine.
2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years agoCar will not run Toyota Echo 2002?
Okay i have nit seen it but my SO said that the car would start but shut down. She waited a day and it run but soon stalled and would not stay running.
she took it to a shop and they checked it out and they do not know what is going on.
1. Fuel Filter ok
2. fuel Pump OK
3. Cam/ timing belt OK
4. Battery Okay
5. Brain Box ok
6. Alternator OK
I asked a few others it seem it may not be electrical because it starts and since it gets started over and over it is burning though spark plugs. I think it could be fuel injectors, or fuel line. If it is shutting off that tells me it is a fuel problem not electrical. Besides everything electrical has been clean through the shops computer. What do you think?
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years agowould you call this grounds for the big D?
My wife hardly answer her phone when I call. She does not pay for the service and has not paid for her own phone I covered all of that. Got her a phone because she said we needed to have more lines of communication. I call her when she i know she is not at work and not sleeping and she said she does not answer in front of company because it is rude. She has one friend. Complains about her family calling when she is trying to sleep and see her answer their calls all the time.
Reason for this rant. she recently called me to tell me her car is not working, I now live in another Town 2 hours away there is not much I can do. She told me the symptoms and I told her what i think it could be, but not certain due to the fact I can not see what it is doing. Told her what I would do she did not like anything I suggested, and it took her a long time to get it back home. we left the conversation when she said she was going to the number of her mother, which lives a stones throw away, number of her Mechanic. Told her to keep me posted.
I made a few call of friends of mine to get their take, some work turning wrenches, they told me what they thought. when I tried to call her back no answer, Text her, even though she hates long texts, she still has not responded. I have called four times and texted once with in the period of 24 hours. Still no call back. I am not surprised she does this all the time but she often tells me to call her because it shows I care, and I have told her many times she never answers or calls back and it aggravates me so that is why i do not bother, and I do not care for her not answering or returning calls.
So my question who would put up with this? Tired of trying to make this thing "work".
2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agoTell me if you think she is cheating.?
Try to keep this short. My wife and I are having problems. First I live in a town 2.5 hours away. Finally found a job I have been looking for for three years. Which she did not like from the start, for the fact the nearest metro areas did not like her work.
I visit two weekends a month, she visits one day a month. When I call she does not answer or return my calls. A person called me looking for her, it was a college. I have texted her once and called her four times in the past two days, no answer no call.
She has told me I can not give her large texts because she does not like texting back because she does not have a texting keyboard to text back. I am the one that pays the phone bill. So you could say I am forbid of any long texts.
She recently wanted me off accounts I have started before we were married because I am having trouble with college loans right now but in the process of correcting.
Almost every visit has some sort of tiff with it. Last time she was mad I was living where I was even though she has talked about coming out to live but her mind changes.
She complains about me not calling but when I do she never answers or returns the call so I stop unless there is a reason because (and I have told her this repeatedly) I do not want or need the aggravation and it shows a lack of respect for me. It been like that for so long she has never gain trust to emergency contact for me.
Also our 8th anniversary was a few weeks ago I gave her something, her mom bought me something and she gave me nothing.
My friends think she is having an affair. I do not think so, but accept it might be a possible. Please let me know you answer and why you think so. Thank You
6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agoMy crazy Dog question does not like other dogs when she is with me.?
I moved 2 hours away, i get my three year old dog for two weeks per month. She is a mutt part lab, whippet, and bull terrier. When she is with the wife she is fine, she get along with other dogs for the most part. She does not like large dogs, but tolerates them with the wife. when she is at the dog park she does fine, but in a pet store she does not like other animals. Since I moved and the new situation she doe snot like any dogs when she is with me, even small ones. She gets very aggressive. She has not bit yet but her hair is up and she charges bearing teeth. I think since I am the master she does not want any other dog near me. The wife is not she listens to her better but she is used to the wife going to other dogs is an excited Fashion. I have tried everything I can think of but nothing is working. She still obeys all my commands: sit. stay, stop, catch, heal, etc.. I am not sure what else to do any takers.
3 AnswersDogs10 years agoPhone and marriage and what should I do?
My wife does not or rarely answers her cell phone which I pay for. I think she wants me to buy her another one. I have bought her three. That last one she has done nothing but complain about it. Now it is so old they do not make batteries for it anymore. The first phone I got her did not have enough options and was not particle because the Photos taken with that phone was lost. The next one I bought cost $200 and was pretty and particle. But once it dies she wanted a new one but she agreed to get the next phone, but I got it. She wanted one with no camera in it because the camera option was functional. Now the one she has is on its last leg, and she does not want to get a new one even though she could get a new one at anytime. She loses it, and I am still frustrated that she will not or does not answer. Because this is a common factor my mother is still my emergency contact. Talking about it has not yielded any results.
3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years agowhat is the best way to cut masonite board?
I need to cut as straight as possible this Masonite board that was once an a door. My 18 volt saw keeps getting stuck and the board wobbles like crazy since I do not have any saw horses. I used a guide so i could cut straight but the wobble factor of the board is making swear to the birds please help.
4 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade agoI feel I am starting to hate the people I live with, and talking about is not working.?
I feel: there is a lot of negativity, along that this person wants me to work an 9-5 job, constantly tells me I need to do more, wants me to quit one of the jobs I love (does not come right out and say it), when i share my points and feeling they aret not valid until other people tell her the same thing. Uses words like obnoxious, inappropriate, ugly, stupid, sarcasm, and words that are not in my apparently limited vocabulary. Most of the time we fight, mainly because i feel i cannot live up to their standards.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agomost of the time I fate my life what can I do?
I love my dog and work but outside of that It seems every little thing just keeps knocking me down
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago