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According to The Book, do Atheists really have invisible horns on their heads?

Chapter and Verse.

I only want SERIOUS answers here. If you aren't SERIOUS you can just click off. I'm SERIOUS.


I'm sorry my darling, but I needed to sacrifice another in order to escape this cess pool! (((((((Regwah))))))

3 Answers

  • Regwah
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hey dear Starjumper.

    It's your fault that I'm stuck here in R&S.

    You did this to me.

    We do have invisible horns, we toot them whenever we can.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    When it says invisible, does that also mean we can't feel them? Because I do get splitting headaches sometimes but I've never been aware of any protrusions.

    Source(s): Serious enough?
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    which book?

    I don't recall reading anything about it in the god delusion...

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