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What is the one main belief of Jehovah's Witnesses that makes them unique?

I think that it is that Christ is God's Son and is second to him.

Please see Matt. 3:17; John 8:42; 14:28; 20:17; 1 Cor. 11:3; 15:28 and Col. 1:15; Rev. 3:14

PLEASE be respectful.

15 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    One belief, and or a Bible truth, is that not all good people will go to heaven.

    What escapes the notice of many who read and love the Bible, is that Jesus Christ was the first person to be resurrected by Jehovah God.

    And after Jesus Christ, only 144,000 will be resurrected to heaven. All other worshipers of Jehovah will live forever in paradise on earth.

    When you ask many people what they think heaven will be like, they often give images of a paradise that resembles the earth.

    Jehovah God will fulfill His will by bringing about a paradise condition to the earth by means of His kingdom; the very Kingdom Jesus Christ preached about; Luke 4:43

  • 10 years ago

    They preach the Kingdom of God door to door. Matthew 24:14

  • Truth
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Also, they don't believe that everyone will go to heaven. The majority of righteous followers of Jehovah and Jesus will live forever in perfection on a restored paradise earth. Also, that there will be a resurrection to life of dead ones who will then have a choice to serve Jehovah or not.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    That belief is not unique to Jehovah's Witnesses. Most non-trinitarian Christian sects (there are dozens, some with many more members than the Witnesses) teach that Jesus is secondary to God.

    The belief that the year 1914 is prophetically important (and Biblical prophesied) is probably the most singular (unique) belief of the Witnesses - particularly in the manner that they consider that year to be important (the arrival of Satan on Earth and the beginning of the rule of Christ).

    Some other beliefs that are **not** unique to Jehovah's Witnesses:

    - Jesus is the archangel Michael - predates the Witnesses by more than a century

    - only 144,000 will enter Heaven - a teaching surprisingly common among many small Christian sects

    - the (Hebrew) name of God is important and should be used to call upon God - common to several small Christian sects


    - Jim,


    - the refusal to take blood transfusions is definitely NOT unique to Witnesses

    - the refusal to engage in violence against humans is definitely NOT unique to Witnesses

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  • 10 years ago

    The ransom of Christ and that the ransom EQUALED the perfect life of Adam.

    Without that understanding, a person does not understand the justice of Jehovah, does not understand the true position of Christ in reference to Jehovah, and does not understand the role Christ plays in each and every person's life, both believers and non-believers.


    I have a college education and hundreds of NON-WITNESS reference books that I use in my studies of the Bible. I share my findings in these reference books at meetings, with other individuals - Witnesses and non-Witnesses, and here on Yahoo Answers.

    Please make sure your statements are correct before making such blanket statements.


    Sarcasm does not sit well as a teaching tool.

    Source(s): One of Jehovah's Witnesses
  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago


    We do not consume blood and make a firm strong stand against blood transfusions and we believe as stated at genisis 9:4, 16 the sacredness of blood.


    We do not got to war and kill others. Isaiah 2:4

    There is many more that place us and only us in the category true christians

  • 10 years ago

    The biggest problem for the Witnesses is interpreting something like: "The Father ALONE is the ONE and ONLY true God". All Trinitarians accept that and many other similar verses since it only refers to the concept of only ONE God. Some Witnesses try to be a little sneaky in trying to make someone think it refers to the 1st Person of the Trinity when those Witnesses very well know this doctrine was not even formulated until the 4th century. Aside from that little trick, some Witnesses insist in interpreting ONE God as meaning one person without realizing that is only a valid academic ASSUMPTION, since the scripture never states verbatim that there is only one person in God. So scripture allows for, at least, the possibility of a multi person God. The Witnesses also try to use all verses that prove that Jesus is human to disprove that Jesus is ALSO God. Trinitarians accept all verses that prove & agree that Jesus is human, but also use scripture to prove that Jesus is ALSO God with two complete natures. So ONE God does not mean one person just as the human Jesus cannot be used to prove that Jesus is not also God as COEQUAL (Son of God) to his Father in Almighty.

  • 10 years ago

    Witnesses are taught that they should only use their own literature to learn about religion. These same articles go on to tell them what a good source it is and how going to meetings is better than a university education (complete with examples they make up)

    Then they come on forums like this and parrot what they've been told and discover that most of what they have been taught isn't special, unique or interesting. The "wicked" people in Satan's world scold them on their ignorance with trivial things like "facts" and "information".

    Then they leave here, and go back to their Kingdom Halls and parrot the information to each other and pat each other on the back for being so smart and informed.


    Angelmusic1914 - Just a heads up, I am still a baptized member of Jehovah's Witnesses in good standing. I hope you were wearing head covering when you typed that up as women are a weaker vessel and Jehovah our God placed me in headship over women.

    Source(s): Hundreds of rate downs from angry JW's
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    What is unique is, they miss the truth that is being taught in Colossians 1:15;

    ''First born'' does not describe Christ as the being created in time, but rather proclaims that

    all things were created by Him and that Christ is before all things

    Source(s): 1Corthians 15:20-28
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    How does that make you unique? I am a baptist and I believe that Jesus Christ is Gods son.

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