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I love reading the Bible, which has lead me to true Christianity as one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • What is the most logical Bible based religion?

    Please add some detail, like the following example.

    Jehovah's Witnesses believe that “all Scripture is inspired of God.” (2 Timothy 3:16)

    Jason D. BeDuhn, an associate professor of religious studies, wrote: “[Jehovah’s Witnesses built] their system of belief and practice from the raw material of the Bible without predetermining what was to be found there.” They align their beliefs with the Bible; they do not interpret it to suit themselves. At the same time, they recognize that not everything in the Bible is to be taken literally. The seven days of creation, for example, are symbolic, referring to extended periods of time.—Genesis 1:31; 2:4.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • If Jesus is God, how can he be a MEDIATOR between GOD and man?

    I Timothy 2:5 "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus".

    Your thoughts please. To me, it seems explicit scriptures show that Jesus was less than Almighty God at every point of his existence (Jn. 14:28; 20:17; Mk.13:32; Rev.3:2,12). Even when Jesus is as high as he will ever get his power is limited, since Jesus will still be "subject" to his God in the same way we are "subject" to him (1Cor.15:27,28).

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Do you know what do Jehovah's Witnesses really believe?

    Many people here on Yahoo! ANSWERS repeat things that are not true. Here are some points according to Jehovah's Witnesses official website, Please read, and your respectful comments are welcome.

    1. The Bible. The Witnesses believe that “all Scripture is inspired of God.” (2 Timothy 3:16) Jason D. BeDuhn, a professor of religious studies, wrote: “Jehovah's Witnesses built their system of belief and practice from the raw material of the Bible without predetermining what was to be found there.” They align their beliefs with the Bible; they do not interpret it to suit themselves. At the same time, they recognize that not everything in the Bible is to be taken literally. The seven days of creation, for example, are symbolic, referring to extended periods of time.—Genesis 1:31; 2:4.

    2. The Creator. The true God has given himself a personal name—Jehovah (or Yahweh, as used in the Roman Catholic Jerusalem Bible and preferred by some modern-day scholars)—that distinguishes him from false gods.* (Psalm 83:18) The Hebrew form of the divine name appears some 7,000 times in the original text of the Scriptures. Stressing the importance of that name, Jesus said in his model prayer: “Hallowed be thy name.” (Matthew 6:9, King James Version) God rightly demands exclusive devotion. Hence, the Witnesses use no icons or images in their worship.—1 John 5:21.

    3. Jesus Christ. He is the Savior, “the Son of God,” and “the firstborn of all creation.” (John 1:34; Colossians 1:15; Acts 5:31) As a created being, he is not part of a Trinity. “The Father is greater than I am,” said Jesus. (John 14:28) Jesus lived in heaven before coming to earth, and after his sacrificial death and resurrection, he returned to heaven. “No one comes to the Father except through [him].”—John 14:6.

    4. God’s Kingdom This is an actual heavenly government with a King—Jesus Christ—and 144,000 corulers, who are “bought from the earth.” (Revelation 5:9, 10; 14:1, 3, 4; Daniel 2:44; 7:13, 14) They will rule over the earth, which will be cleansed of all wickedness and will be inhabited by billions of God-fearing humans.—Proverbs 2:21, 22.

    5. The earth. Ecclesiastes 1:4 states: “The earth endures for ever.” (The New English Bible) After the destruction of the wicked, the earth will be made into a paradise and populated forever by righteous humans. (Psalm 37:10, 11, 29) Jesus’ words in prayer “thy will be done in earth” will thus be fulfilled.—Matthew 6:10, King James Version.

    6. Bible prophecy. “God . . . cannot lie.” (Titus 1:2) Hence, what he foretells always comes true, including the Bible prophecies concerning the end of the present world. (Isaiah 55:11; Matthew 24:3-14) Who will survive the coming destruction? “He that does the will of God remains forever,” says 1 John 2:17.

    7. Secular authorities. “Pay back Caesar’s things to Caesar, but God’s things to God,” said Jesus. (Mark 12:17) Accordingly, Jehovah’s Witnesses obey the laws of the land when these do not conflict with God’s laws.—Acts 5:29; Romans 13:1-3.

    8. Preaching. Jesus foretold: “This good news of the kingdom” will be proclaimed earth wide before the end of the present world. (Matthew 24:14) Jehovah’s Witnesses consider it an honor to share in that lifesaving work. Of course, whether people listen or not is their own choice.

    9. Baptism. Jehovah’s Witnesses baptize only those who, on the basis of a thorough study of the Bible, want to serve God as one of his Witnesses. (Hebrews 12:1) These symbolize their personal dedication to God by water immersion.—Matthew 3:13, 16; 28:19.

    10. The clergy-laity distinction “All you are brothers,” said Jesus to his followers. (Matthew 23:8) The early Christians, including the Bible writers, had no clergy class. This Biblical pattern is the one that Jehovah’s Witnesses follow.

    What are you thoughts?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Muslims, do you accept the 10 Commandments?

    Just curious, and wanted to know y'alls thoughts.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Is the scriptural hell simply the grave?

    Your thought please. Also, please consider the following scriptures.

    “The soul that is sinning—it itself will die.” (Ezekiel 18:4) The dead “are conscious of nothing at all.” (Ecclesiastes 9:5) If the soul dies and is unconscious, how could it suffer “eternal fire” or even the pain of everlasting separation from God?

    In seems to me that in the Bible, the Hebrew and Greek words often translated “hell” simply refer to the common grave of mankind. For example, when Job suffered a painful illness, he prayed: “I wish you would hide me in my grave [“in hell,” Douay-Rheims Version].” (Job 14:13, Holy Bible—Easy-to-Read Version) Job wanted to rest, not in a place of torment, but in the grave.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Does the Bible say God controls this world?

    Most of you will probably say yes but consider:

    Jesus identified Satan as the evil mastermind behind the corrupt world we live in. He called him “the ruler of this world.” (John 12:31; 16:11) “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one,” wrote the apostle John. (1 John 5:19) Satan effectively uses “the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one’s means of life” in “misleading the entire inhabited earth.” (1 John 2:16; Revelation 12:9) He is the one whom mankind in general is leading- unknowingly.

    What are your thoughts?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Do Jehovah's Witnesses believe that they are the only ones who will be saved?

    Many here say that Witnesses are self righteous, but consider this from their official website:

    Do Jehovah's Witnesses believe that they are the only ones who will be saved?


    1. Millions that have lived in centuries past and who were not Jehovah's Witnesses will come back in a resurrection and have an opportunity for life.

    2.Many now living may yet take a stand for truth and righteousness before the "great tribulation," and they will gain salvation.

    3. Jesus said that we should not be judging one another. We look at the outward appearance; God looks at the heart. He sees accurately and judges mercifully. He has committed judgment into Jesus' hands, not ours.—Matthew 7:1-5; 24:21; 25:31.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Your thoughts on the study that shows that Jehovah's Witnesses are not at risk for refusing blood..?

    No Health Risk When Jehovah's Witnesses Refuse Blood: MEDICAL STUDY

    MONDAY, July 2 (HealthDay News) -- Jehovah's Witnesses routinely refuse blood transfusions, and new research suggests the religious custom has some benefits, at least when it comes to heart surgery.

    The study of cardiac surgery patients found that the risk of dying was similar among 322 members of the Jehovah's Witness religion, who did not receive blood transfusions, and 322 patients who did get transfusions.

    Moreover, the Jehovah's Witness patients had lower risks of additional surgeries, heart attack, kidney failure and blood infection than the others, according to the report published online July 2 in Archives of Internal Medicine.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Can you believe in both evolution and Christianity?

    I think not, believing that “Christ died for our sins”, which is one of the basic teachings of Christianity. (1 Corinthians 15:3, 22; 1 Peter 3:18) By laying down his life, Jesus paid the price for the sin that we inherited from Adam. Thus, all who exercise faith in Jesus and obey him will receive what Adam forfeited—the prospect of everlasting life.—John 3:16; Romans 6:23.

    For more information:

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Fellow JWs what do you think about the upcoming changes to our magazines?

    The magazines will be half the size, and more emphasis on using the Internet.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why do true Christians not celebrate Easter?

    I think it boils down to this-What do eggs and rabbits have to do with Jesus?

    “There is no indication of the observance of the Easter festival in the New Testament,” states The Encyclopædia Britannica. So, how did Easter get started? It is rooted in pagan worship. While this holiday is supposed to commemorate Jesus’ resurrection, the customs associated with the Easter season are not Christian. For instance, concerning the popular “Easter bunny,” The Catholic Encyclopedia says: “The rabbit is a pagan symbol and has always been an emblem of fertility.”; the egg is obviously a symbol of fertility worship also.

    You respectful comments please.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Could the genetic code be a product of blind chance?

    I do not think so.

    Recent findings of two British scientists confirm that the genetic code is not simply the product of random chance. "Their analysis has shown [the genetic code] to be among the best of more than a billion billion possible codes," notes New Scientist magazine. Of the roughly 1020 (1 followed by 20 zeros) possible genetic codes, only one was selected early in the history of life. Why this specific one? Because it minimizes errors made during the protein-making process or errors caused by genetic mutations. In other words, the specific code guarantees that laws of heredity are strictly followed. Although some ascribe the selection of this genetic code to "strong selective pressures," the two researchers have concluded that "it is extremely unlikely that such an efficient code arose by chance."

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is Christmas a hoax, since it is not really Christian?

    No, Jesus is not the "Reason for the Season".

    The December 25th birthday of the sun god is a common motif globally, dating back thousands of years as reflected in winter solstices artfully recorded in caves. Nearly all nations commemorated the birth of the god Sol to the "Queen of Heaven" and "Celestial Virgin." The winter solstice was celebrated in countless places, including China and Persia, the latter regarding the solar Lord and Savior Mithra's birth. In Rome, a great festival called "Saturnalia" was celebrated from December 1st to the 23rd. The winter solstice festival in Egypt included the babe in a manger brought out of the sanctuary.

    Regarding the date of the "Christmas Feast," the Catholic Encyclopedia ("Christmas") remarks: The well-known solar feast...of Natalis Invicti, celebrated on 25 December, has a strong claim on the responsibility for our December date....

    The earliest rapprochement of the births of Christ and the sun is in Cypr., "De pasch. Comp.", xix, "...O, how wonderfully acted Providence that on that day on which that Sun was born...Christ should be born." In the fourth century, Chrysostom, "del Solst. Et Æquin." (II, p. 118, ed. 1588), says: "...But Our Lord, too, is born in the month of December...the eight before the calends of January [25 December]... But they call it the 'Birthday of the Unconquered'. Who indeed is so unconquered as Our Lord...? Or, if they say that it is the birthday of the Sun, He is the Sun of Justice." Already Tertullian (Apol., 16; cf. Ad. Nat., I, 13; Orig. c. Cels., VIII, 67, etc) had to assert that Sol was not the Christians' God; Augustine (Tract xxxiv, in Joan. In P. L., XXXV, 1652) denounces the heretical indentification of Christ with Sol. Pope Leo I (Serm. xxxvii in nat. dom., VII, 4; xxii, II, 6 in P. L., LIV, 218 and 198) .

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What is the one main belief of Jehovah's Witnesses that makes them unique?

    I think that it is that Christ is God's Son and is second to him.

    Please see Matt. 3:17; John 8:42; 14:28; 20:17; 1 Cor. 11:3; 15:28 and Col. 1:15; Rev. 3:14

    PLEASE be respectful.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago