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Do you know what do Jehovah's Witnesses really believe?

Many people here on Yahoo! ANSWERS repeat things that are not true. Here are some points according to Jehovah's Witnesses official website, Please read, and your respectful comments are welcome.

1. The Bible. The Witnesses believe that “all Scripture is inspired of God.” (2 Timothy 3:16) Jason D. BeDuhn, a professor of religious studies, wrote: “Jehovah's Witnesses built their system of belief and practice from the raw material of the Bible without predetermining what was to be found there.” They align their beliefs with the Bible; they do not interpret it to suit themselves. At the same time, they recognize that not everything in the Bible is to be taken literally. The seven days of creation, for example, are symbolic, referring to extended periods of time.—Genesis 1:31; 2:4.

2. The Creator. The true God has given himself a personal name—Jehovah (or Yahweh, as used in the Roman Catholic Jerusalem Bible and preferred by some modern-day scholars)—that distinguishes him from false gods.* (Psalm 83:18) The Hebrew form of the divine name appears some 7,000 times in the original text of the Scriptures. Stressing the importance of that name, Jesus said in his model prayer: “Hallowed be thy name.” (Matthew 6:9, King James Version) God rightly demands exclusive devotion. Hence, the Witnesses use no icons or images in their worship.—1 John 5:21.

3. Jesus Christ. He is the Savior, “the Son of God,” and “the firstborn of all creation.” (John 1:34; Colossians 1:15; Acts 5:31) As a created being, he is not part of a Trinity. “The Father is greater than I am,” said Jesus. (John 14:28) Jesus lived in heaven before coming to earth, and after his sacrificial death and resurrection, he returned to heaven. “No one comes to the Father except through [him].”—John 14:6.

4. God’s Kingdom This is an actual heavenly government with a King—Jesus Christ—and 144,000 corulers, who are “bought from the earth.” (Revelation 5:9, 10; 14:1, 3, 4; Daniel 2:44; 7:13, 14) They will rule over the earth, which will be cleansed of all wickedness and will be inhabited by billions of God-fearing humans.—Proverbs 2:21, 22.

5. The earth. Ecclesiastes 1:4 states: “The earth endures for ever.” (The New English Bible) After the destruction of the wicked, the earth will be made into a paradise and populated forever by righteous humans. (Psalm 37:10, 11, 29) Jesus’ words in prayer “thy will be done in earth” will thus be fulfilled.—Matthew 6:10, King James Version.

6. Bible prophecy. “God . . . cannot lie.” (Titus 1:2) Hence, what he foretells always comes true, including the Bible prophecies concerning the end of the present world. (Isaiah 55:11; Matthew 24:3-14) Who will survive the coming destruction? “He that does the will of God remains forever,” says 1 John 2:17.

7. Secular authorities. “Pay back Caesar’s things to Caesar, but God’s things to God,” said Jesus. (Mark 12:17) Accordingly, Jehovah’s Witnesses obey the laws of the land when these do not conflict with God’s laws.—Acts 5:29; Romans 13:1-3.

8. Preaching. Jesus foretold: “This good news of the kingdom” will be proclaimed earth wide before the end of the present world. (Matthew 24:14) Jehovah’s Witnesses consider it an honor to share in that lifesaving work. Of course, whether people listen or not is their own choice.

9. Baptism. Jehovah’s Witnesses baptize only those who, on the basis of a thorough study of the Bible, want to serve God as one of his Witnesses. (Hebrews 12:1) These symbolize their personal dedication to God by water immersion.—Matthew 3:13, 16; 28:19.

10. The clergy-laity distinction “All you are brothers,” said Jesus to his followers. (Matthew 23:8) The early Christians, including the Bible writers, had no clergy class. This Biblical pattern is the one that Jehovah’s Witnesses follow.

What are you thoughts?

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is always good when people go to the source for correct information. Many on this site spread misinformation and it is good to show what we truthfully believe.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    @# 1.,,,It this Defending the Scripture or the Watchtower?

    Dr. BeDuhn's quote is actually differentiating between the Protestant Reformation and how they approached the Bible and made their doctrines and the way Jehovah's Witnesses approached the Bible to make their doctrines when each of these first started. Out of all the quotes that I have found this one is the most misleading. Dr. BeDuhn is not referring to the modern-day Jehovah's Witness approach to the Bible but the approach we took in the 1880's and 1890's.

    The actual quote is this:

    "Protestant forms of Christianity, following the motto of sola scriptura, insist that all legitimate Christian beliefs (and practices) must be found in, or at least based on, the Bible. That's a very clear and admirable principle. The problem is that Protestant Christianity was not born in a historical vacuum, and does not go back directly to the time that the Bible was written...For the doctrines that Protestantism inherited to be considered true, they had to be found in the Bible. And precisely because they were considered true already, there was and is tremendous pressure to read those truths back into the Bible, whether or not they are actually there."

    On the other hand, contrasting the Protestant approach to the Bible with that of Jehovah's Witnesses, Dr. BeDuhn writes this:

    "This movement has, unlike the Protestant Reformation, really sought to re-invent Christianity from scratch. Whether you regard that as a good or a bad thing, you can probably understand that it resulted in the Jehovah's Witnesses approaching the Bible with a kind of innocence, and building their system of belief and practice from the raw material of the Bible without predetermining what was to be found there.-Truth in Translation by Dr. Jason BeDuhn, ch. 13, pg. 163-165

    MY VERDICT this is an MISQUOTE and MISLEADING... Shame Shame Shame...

    @#2 No factual evidence ( ie original text of the Scriptures have not been discover yet) to support this statement... there are factual evidence that jehovah appear in 1270CE and it was a blunder mistake:

    The Jehovah's Witness' own Aid to Bible Understanding says, "The first recorded use of this form [Jehovah] dates from the 13th century C.E. [after Messiah]. Raymundus Martini, a Spanish monk of the Dominican order, used it in his book Pugeo Fidei of the year 1270. Hebrew scholars generally favor ‘Yahweh’ as the most likely pronunciation" (pp. 884-885).

    Steven T. Byington, The Bible in Living English published by the Jehovah's Witnesses Watchtower Bible & Tract Society in the preface states that the pronunciation Jehovah is "A BLUNDER".

    "As to the Old Testament name of God, certainly the spelling and pronunciation "Jehovah" were originally a blunder." - The Bible in Living English

    @ #3 Another Misleading Misquote if you look in the bible as shown in numerous passages that teach that God, the Father, God, the Son, and God, the Holy Spirit are distinct persons and yet each hold the attributes of deity , The teaching that God Is Triune is found in the Bible;_ylt=Ag...

    @ # 4 Defied their own doctrinal and it self are an error of

    @ # 5 are a Neo-Sadduceeism which are comdened in the bible

    @# 6 Lol...

    @ # 7 there are more evidence that Jehovah’s Witnesses does not obey and even defied the laws of the land when these do not conflict with God’s laws eg in Australia alone had document 14,000 serious criminal breaches of mandatory child protection laws ..

    @ # 8 FACT Jesus never said about any invisible return which is “This good news of the kingdom” taught by JW

    @ # 9

    @# 10 This claim fly in the face because their 144 000 doctrine clearly state 144,000 corulers and high priest..

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    My understanding of what JW's believe, is that Jesus Christ is a created being, some even say that he is Michael the angel. This is not the gospel message, and it is what makes JW a cult.

  • Mimi
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    You forgot to list the most contentious doctrines.

    -JWs would rather let their child die rather than accept a lifesaving blood transfusion because they believe that accepting a blood transfusion is 'eating blood'

    -JWs shun to the extreme, anyone who leaves the group , including family members ...anyone who disagrees with the Watchtower.

    -Jesus is a created angel, Archangel Michael

    -Watchtower leaders were appointed God's sole spokesman in 1919 and JWs' relationship with God depends on obeying the Governing Body .WT 7/15/ 13

    -Jesus is not your mediator ...he's mediator for only 144000 persons

    The list is long .....

    Can you honestly say that JWs do not believe all the above ?

  • 7 years ago

    But then there is the 'hell' thing which they completely deny and change around the words to suit their own ideals -

    Sorry, I believe God and Christ over any man or any man's doctrines.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    my, how you do go on! I work with a JW minister who's quick to tell new bosses he's a JW minister to engender automatic acceptance of him as a good honest person, that way they don't pay attention to his lying, cheating, and stealing.

    Religion is self-serving.

  • 7 years ago

    RAMPANT error in your "question."

  • 7 years ago

    It's not what they pretend to believe, it's what they do. They have shunned Christ and don't even know it.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Nobody is going to read through all of that.

    Religion of all variety is total nonsense.

    Source(s): Adorable Atheist :)
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    my mom had to kick the local jehovas witness out of the house when her mentally retarded adult son farted on her nice couch......

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