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Japanese Car Model Names?

What is it with Japan car manufacturers giving their models such weird, odd-sounding names?

Previa, Tundra, Maxima, Camry, Repulsa, Corollary, Denouncer, Abhorra, Bozo, Crappa, Accord, XTerra, Extravaganza, Mood-Swinger, ad nauseum? Don't their North American affiliates such as Nissan USA intercede and suggest better choices?

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    Don't forget the old Bongo van. Excellent little vehicle.

    While we're at it, let's not forget the Plymouth Swinger, nor the Dodge Duster. The Ford Maverick Grabber and the AMC SC/Rambler. Yes, like the amusement park ride.

    You might wonder why anyone would call their truck a Bronco. A brief trip in one will convince you the name is perfect.

    You only think the names are odd because of your cultural influences. If you can set your preconceived notions aside for a few minutes, think about what's in a name. Chinese buyers might marvel at why anyone would ever purchase something called a "Boo-ick," and yet it's a very popular marque over there.

    When you get right down to it, your name is only a sound. It only means something because the culture you grew up in says it does.

  • gramps
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    And what about the "hundai?"

    I never could pronounce the name of that fool model.

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