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Calling all atheists, give me your opinion about this?

So, isn't it just as, or even more plausible to believe that an all powerful being created himself, rather than a bunch of rocks and gases creating themselves. Because at least with an all powerful being, there is a design in the planet Earth perfect for humans to live on, rather than rocks and gases made from nothing colliding and creating a perfect environment for people to live on, or any other living thing. Would you guys believe that an F-16 was created by a tornado blowing through a junkyard and somehow assembling the perfect amount of parts to create one? Because apparently you wouldn't. Any way you think about it, something had to be created out of nothing, so why not God?

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just because science doesn't have all the answers doesn't mean there aren't answers to be found...why replace hope and advancement of tangible science with a belief in God. All the theories about how earth or the universe were created are just that, theories. I believe that a scientific explantation for these theories will eventually be found (not in my lifetime), you believe God is the explanation. Should we just stop all scientific research and leave it up to God? I'm sure you would say no, because without research and advancement in sciene you probably wouldn't be alive.

  • Ray J
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Would you guys believe that an F-16 was created by a tornado blowing through a junkyard and somehow assembling the perfect amount of parts to create one?

    F-16? No

    747? Certainly*

    Source(s): * This answer brought to you by the letter H, the number 7 and sarcasm.
  • 9 years ago

    The Earth is not a perfect environment for people to live on: tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc. There is no reason to assume nothing ever existed - you're just guessing. The problem with 'god' is that it doesn't explain anything. It doesn't tell us anything. It's not an answer. Quantum mechanics, the big bang, evolution, theories of the formation of stars and planets - those are explanations. They answer our questions. And the answers they give make it perfectly plausible for everything natural to have occurred by natural (non-godly) means.

    Why not god? There is no proof.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Science explains the big bang was not from nothing but from a singularity that was all the matter and energy in the universe compressed into a single point that then expanded rapidly!

    So in answer to your question it was always here!

    But why are BAD christians always claiming the big bang came from nothing? Are they that ignorant? Did they sleep through school or is it that they know the truth but think they can twist it because everyone is gullible?!

    Sadly BAD christian that post like you provoke the requirement to explain that how god made everything out of the nothing that you laugh at!

    The Pope, Catholic Church, Church of England and mainstream churches all accept the big bang and evolution!

    Lord Carey the former Archbishop of Canterbury put it rather well – “Creationism is the fruit of a fundamentalist approach to scripture, ignoring scholarship and critical learning, and confusing different understandings of truth”!

    Nice that christians and atheists can agree and laugh together even if it is at fundie expense!

    But behind the laughter is the despair at the fundamentalists striving so hard to destroy christianity by turning it from a religion to an ideology!

    Surveys suggest that 29% of American christians are so extremist in their beliefs that they fall well outside of the accepted bounds of christianity!

    Surely you are just another fundamentalist striving so hard to destroy christianity by turning it from a religion to an ideology!

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Just because you don't know how everything got started doesn't mean the only alternative is a pie in the sky idea of some deity in the heavens creating humans so he can damn the majority of them.

    Also, the explanations of a happenstance-universe are a bit more sophisticated than "a bunch of rocks and gases creating themselves." You need to do a bit more research.

  • 9 years ago

    Proposing that a being created itself doesn't at all make sense - what was the being before it performed this act? Earth is "perfect" - meaning suitable - for humans for the simple reason that it is perfect for all living things that exist (and existed) upon it - they evolved to best suit the environment - as it changed according to the laws of nature, so did the organisms, over hundreds, thousands, and millions of years. Objects made by humans cannot create themselves, but we have evolved the intelligence to create them in a much shorter time than the processes of natural evolution. Our explanations for natural phenomena are called scientific theories, and they evolve as new evidence and understanding come to light. For example, evolution is a fact accepted by the vast majority of humanity and the vast majority of intelligent religious leaders, because of the steadily increasing wealth of evidence to support it. The Theory of Evolution is the explanation for how it happens; it is less complete than some other scientific theories, but as time goes on and modifications to it are made, it makes more and more sense to those with an adequate education in science and mathematics.

    Source(s): Retired science teacher
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    it takes a certain amount of enlightenment to see things correctly. I know that must sound arrogant, but I dont mean it to be.

    Once you understand how you're looking at things in the wrong light, everything becomes much more clear (and interesting)

    For example: you say things just happen to be perfect for us here on earth. Well, if the earth would've developed with a runaway greenhouse effect like Venus, we wouldn't be here. But whose to say life couldn't exist on a planet like Venus? (although it probably doesn't. But...) It's only our preconceived notions that limits us.

    I urge you to research (from multiple sources) all your questions about life, biology, whatever. The answers are fascinating...

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I don't know what started the universe. However, whatever it was, there's no good reason for me to attach powers, intelligence, and feelings to it.

    Also, you have a lot to learn. The Earth is not perfect for us to live on. Most of the planet can actually kill us.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I don't know why you think atheists believe rocks created themselves. I certainly don't believe that. (Basic geology)

    And the question is "why god?", not "why not god?". The burden is on those who wish to put a theory forward as being true. If you wish to advance your god idea, produce some evidence in support of it.


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Its funny how there isn't much left to associate with your God. Everything used to have a 'god' that did it, but as we learned we knew better. Future generations will look back at you like uneducated savages.

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