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If Ron Paul were elected President?

If Ron Paul were elected President would tin foil hats become the rage in this country?

9 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I Love Ron Paul.

    It might become the rage.. but you know the styles are always changing!! Tin-Foil is a very versatile material. We could all bend our hats into different shapes and it would be so much fun to compare.. some people are very creative with tin-foil. Its Awesome!

  • 10 years ago

    There's nothing about Ron Paul that says "tin foil hat" whatsoever. He needs support. JFK got killed for what he's trying to do. (Take the money printing power away from the Federal Reserve) He supports sound money in the form of competing currencies. Like legalizing Gold and Silver as money again, so if people choose to, they can use it instead of the worthless paper that Bernanke is printing into oblivion. He's the only one who has a 30 + year record of consistancy, and predicted the housing bubble and economic collapse. He's not a Neo-con war monger type that hijacked the Repub party after 911. He's an old school republican who want's small govt and for the country to follow the Constitution. Remember that document? While others are cheating on their wives, he has a family cook book. You have to ask yourself what principles do you want in a President. The main stream media has gone out of it's way to label hime a "kook" because he is a direct threat to the miliary industrial complex companies who reap huge profits from the war machine. These same companies also finance all the main stream CBS, FOX, MSNBC, ABC, NBC ect ect, networks. They are deathly scared of him, because he has proven that he cannot be bought and paid for by lobbyists. I used to watch the MSM and thought he was a kook, and was an Obama "hope and change" supporter yadayada. Now I woke up, and fully support RP and even donate to his campaign. RP gets NOTHING from the banks, while Goldman Sachs was the largest contributer to Obama as well as Mcain. This is literally a good vs evil thing and evil banks are prevailing. Just look around you. They neo-cons on thrusday passed the National Defense Authorization Act which allows the US military to detain American Citizens indefinitly if they suspect they are terrorist sympathizers. Or other "beligerant" acts. So how do they determine what a "beligerant" act is? The wording is so vague, they could decide to throw you in prison without rights, or a trial, FOREVER if they decide they don't like what you say! RP warned against this and his son Rand Paul challenged them to be more specific about which Americans can be detained, and they shot him down! This type of S**T is EXACTLY what Hitler did in Nazi Germany. Everything he did was LEGAL, because they passed the laws before hand. Same thing they are doing now here. The Congress who is bought and paid for by the banks, KNOW that the S is going to hit the fan soon, and they are rushing in these new laws so they can keep their thumb on the population. It's not really about terrorism as it is for the bankers to maintain control. You just have to see the bigger picture.

  • 5 years ago

    i think he ought to run returned in 2012. This guy is above something, and intimidates the prestige quo. His e book rather is a revolution. This guy has techniques that it very almost feels like gets swept under the rug. This usa has veered so a techniques ffom being any sort of functionality style. we are attempting to pimp our way into an empire. i take advantage of the be conscious pimp via fact we haven't any money so we use our rep and swag to get some. whilst it comes all the way down to it you could;t outrun a bullet, nor debt. we won't police the international, via fact we won't take care of to pay for our very own way of existence. we are broke united states of america! Wake the F*ck up!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    He will (insha'allah) but let me guess, you were probably one of those people who thought the Gulf of Tonkin incident was real, weren't you? Hahaha. Some Americans never cease to amaze. You'd rather be one of those blind sheep who is told what to believe, and you just straight believe it. A population of sheep draws a government of wolves. (& people wonder why the condition of this country is getting worse. Imagine that!) So, when are you going to grow up and learn from history? Are you ready to be an adult now? Judging from this question, guess not.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    You should actually research him first. Since Cain dropped out, I jumped ship. Paul is actually 3rd nationally. In the top tier in all the early states. Has the donations to see it through.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    No but simple minds like yourself would probably explode with the immense amount of knowledge coming at once that you have failed to acquire on your own throughout your lifetime on this planet.

  • ron e
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    No, because he would remove government expenditures to the aluminum companies. None of us could afford aluminum after that.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    if he were president,be very afraid.

  • 10 years ago


    ★ ☆ ★ ☆ RON PAUL 4 PRESIDENT 2012 ☆ ★ ☆ ★


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