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Mark M
Lv 6
Mark M asked in SportsOutdoor RecreationCamping · 10 years ago

For all you folks planning to "survive" in the woods forever...?

If you're living in a tent, where will Santa land his sleigh if you have no roof

How will Santa deliver your presents if you have no chimney?

Where will you hang your stockings?

Will setting out a plate of cookies in your tent attract bears?

Considering the cold temperature, will you purposefully be "bad" so that Santa leaves you a lump of coal?

Do you think Santa would get mad if you took one of his reindeer for food?

and finally

What's the best knife for skinning and butchering a 200 pound reindeer.

8 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    He may do an airdrop over your campsite, since he can't land.

    You'd hang your stockings on your drying rack that's next to the fire.

    You could set out a plate with a note on it saying that the cookies and evaporated milk are in the bear bag that's hanging 25ft above ground. Then wish him luck trying to get to it.

    I wouldn't be bad, I'd want him to come so I've got company and someone to enjoy a cup of coffee by the campfire with. I'd burn the boxes he brings my presents in.

    I think he could care less about Rudolph, though a reindeer with a glowing red nose may have radiation poison, and I'd probably go for Dasher. I hear he's getting old!

    As for skinning it, ask Santa for a Buck Hoodlum and when he gives it to you, go ahead and kill Dasher. Then you can have deer jerky for a long time and go ahead and make an event of it and make enough food for Santa too. I'm sure he'd appreciate it!

    Finally, I wish I could "thumbs up" your question. That was great!

  • chris
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Well the roof is toast I guess, but since he needs a fire place I would guess he goes to the camp fire, and raids the bear canister for the cookies.

    I'll hang my stockings on my adjustable hiking poles that someone paid a fortune for and donated to goodwill and I bought for 2 dollars.

    Being bad? define bad or good first...

    Well reindeer venison is tasty but in most places the hunting seasons are over by christmas. (see bad)

    The Best knife? A leatherman of course, and or a swiss army or the Grillis machete

  • 10 years ago

    After the sleigh crash lands onto the tent, none of the other issues are relevant. Reindeer, being opportunistic omnivores, will eat the remains.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Santa has his own mysterious ways of getting around these things. By the way, that's Mr. Claus to you.

    Source(s): Life
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    As a forest hermit the worship of materialism that is Christmas is the antithesis of my existence

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I will be surrounded by Christmas trees and mistletoe . As far as his rain deer, I think he has it in for one or two of them anyway.

    Source(s): I hear things.
  • 10 years ago

    Damn, dude, what a question! You must be bored out of your stockinged feet, what?

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    sorry buddy but santa ain't real

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