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I sprained my ankle in volleyball! Please read details!?

Okay so last Sunday at my first volleyball conditioning for club I accidentally rolled my ankle and sprained it. I know it is not hurt too bad, it is a grade one sprain. So I can walk on it but it is still sore. I was wondering when you think it would be safe to return to volleyball! I already asked my coach and she said not until around Christmas. She doesn't want me to come back too soon so I do not injure it again! So when can I return to volleyball? Also what exercises can I do at home to make sure I will not be too far behind with my conditioning! Thanks! I will be picking a best answer!

11 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Grade one ankle sprains aren't that bad, but playing on it right away is actually a bad idea because you could possibly damage the tissue even worse, however it shouldn't take more than a week or so with a grade 1. Really, you use pain and swelling as a guide. The first thing you need to do is reduce the swelling. RICE - Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. Sounds like you've been resting it. Ice if for about 15-20 minutes every hour or two. You can use a compression (ACE) wrap if the swelling is bad, but it shouldn't be with a grade 1, make sure you start at the toes and wrap it up towards your knee, overlapping by about half, to push the swelling up, don't want your toes getting swollen. Also keep it elevated when icing, gravity pushing fluids and swelling back down to your ankle.

    As far as exercising, you could do ankle pumps, spelling the alphabet with your ankle, toes raises. Once swelling goes down and those exercises aren't painful, start with light jogging and see how that feels, try side to side motions at half speed and see how stable it feels. Once your pain is gone and it feels strong and you can do sprints and jumps and other motions without getting sore the next day, you should be good. Definitely buy and ankle brace, I think they're around $30, that should help prevent it from happening again.

    Source(s): Myself
  • madi
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    During my season, I got a grade two sprain and I came back within 1 week, because I thought that I would be okay, but I really messed up my ankle now, so be careful! Most trainers have you do a test where you have to be able to jog for 5 minutes and jump for 30 seconds pain free before you can play. While waiting for it to heal, you should ice it, elevate it, and do ankle exercises such as writing the alphabet with your toes or stretching it, and continue walking. Unfortunately, once you have sprained it, you should always wear an ankle brace during physical activity form now on. Good luck!

  • 9 years ago

    Most club practices get serious in January. I think that you should skip volleyball practice until then, or at least until the swelling subsides. You should work on ankle mobility until then. Practice writing the alphabet with your toes.

    While your ankle is swollen, continue to ice it regularly and take anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen.

    When you go back to play, wear an ankle brace. Your ankle will still be healing and it needs the extra support.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I have had the same thing. My doctor said I should give it a week and ice it every night but then I went to a physical therapist and she told me I could play right away but she said to get a lace up brace and ice it every night. Do NOT be planted then start running right away and jumping on it, it will just damage your ankle more! She also told me to get 2 buckets, one with hot water and one with cold and put your ankle in the cold one for 3 minutes and then in the hot for 3 minutes and then keep doing that until you have put your ankle in each 3 times. You need to end in the hot! Exercises to do would be out both hands on a wall and but your feet flat behind you and raise up on your bad ankle. Another one would be walk on your heels and your toes. That is all! Hope your ankle feels better! ;)

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I badly sprained my ankle about 3 weeks ago. I was in a hurry going down the stairs, lost my balance and landed on a bad side of my left foot, causing my left ankle to be stretched going on the inside. The first 48 hours were excruciating and the pain was un-believable. I've never had a serious ankle injury before.

    So I immediately treated it using the RICE method. The following day, the bruising and swelling were so horrible. I found out that I got a second degree sprain and immediately panicked after that. I had a football game on that week and it been looking forward to it because I've been training for rt. I had teammates that had similar injuries and it took them months to fully recover, some of them stopped playing altogether. So I kinda had a short-term depression because I can't imagine myself not being able to run and play sports anymore.

    Because I was so desperate to recover again, I contacted a lot of people that I know who do sports and asked them if they had similar injuries. One friend of mine, from the boy's football team in my university, told me about H.E.M. Ankle Rehab. I got a copy 4 days after I got injured. I immediately read and followed what was instructed and felt improvement on the first day. I was able to walk a bit, but I was in pain.

    A couple of days after that, the swelling and bruising were subsid-ing significantly and on the fourth day, I was walking comfortably again. Although I've had felt a bit of stiffness, I continued doing what was instructed. My sister was surprised that I have recovered this fast. I told her about this book and was shocked on how effective the procedures were. I'm just so happy that this book was shared to me and how effective it is.

    Heal your ankle fully & fast?

  • 9 years ago

    I run and I have a friend who also runs. She always injures herself, and she has sprained her ankle at least once. Put ice on it at least once every day. Also, I don't know about "ankle excersises", but maybe you could use a brace, like a cloth-like one. She also got a shin-splint running and used a brace. It looked like a big, stretchy bandage. But you might not be able to use one on a sprained ankle. Do you have any tips on how to NOT be afraid of volleyballs??? We are playing it in gym and because I duck instead of play, I have a 69% rite now. Please help! Hope this helped you, by the way.

  • 5 years ago

    If you're a basketball playerand you want your game to be much more rounded then you need to leap larger, really jump larger with 9 to 15 inches with assistance from the program , the Vert Shock program.

    There are many basketball participants available who share the exact same purpose and want to improve their straight jump enough to eventually have the ability to dunk and you can certainly do that in just 8 week with the Vert Shock program.

    The exercises do not need any heavy weight-lifting and all of the education consists of weight exercises, jumps, and sprints, periodically you'll make use of a basketball and your entire progress is going to be obtainable in the work out blankets as possible take out with you in your cellular or pill, or you are able to just download the PDF's and printing them from paper.

    With Vert Shock the dunk just look easy.

  • Dennis
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Most trainers, coaches, and experienced players recommend playing on it right away. Most believe it will take a much longer time to get it healthy if you don't do anything with it. Staying off it is probably one of the worst things you could do.

    Do some mobility drills to help improve lost mobility.

    Do stability exercises to increase stability.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Double Your Vertical Jump
  • Austin
    Lv 4
    4 years ago


    Source(s): PE Successful Treatment
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