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Why do you feel the need to "supernaturalize" the human experience?

Life is cyclical. Death for one thing means life for another. We are all food.

If you are religious, why do you feel the need to act as though we are somehow above nature and exempt from its laws? What makes you think you're so special that you are part of some deity's special plan or that you're loved by some deity or that some aspect of you will live forever? Why is the natural human experience not good enough for you?


Dean, how quaint of you to presume I don't understand Christianity. I understand it very well from years of studying it from the inside and then the out. You obviously don't respect my atheism because you presume I just haven't thought about things your way and yet I have.

Your second paragraph only affirms the language in my question which you objected to in your first paragraph. "Christians experience all those things and more" Yes, exactly.. why is more required when there is no evidence whatsoever for that 'more.' "For me this feeling is what makes it so special." Exactly. You feel you are special. You're not. Why do you need to feel special?

"the 'natural human experience' is, in fact religious" This is pure drivel. You're not talking about the human experience you're talking about the agricultural civilization that came out of the Middle East which is what is described in the Bible throughout the OT

6 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The reality of consciousness is proof of a metaphysical reality. It's not "supernatural," it's just a fact. It is outside the physical universe, so I suppose you could call it supernatural if you incorrectly believe that reality stops at the bounds of a physical universe (even though your own consciousness proves that it does not).

  • 9 years ago

    You state these things as if you understand what Christianity is all about and yet if you are not a Christian than you will not understand it and should not attempt to simplify it in such as manner as to make it sound stupid. I respect your atheism and will say no ill word about it. If you wish to open a non emotional debate then you need to show respect to those you wish to receive an answer from. Language like 'not good enough for you?' is inflammatory and immediately signifies a negative bias. You assumedly don't actually want an answer here, rather to start an argument, but I'm going to give you an answer anyway.

    I can't speak for all Christians, but I personally would explain it like this; Without religion, you have life and the world and the human experience. Christians experience all those things and more. Its an added layer to life, and a positive one at that. Christians are Christians for a reason, it is because we consider it the right way of life for us and feel within and around us the positive presence of God. For me this feeling is what makes it so special, important and unexplanable. If you never give it a try then you will never experience it, and that is your choice. I've made mine and know that is not only makes me personally a better person but it makes life even better.

    If you want to get technical, the 'natural human experience' is, in fact religious. 84%of the world's population is religious. Humans, in our natural state, are a religious species. Whether that supports the argument for religion is not for you or I to decide, but what is proven is that religious people live longer, healthier and are more content in themselves. If that isn't a (scientific) argument for religion I don't know what is.

    Can Christians not be Christians and atheists not be atheists without having to insult each other? We are all people! In the future if you want a proper answer, try showing the same respect for others as you would wish to receive from them.

    Source(s): experience
  • 9 years ago

    Personally, I've had supernatural experiences. So, I know that the supernatural does exist. I dont feel I'm above anything or anyone. I've been a believer in the gospel since I was 10 when a neighbor introduced me to it. ( God bless you Esther, wherever you are!) Although, I have tried unbelieving at certain points in my life for a few different reasons. Mostly because I was having a hard time understanding Him and His ways.. I had a very negative perception of God and had to step

    away. Im happy to say that it only lasted several

    years and I'm back to building my

    relationship with our Lord and Saviour. Which

    involves a great deal of reading and studying the

    Bible... something I didn't do whole lot of in the past. Silly me!

    God reaches out and tries to make Himself known to each of us in different ways. He's always knocking and hoping for us to humble ourselves and let Him in. I pray that you will! God bless you!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Is this a genuine question or an anti-Christian rant?

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    why do you feel the need to dumb down and simplify an intricate creation that is our matrix of life

  • 9 years ago

    maybe its also natural to supernaturalise it, so the reason would be, because its natural

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