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Did Jesus mean it when he said if we are luke warm when he returns that he will cast us aside?

so what is being on fire for him. Is it living apart from what he taught?

7 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    First, let's define "lukewarm" as referenced in Rev. 3:14-22.

    Luke warm doesn’t have to do with our actions but our beliefs. We know this because of the Lord’s promise in John 6:37 that whoever comes to Him, He will never drive away.

    When you read the letter to Laodicea notice that these are people who believe they’re rich and don’t need anything, and that the Lord is standing outside the door trying to get in. He’s obviously talking to a group that thinks of itself as a church but really isn’t one. It views itself as a wealthy and self-sufficient, when the Lord views it as wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked.

    In the order in which they’re listed the churches of Rev. 2-3 represent stages in the Church age. Laodicea comes last, after the Church of Philadelphia, whom the Lord promised to keep from the hour of trial coming upon the World. If Philadelphia is the Raptured Church, then Laodicea is the church that’s left behind.

    I think that after we’ve been believers for a little while lukewarm can become our natural state, because we have too many competing interests. Some of these interests don’t involve God at all and actually distract us from our walk with Him. For instance one of our most consuming interests has to do with earning a living. It takes a tremendous amount of our energy and produces a lot of stress, but often God is not a part of it at all. Even our so-called religious works can keep us from having a closer relationship with the Lord. We can become so busy in the service of the King that we no longer have time to just be with Him.

    I think we’d all be surprised to realize how compartmentalized our lives are. That’s why the Lord told us to focus on building treasure in Heaven and not to worry about these earthly things. (Matt.6:19-34) It’s also why Paul warned us not to conform to the pattern of this world but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. (Romans 12:2)

    One of the biggest challenges we face as believers is to avoid taking our relationship with the Lord for granted, putting Him on the shelf like a child would do with a toy he no longer plays with but still wants to keep.

    Anyone who realizes they're a sinner who knows their behavior can never please the Lord means they can’t be luke warm in the context of the Lord’s definition. Keep coming to Him for forgiveness. None of your sins surprise Him because He knew about and died for all of them (Col. 2:13-15), and He will never drive you away.

    Here's more on the seven churches:

  • 9 years ago

    Lord Jesus Christ spoke in parables and figures of speech because the ordinary people from that time were still living in the agricultural age.

    He was referring to when those who doubt His word at The Second Coming will be judge according to their works.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    There are no luke warm Christians, either you believe in Christ or you don't

    Luke warm is just an insult Creationists like to throw at Christians that believe in evolution

  • 9 years ago

    Who cares?

    I would rather be cast aside than judged on criteria undefined by a fantasy bipolar megalomaniac.

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  • 9 years ago

    I don't know, I'm not Jesus. Funny how a lot of CHristians already claim to know this, showing how hypocritical they are.

  • 9 years ago

    Yes, YAHUSHUA meant that. If we love Him, or Hate Him, it is more productive to deal with than if we ignore Him. Our self righteousness, which is really no righteousness at all, is very repulsive.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Every word of it.

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