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Why would a "job creator" ever create a job in the U.S?

The law of Wall Street, the only law as far as I can tell, is that C.E.O.s are legally bound to maximize profits without any regard or consideration for the negative social, environmental, political or even long term economic consequences of that single minded drive for ever increasing profit.

If that's the mind set or philosophy of the richest why would any of them ever hire a U.S. worker?

Wouldn't the "job creators" turn first to automation wherever possible? Machines don't demand overtime, sick time, vacation time, health care, etc all of which would take from profits.

If any particular job absolutely had to be done by a human, or if slave labor in China, India, Honduras, Haiti or wherever turned out to be even cheaper or less bothersome than automation wouldn't the "job creators" just hire people in those places?

Aren't the "job creators" in the U.S. legally bound to continue eliminating jobs in the U.S. until U.S. workers are desperate enough to be "competitive" in the global labor force by working longer, harder, for less pay and less in the way of protections and benefits than the currently cheapest slave labor in the world?

Instead of protecting the "job creators" tax cuts wouldn't the 99% be better served by taking and redistributing as much wealth and power from the 1% as possible?

Maybe some of that wealth could be used to set up a cooperative global economy in place of the competitive one we have now.


Hardhead. Yes, I have a 401k and yes, I would gladly give it up. Imho, tying worker's retirement to the stock market only helped the super rich and put retirement accounts at risk. I'll certainly lose money when the stock markets collapse, but I'll celebrate anyway because the trickle down, Milton Friedman economic model is and always was unsustainable.

4 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    To answer your question properly would require some philosophy.

    First off. The US is a damn good country to live in. You can travel some 3000 miles across and never be halted at a checkpoint.

    A good society requires good justice. Justice has three elements to meet. First is good law, second good judges, third good enforcers. Excluding Las Vegas, these elements are fairly good across the United States.

    An enjoyable society is one where the occupants can talk about a variety of subjects, not just the last orgasm that they have had, and an occupant feel freedom. A rube farmer can produce as well as a PhD farmer. However, the PhD would understand the importance of his position and the job needing to be done and not feel locked in. A rube farmer only knows that this is the only job he is able to do. (Exceptions: I have met PhD's that abstract not. I they graduated, unless they cheated, is beyond my comprehension.)

    Socially, the US is a lot of fun.

    As for jobs. It is difficult for job creators to make a profit due to costs, this is true. But this is due to a lot of double edged swords. First, the environmental laws seem costly, and yet it is exactly these laws that keep the air and water clean and provide adventures such as trout fishing and white water river rafting and keep property values up. Second is health care; benefits. Half of a person's employment cost is for health care and also workman's comp. Socialized medicine, which every other industrial country has, would rid us of these costs. But, then, drug companies and HMO's would suffer as would all the lawyers and PhD's in medicine. We are talking about a pretty big lobby here. A lot of rich people that like getting paid to do very little.

    Just redistributing the wealth will do nothing. It is akin to "overthrowing a government" which in the long run makes the people poorer. (See:"None Dare Call It Conspiracy") What needs to happen is for people to run for office. We need people to stand up at the plate and take their lickings. We need for future thinking people to really project a good society onto the public. We need a public that is educated enough to understand the future.

    And we need the promises made by Capitalism to be paid. What I mean by this is. The promise made to me was "Join the military, you will get a good job when you get out." This did not happen. Then "Get and education and you will get a good job." This did not happen. Then "Work hard and you will succeed." This did not happen. Some people get rich by working hard and using a thoughtful process, like Walmart. But most well-to-do get there not by how hard they work, nor how smart they are, but how oppressive they are.

    Our socialize laws, those that the conservatives complain about, are the same laws that have prevented the United States from turning Communist. Stupid arguments, like which sex can marry or sport suits making it to the Supreme Court, are vexing.

    In the end, it is the consumer that pays.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I can't speak for him but the GOP knows how to create jobs and as proof I use Clinton as Exhibit A. It normally takes 5 to 10 years for economic policies to have a real impact and Clinton was the recipient of Reagan-Bush economics. Then clinton signed NAFTA & China albeit with a republican Congress encouraging him, but nevertheless he could have not signed it realizing that it would destroy our economy. Now there are other ways to compensate for these free trade agreements though & that is by destroying unions & bringing our wages at the top down to a more competitve wage worldwide. Some guy told me one time that a $5 an hr worker can't afford to buy a car made by a $20 worker. Of course today it would be $10 and $30, but the point is we have to reduce wages at the top. Now a liberal will tell you no, we should raise wages at the bottom, but all that does is cause massive inflation and leaves consumers with less expendable income to drive the economy. Another way you can supercharge an economy is to reduce regulations especially ones that cost businesses money. Obama has passed something like 600 regulations on American businesses costing them trillions. The guy is just a plain idiot. Just imagine a lemonade stand, and how much a cup of lemonade would cost if the government was making them comply with hundreds of regulations & the lemonade stand and all the vendors were unionized. Use your common sense. The GOP is our only hope.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Don't give me this 99% v 1% bs. How many of the 99% have a 401k or ira? Well guess what, they are then in the 1% but many people in this country own stock directly or indirectly. So maybe the 1% are not really 1% but more like 50%. Would they, or you, give up your 401k or ira?

  • 9 years ago

    How dare you question the glorious job creators! They create tons of job opportunities for exploited sweatshop laborers overseas!

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