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Jehovah's Wittness ,have you been inspired by anyone on this site ?

I have not been on here for a long time but I have just been reading questions by one user .

Not to mention any names (LONE)

Has LD's questions changed ? Are they getting deeper ?Are they showing a greater depth of unstanding , not just trinity & hell ?


Lone , I love the new you , I loved your old trinity questions but you are showing a more mature side in many of your questions now .

Update 2:

Lone , I am having a few days off , lets catch up & go fishing next week

10 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I find people on this site inspiring, too many to name them all. Here are four:


    Lone Dissenter

    Pestie the Spider Hunter (although I generally do not like spiders!) ;-)


    And I almost forgot about Vot! Been awhile since she posted.

    These and others I find "inspiring" in the sense that their words are encouraging, either in the sense that they are inciteful or that they motivate to action. Also the changes some have made help me see there is hope for all.

    (I didn't include you because you asked the question; I included you because I do find you inspiring, although it's been awhile since I recall reading anything you wrote.)

    Source(s): Mindy Lone Pestie Vot et al ...
  • Liz
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Yeah sure.

    Has LD's questions changed ? Are they getting deeper ?Are they showing a greater depth of understanding , not just trinity & hell ?

    Have they changed? Yes.

    Are they getting deeper. NO... they have ALWAYS been pretty deep.

    Greater depth of understanding. Yes..

    Greater humility? ABSOLUTELY

    Greater compassion YES

    Greater patience with others YES

    More mature? Well HE says HE is old, so age wise more mature? He is still a man. "purses lips widens eyes and nods slowly" ;)

    Calmer? YEP

    Still deep, and thought provoking, always has been, I think that is why he took a shine to Jehovah's Witnesses, the Creator of Dynamic Energy and deep things, you got to go deep or go home. :p

    Ok not really but if you want deep you can't get much TRUER, and deeper than some of these folks on here.

    There are so many contributors on here that....... I am so thankful for that went deep with the Hebrew, Greek, they did their research and put it out here to remind me. Also those that speak from the heart, and remind us what humility and love is. It really well rounds out a person.

    You named a name and yes the depth doesn't surprise me, the warmth and compassion and growth

    went another direction that really added dimension to the intelligence. As knowledge SHOULD do.

  • 9 years ago

    Both you and Lone inspire me and make my heart warm. You two did not have a good beginning, but just look now! His understanding and mindset are completely different, and I hope now that you feel how much your spiritual family loves you both. It's not easy to make such changes, or to return to Jehovah after a long time, and I have such admiration for you both. I do not hear from him much anymore, since he went home, but I think of him, and of you-very often. You should check FB once in a while! Much love to you both!!

  • 9 years ago

    It is nice to see the thoughts of other brothers and sisters in their questions and answers.

    Lone has done ever so well, and just goes to show if the heart is right and Jehovah wants you, he will get you!



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  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Not really. Everyone here is on the same page and knows a lot about the truth. There's only one person who comes to mind that has made me want to be an even better Christian but not saying who it is.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    There is not a single person who cant learn something

    new from someone else if they are not too proud to do so.

    But that can be for good, or bad.

    Some points can be inspiring some are outright rubbish.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Jesus is my inspiration. But I do find others faith strenghtening. I love them all. I love the differences we all have.

  • mom
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    there are several on here that inspire me but I will not use there names but the one that really inspires me is Jehovah God and his Son Jesus Christ

    Source(s): proud to be a Jehovah Witness
  • I am trying to be a better man, a better Christian & I study a lot but don't expect perfection.

    That said , long time no see , nice to hear from you brother , we both have come a long way , insults to agape.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    This site is addictive and LD is as addicted as the rest of us.

    Just can't stay away even when the Elders advise him to do so.

    No do not see the depth but I do see the blocks in that he only understands the perspective he is comfortable with

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