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What is it REALLY about voter ID that terrifies liberals?

PLEASE stop playing the "poor" card. A photo ID (not a driver's license - just a state-issued photo ID) in my state costs $20 every four years. Every poor person I see has money for at least one of the following: smokes, junk food, cable TV, video games, hair extensions, manicured nails, trendy clothing, candy, soda pop, etc. And you want me to believe that they can't possibly come up with FIVE DOLLARS PER YEAR for an ID card? Good gravy, how about a better argument?

It's their choice. If they'd rather choose to have one more pack of smokes every year than vote, so be it. How about a little personal responsibility?

16 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are so right. Look at the lib answers (and I'm sure the rest will be the same). Name calling, but no intelligent debate. There never is with libs.

    I, too, am sick and tired of my hard-earned money going to able-bodied slackers. If they aren't willing to come up with a few dollars a year for an ID, then they don't vote. We all know that this isn't about the "poor." It's about keeping the Democrat cheating machine in full gear. They know that they'll never win another election if we stop their FRAUD!

    You got it right, and I'm sure the libs will have nothing but name calling. Wait and see...


  • Doug B
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    It violates the freaking law. Why do you have such a problem with that? Requiring the purchase of ANYTHING in order to vote is a poll tax. The 24th Amendment banned those. Funny how conservatives claim to love the Constitution so much then ignore it when they have the chance to disenfranchise minorities, elders, and the poor.

    A poll tax has had two historical meanings. The older is that of a fee that had to be paid to satisfy taxpayer requirements in voting laws. In some places, only people who could demonstrate a financial tie to a community were permitted to vote in that community. For those who did not otherwise own property or pay taxes, this sort of poll tax was sufficient to allow voting. More recently, however, a poll tax is a tax that must be paid by anyone wishing to cast a vote. Poll taxes of this sort were generally low, perhaps a dollar or two, but high enough to make voting uneconomical for poor people. The 24th Amendment bars both of these types of poll tax.

    Requiring people to spend money to vote is unconstitutional. Does that penetrate your conservative skull? You cannot require people to spend money to vote. At all. Under any circumstance.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Liberals are terrified of losing the ability to engage in voter fraud. It's really as simple as that.

    And as for the stupidity of the "it's hard to get a birth certificate..." Keep in mind, you'll need those "alternate IDs" for a driver's license, a passport or even to get a job. I've had to go through the process to get a birth certificate replaced.. and honestly it was NOT a big deal.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    It's obvious you already know the answer to this question and just wanted to see the idiotic un-American's try to.....ummm i guess be idiots lol. i dont know or understand them but i am aware of their lazyness and selfish personalities. but yah pretty much liberals know if they give aliens the chance to vote, they will have an extra million people on their side. the aliens want to sit around and collect wellfare, food stamps, and free health care from us hardworkers because their tummy hurts or whatever other lame excuses they have for not working. the democrats promote that so of course the illegals will vote for them. yes their are people that have serious problems and can't work but not in the numbers we have today.

    Source(s): i love taking advantage of democratic voters by just laying out some facts and leaving them looking like the idiots they are=)
  • 9 years ago

    Why do we need ANOTHER id card?

    We already have State driver's licenses, state id's (for those who do not drive), SS cards, and passports/passport cards. Another card to carry is NOT needed. Find better ways to use what already exists. In Ohio, we can even use a utility bill to prove residency (in our district and precinct)to vote.

    If I am going to be legally required to apply for and buy ANOTHER damn ID card, it better damn well replace EVERYTHING else. That should be the only card I ever have to carry...including charge cards, medical ids, insurance cards, student ids, workplace ids, public-transit passes, welfare ids, etc. Create a card that encompasses your LIFE. Then heavily encrypt it, thrice (or more) over. And then I'll be interested.

    Source(s): Or better yet...just make everything occular scan.
  • Adnama
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Your assumptions about all poor people disgraceful and ignorant. I personally know one student of mine who inherited a house that has tens of thousands of dollars of unpaid utilities bills (this is through no fault of his own). He gets a small check every month and can barely afford food much less smokes, junk food, cable TV, video games, hair extensions, manicured nails, trendy clothing, candy, soda pop. This is a responsible man who is trying to turn his life around. He can't take his GED because he can't afford photo ID. Get to know some poor people before you make sweeping generalizations about something you know nothing about besides what you saw on TV.

  • Jay
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    It's actually not to cost of the ID, but the difficulty in getting the OTHER forms of ID that are prerequisites (such as birth certificates). Witness the number of questions here on Y!A from people who are having a devil of time getting their BC (even though they were born in the US).

    I'm actually for ID to vote. But it bugs me that so many people are minimizing the very real issues that some face. Instead of doing that, why not actually learn something about the issues and support solutions.

  • 9 years ago

    It's a transparent ploy by the GOP. Voter fraud is a myth in this country, so the republicans have to figure out a way to reduce the number of voters to stand a chance.

    If you vote republican, you're either rich or stupid.

  • Ingrid
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Obviously you have never suffered financially. $ 20.00 is a lot of money for someone who has none.

    What is being overlooked is that the Republicans have been trying for decades to initiate official

    I.D.s and the population has rejected it. Now they are trying it by claiming that voter fraud makes

    such an I.D. necessary. Voter fraud is for all practical purposes NON-EXISTENT.

    We must make sure that their "fraudulent" ways are defeated.

  • J P
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    States that have passed voter ID laws have also made State IDs available at no cost.

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