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U.S./ Iranian tensions and Britain?

With all the high tensions between Iran and the U.S. lately, If the Americans were to go to war with the Iranians Would Britain really have to go to war along side the U.S.? I mean we are dealing with the financial crisis in the EU and Iran hasn't really taken a TRUE interest in the UK, Could we just stay neutral and try to sort out our troubles and just play a minor support role or something?


Even though Britain is part of NATO Article V of NATO Military doctorine calls on (but does not fully commit) member states to assist another member under attack.

Allies can provide any form of assistance they deem necessary to respond to the situation. This assistance is not necessarily military and depends on the material resources of each country. Each individual member determines how it will contribute and will consult with the other members, bearing in mind that the ultimate aim is to "to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area".

4 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Every war the US has been in since WW2 they have asked for British Assistance in the most recent afghanistan + iraq all you US wants Britain for is to take out the really hard enemies because there tactics is too simply overwhelm the enemy with men, money and equipment the US have very very few good fighters even when ive worked with them they are very cocky and end up either dead or injured its not like the movies where american soldiers have bulletproof skin and the skills of the gods they are under trained fools being sent to die for resources.

    If the US goes to war with Iran they will definitely ask for UK assistance however with the current president Obama in they have a 0% chance of getting any help what so ever when Britain refused to send full military force to Vietnam look what happened but the US know they will never be at British military standards so they use the Elite soldiers of the world because they can because our government is greedy and accepts cheaper trade rights and loans in the process but we will only go in if they have a president that does not hate the UK

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    just to let you in on a little secret. american presidents are going to keep getting voted in unknowingly by the people. there job is to create as much debt for the americans as possible. other countries are going to go broke and collapse too, and there will be a world money system.

    afew thousand or less of the people will be extremely rich, and whoever survives will be a slave.

    watch "the obama deception"

  • 9 years ago

    Iranian mullahs have said many times they want to destroy israel. So the western countries need to help Israel the only democracy in middle east where everyone is respect. Cant say taht about the arabs who kill christians and burn down their churches..

    So yes UK will have to join for peace to remain you have to fight hard battles. No Surrender

    Newt Gingrich 2012

  • 9 years ago

    Unfortunately, yes.

    Britain is the lapdog of the U.S. military-industrial complex.


    Also watch " The Obama Deception".

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