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How do you describe a True Conservative Politically?

No one seems to agree?

5 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Generally speaking, a Political Conservative embraces a Constructionist view of Constitutional Government. Conservatives hold that this nation was founded on very specific principles and that nothing should ever be permitted to erode those principles. Examples are that our rights come from the Creator, not from any government of man. That means, they cannot be taken away by any government either. The power to govern comes from God and goes directly to each and every individual American who in turn, only lend that power to government officials in limited measure and for limited duration.

    This is a "union" of several States and the Federal Government only exists to carry out the will of the States and the people within the confines of the Constitution. Conservatives also hold, that the best government is the government that governs least. We believe in individual liberty, equal justice under the law and that government exists to serve the people, not the other way around.

    We believe in the American trinity as stated on our coins: "E Pluribus Unum. (Out of many, one)", "In God We Trust" and "Liberty". We believe in self-reliance and self-interest. We believe every American should strive to take care of themselves first, then their families, then the stranger. We believe in a social safety net but not letting it turn into a hammock. We hold that it is not in the best interest of anyone to have able bodied people be allowed to be a burden on others.

    Our American culture is the culture of Rugged Individualism, not in a collective, one size fits all Nanny State. We hold our Liberty sacred and will die to preserve and protect it. Life without Liberty is no life at all.

    All true Conservatives believe the same things. Your confusion is caused by the fact that a lot of people call themselves Conservatives but are not. Trust me, true Conservatives are not confused.


  • 9 years ago

    They hate everyone who is not exactly like them. They are ignorant, misinformed, hypocritical drones who are pretty much against everything. They endlessly parrot each other and never say anything original or funny (well funny sometimes, but not on purpose). There is not really such a thing as "true conservative", that would be like asking what's a "good cancer"? Nothing good will ever happen as long as "conservatives" have a part in it. An example: We have the means and technology to convert all the countries power needs to wind and solar power. That is a fact. Think that would ever be possible with anyone but real liberals calling the shots? the answer is no.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    that's because in a nation as devoted to liberty as the United States there IS no "true conservative" as such. every one of us will be slightly different than the others. welcome to a free country

  • A liberal is a criminal.

    A conservative is not.

    Liberals believe that their personal opinion overrules the law. So their own concept of justice outweighs society's concept of justice.

    So if they believe they can steal a loaf of bread to feed their hungry children. They feel like it is justice to be able to take the work of another person without paying for it if they have a good reason.

    It doesn't seem to occur to them that the person who made the bread has children to feed, too. And if everybody is allowed to just take bread without paying for it, the baker's children will go hungry.

    But liberals don't care. They think their concept of justice can overrule society's concept of justice. So in other words, it's as if we don't have civilization at all, and it's every man for himself in the liberal world.

    In the conservative world, we follow the laws of society because we believe that a civilized society requires us to obey society's concept of justice instead of our own opinions.

    That's what makes us different from liberals.

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  • ponpon
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Anti gay, anti middle class, anti abortion, anti Muslim, anti anyone who doesn't believe in Jesus Christ. But who are for big business, and no government entitlements. (unless they need them)

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