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Had a ultrasound today @ 13w1d...?

They lady doing the ultrasound said that she seen something "sticking up" and thought there was a good chance that the baby was a boy. So, how reliable is this? I know from school that they best time to predict the sex of a baby is between 16 & 20 weeks...but there was for sure something sticking up...just don't know what to think about it...the lady said she "thought" it looked like a boy, but she couldn't be sure. I found out what i was having with my daughter when i was 20weeks. When was the earliest that you found out what you were having...?


4 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    When I had her and they said It's a girl She's 28 they couldn't tell then what you were having

  • 9 years ago

    You should read up on the 'Nub Theory'. I wondered if it was possible to know the sex at around 12-13 weeks. The Nub is basically the beginning of either female or male genitalia and it is thought the sex of the baby could be determined by the angle or the way this 'nub' protrusion points.

    If it points up it's a boy and if it is angled down it is likely to be a girl.

    Maybe the sonographer saw this on the screen, but I wouldn't take it literally because the gentitals really don't start becoming more obvious till between 16-20 weeks. Short of getting an amniocentesis done (where they can map the chromosomes a later scan or giving birth is the only really reliable way of finding out sex (even scans can be wrond if baby in wrong position) .

    I had my scan at 20 weeks and the lady said it was probably a girl as she couldn't see any additional bits. I am not 100% confident in what she said but guess I will have to wait and see.

  • 9 years ago

    17 weeks for me. I think they try and push it to 18 weeks. What you hear at 13w is unfortunately not reliable. It's still 50/50. My sister was told at 18 weeks she was pregnant with a boy. She had a baby shower and everything, the entire time i told her that there is no way she is having a boy. My fam is all girls. And she went in at 30+ weeks, and they told her that her baby was a girl. lol. Rare thing but still... 13w is early.

    p.s 38 weeks is not pre term and 36 weeks is 1 week shy of full term. Ultra sounds have had no effect on any of my children or my bfs kids, my moms kids, or any kids that i know of so that commenter doesn't know what she is talking about!

  • Bobbi
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Ultrasounds should be done if only medically necessary. and this is far too early to determine sex (which is exposing developing baby to un-needed testing).

    Found out the sex of mine at 36 weeks and 38 weeks (both per-term babies, and both predicted to be pre-term by my OB doc. He had the 'Code Pink' NICU team scheduled when I had my first, as there was a worry if baby had heart issues. Again, this was all determined with no ultrasound. And he did have heart trouble.)

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