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Mom of 4 Girls!! :)

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I am 25, and a mom of 4 beautiful daughters- 8, 5, 3 & born 8/23/12 !!. Married to a man who has 2 children full time, they are 4+6 Boy & a girl! Love being a mom & spending time with all 6 of my babies! :)

  • Dressing my 8 yr old tom boy?

    I have an 8 yr old daughter and she typically wears basketball shorts and baggy marvel shirts (per her request). I want to dress her in clothes that wont give the public confusion. Often times people will call her a boy, and her feelings get hurt. I explain that when you dress like a boy, people think you're a boy. I am not sure if I should continue to let her dress this way, or if I should just be looking for boyish girl clothing for her? Any suggestions on places to shop? She is accepting of some change, but will not wear any tighter fitting tops due to the embarrassment of development if you know what I mean. I don't want to put sick thoughts in people's heads, but she will not wear tight clothes, or anything that would draw any sort of attention to that area what so ever.

    I am stuck. I don't want her looking like someone who's parents don't give a crap. She looks like she got her brothers hand me downs or something, know what i mean? I need some tips.

    I am not trying to dress her girly, just slightly less boyish if that makes sense. No short shorts, or tight fitting tops.


    9 AnswersGrade-Schooler8 years ago
  • New house, washer dryer... how do i know if I can have an electric dryer?

    I have been living in my house since Sept, and doing laundry at MILs house 4.5 blocks away. I am new to living in a house (always been an apartment) and now it's time for me to purchase a washer and a dryer. Perhaps on craigslist because when we move, more than likely we wont have propane. It's all converted to gas, this house is old.

    My question is... there is an option for a propane dryer as there is a hook up. But I am curious as to if propane is my only option? Obviously gas isn't an option.. But I was told electric was a possibility if we had the right hook up installed already.

    Can anyone tell me what that'd look like? Propane here sucks. It's not super expensive, but our house seems to use a TON of it.

    This is what it looks like... excuse the mess

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden8 years ago
  • If I have a lemon tree, can I also have an orange tree?

    I live in a desert. With a temperature averaging 115 degrees in the summer. Of course this means hardly any rain.

    My mother in law and sister and law and several neighbors have lemon trees.. (I think I have spotted a orange tree but can't be certain) and I'd like to have one myself in our yard. I am curious as to if a lemon tree can bare fruit, will an orange tree do the same? I know it's probably now a bad time for planting since the hot season is fast approaching and I assume the fruit wont grow in such high temps.

    I am from MN so, gardening season isn't the greatest, but our temps were humid and it rained so I know it's a lot different here being dry and hot all the time. But what other things can I plant? I really want a garden. I can water as much as needed because I am a stay at home mom.

    Sorry I am new to this, I've never had my own house and it's hard to find help with this by doing searches on google.

    Thanks for your help.

    any advice is greatly appreciated!

    7 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • My 3 yr old daughter's dad wont let me have my child back!?

    My daughter's dad (previous relationship) has only been a parent when it is convenient. He has previously spent no more than 4 days a month with my daughter. His parents were always the ones to pick her up and 50% of the time dropped her off. When my daughter would see her father, he'd also go out and get drunk all night because his parents would care for her. He was not allowed to take her to his own place because of his room mates (maybe they don't like children?). Regardless I still let his parents take her on holidays, no matter what holiday it is because I have always wanted them to be a part of her life. i have never once turned down them seeing their grand child or him seeing his daughter. Not even 1 time.

    After giving birth to my youngest baby, my husband and I had decided to go to California where we ended up moving (from MN) A big part of that was that my husband needed a different environment. Where we lived there had been shootings and robberies. We have family out west.

    My daughters dad suddenly was very upset because his 2 days a month were no longer at his finger tips. (he thought he'd legally be able to claim her seeing her 2 days a month). Finally the two of us came to an agreement that she'd visit him for 2 months and she'd be with me for two months. And I was very lenient on this because I wanted her to be able to see her family.

    He came to pick her up with his mom on November 3rd 2012. He handed his notarized copy of our agreement to me. I had mailed my about 5-7 days later. I informed him that id be getting my daughter on the 11th of January because pricing was too high on the 3rd but that he could still get her back as planned. I booked the flight to go there and the one back with my daughter and I... (2 seats).

    I go to my moms in Wisconsin. and a police officer knocks and serves me papers. Saying my daughters dad is going for sole custody. I called him and he told me that I can not pick her up as planned because that's what his lawyer advised. He also would not allow for me to go see her and say hi,

    I didn't even get to see my baby :(

    He has her in day care 5 days a week and I am a stay at home mom so she is with me allll day when she is here. She has her own room and tons of toys here and they all just sit her collecting dust. Her sisters are very very sad. They cry for hours every day.

    Help me! What do I do? I was all for joint custody and equal rights but now, I just want sole custody. I do not trust this person at all.

    I can't afford a lawyer just yet. I may be able to afford on in February.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Anyone whos been through alcohol detox?

    Next Tuesday my boyfriend will see a doctor who will prescribe him the necessary medication to help him safely go through detox. As of right now his plan is an at home detox, but I'm hoping to convince him to do this at a facility due to the outside temptations at home. He is very irritable and I'm afraid he'd become violent and force me to hand him the keys to drive to buy liquor. We have 6 children at home ages 5 weeks to 8 years and I prefer them not to see him like this. He doesn't want to be alone. He's very beyond ready to begin his road to recovery & breaks down when his brain begins to think he needs a drink. He begins to panic. And its not good to quit "cold turkey" so he drinks to calm himself down & to stop the shakes and such. His body begins to hurt all over when he starts having withdrawls.

    He has been drinking for the last. 2 yrs on a daily basis (minus a brief 2 Month period- which was a legal obligation to remain sober). He currently drinks a medium sized bottle of. Jose Cuervo (sp?) on a daily basis and he takes a couple anxiety pills daily (not prescribed to him) and he smokes 2 packs a day.

    I'm curious to hear stories of your detox (congratulations!) Or if you've been a witness to someones detox. Any advice you have? And pros you may think of as to why a home detox would be okay in our particular situation...

    Thanks in advance and again congrats to those reading who have been through this. I know its hard.

    4 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • Low lying placenta?!?

    SO my placenta is at 0.8cm and needs to be at 2.4 cm away from my cervix. I am 21 weeks and one day. There's a 90% chance that this will stretch out away from my cervix but so far hasn't moved since I was 14weeks!! Ahh! anyone else go through this? I really don't want a c-section.

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • I want to buy a lap top?

    I want to buy a lap top but have NO idea what to look for. I don't do any sort of gaming. I do stuff with pictures, but no major editing program or anything like that. I am a basic boring user. I like to keep some pics on my computer. But I don't need music or anything like that. I don't want something huge and I don't really want a mini computer either because from what I've seen they run slow and I don't have all that patience.. I know nothing about computers. I am also wondering what price range I would be looking at? It's probably going to be for home use and for when I travel.

    5 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • 18 weeks & my whole body aches?

    I am in so much pain I could cry. My muscles ache all over my entire body. My butt, back, legs, arms, neck... all of it. I've never felt like this before during any prenancy! What could cause this? Baby is fine, just had an ultra sound today.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • What Questions Do the Nurses ask while you're being admitted for labor?

    I remember while waiting to be "admitted" to the hospital to deliver my baby they had asked me several questions prior to administering an IV. The pain I had was high and they asked me all these annoying questions which secretly made me angry because I had pre-registered and I didn't want to answer what they were asking as it wasn't even related to contractions & timing and how far along I was etc. It was health history questions.. My mother was helping answer but they didn't seem to appreciate that, like it was wrong. I was in pain and really felt like screaming at them to shut the hell up and look at my paperwork. Anyway... anyone remember what the questions are?

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • 14w Heavy Bleeding, fetus looks normal?

    I am 14 weeks today. Last night while playing with my daughters I felt some wetness, which immediately turned in to a huge gush so I ran to the bathroom, I knew it was blood. Tons of it. Didnt have a pad but if i did, I would have completely soaked 2 in 30 minutes. I went the the e.r, blood still flowing quite heavily. Ultrasound done & baby was kicking & moving around, heart was beating. He or she looked absolutely beautiful. I was told as of now miscarriage is still a threat. I just tears me apart thinking I saw my baby there and wont get to see him/her moving ever again. Placenta is low but they are unsure if that's the cause of the bleeding. They didn't tell me much besides to take it easy and follow up tomorrow. Anyone been through this??? I certainly never have.

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Is mac and cheese a legitimate meal?

    I work for a group home... today for lunch its mac & cheese and a fruit bar.. is that even a real meal? It just seems wrong. Seems like hot dogs with it would be more appropriate? Or some sort of meat. Never heard of mac and cheese being a meal on its own.

    12 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • Is it wrong to let a child go naked in efforts to potty train him from pooping his underwear?

    3 year old boy. Poops his pants just about daily. He will NOT go poop on the toilet. He goes pee just fine. But with pooping... he won't? He will pee in the toilet. Return to his room and then poop in his pants? He's going to be 4 in April. I've tried rewarding him with things, candy, & trips to fun places if he can poop in the potty but he has yet to see any rewards because he has yet to even attempt to poop on the toilet! This is extremely frustrating! He takes a shower every time he poops his pants. He used to hate showers, well now he loves them! What more can we do to help him use the toilet for pooping? & no, im not going back to diapers & pullups except for at night! So is it wrong if we're just at home, to make him go naked (as long as no one else comes over) so that he has no choice but to poop on the toilet?????

    4 AnswersParenting10 years ago
  • 3 year old boy who refuses to poop on the potty?

    My boyfriend has his son and daughter full time. We all live together with my kids as well. His son is 3 years old and will not poop on the toilet. He turns 4 in April. I don't think a child should be punished for this, I know its all about learning. I am looking for anyone who has went through this who can help with suggestions. I've never had a son. And both of my kids were trained well before 3, the 2 year old I intend to start with soon, but she isn't quite ready. I've tried a reward system. I am just looking for a solution to fix this as I am so sick of changing diapers & when I put him in underwear he poops in those too! Same with pullups, which are just wasting our money, and with 5 we'd love to save money where we can. It's so gross to clean out his poopy undies!!! UGH! HELP ME!! :)

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • Birth Control Pill, How many days until a period comes?

    Typically takes me 2 days. Well it's been 5+. Would this count as a missed period? Because despite being financially stable and of age & in a great relationship, I'm beginning to panic!

    5 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • Boyfriend went to jail because he's on house arrest and our phone line suddenly stopped working?

    My boyfriend just drove himself to jail because at 10 p.m our phone line stopped working. I call and it's busy. I called the company and they cant do anything until morning. Do you think the phone line owes some compensation to us? Considering we pay $45 dollars a month for absolutely no features?

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police10 years ago
  • Cheap foods for a Family of 7?

    My boyfriend and I have 5 children. They range in ages 2-7. (3 are mine and 2 are his). I am totally set on breakfast and lunch, it's cheap and easy, no problem. I am not on any sort of assistance for food, and we are sort of limited to a budget as my daughters' father decided to quit his job and I no longer receive his support for them. My boyfriend has a pretty good job, but I don't want us to get behind on our bills. Seems to be one thing after another here. Anyway, I am stuck for cash for at least the remainder of this week. I am wondering if you know of any kid friendly, cheap as they come dinner ideas? Thank you!

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • Semi-picky eaters, 5 children 2 adults. Need dinner ideas?

    I recently became a household of 7. I went from working full time and taking care of my 3 children outside of work, with quick meals before bed time, always rushing. Now I'm a stay at home mom living with of course my daughters, my boyfriend and his two children. He's home in time from work for dinner. & I totally am sucking it up at doing the whole stay-at-home mom deal. I wanna make good dinners for him to come home to but I just seem to suck at this. Its all a lot of getting used to but anyways, I am wondering if anyone has any dinner ideas for our large family? Im not pressed for time. Money isn't an issue either but we all love saving money where we can. I have all day so time isnt a problem either lol. So anything works. Just has to be kid friendly. Don't go to hard on me, im no chef. lol

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • Where can I find a pregnancy/newborn book the Amharic language of Ethiopia?

    I have a pregnant friend/coworker. She speaks English well, but would prefer a book in her own language. First child for her & her husband, also from Ethiopia. I would love to find her a book like "What to Expect When Expecting" or "What to Expect the First Years" or something along those lines. The language is Amharic. I have tried searching but have come up empty handed. I would love for her to fully understand what is going on with her body and the whole delivery process, and the needs and demands of her baby in a more familiar language. Any help with direct links would help! Thanks for your time.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • Fun things for our road trip? Young kids...?

    I have a 6 year old, a 3 year old, and a 19 month old. Our road trip is only 8 hours but its always boring sitting in a car for any amount of time. We have a dvd player, but the battery will only last through one movie. Though our vehicle is very reliable, the charger hole is out (perhaps a fuse) so I will not be able to use the dvd player much! Plus movies aren't always entertaining anyways! I am just wondering of any ideas or things I should buy to help with entertainment along the way! Thanks in advance for your help!

    5 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Quiz cards for kids.. clipped together at the top left? long and skinny.. what are they called?

    I am looking to buy the cards that are quiz something or another and I cannot think of the name. I try too look on google but I am not specific enough. They are long and skinny and you're able to flip through them without them seperating from eachother. We used them when I was in elementary school. I saw them at the science museum but I don't want to spend 40 dollars there when I can buy them much cheaper online!

    1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago