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Anyone whos been through alcohol detox?

Next Tuesday my boyfriend will see a doctor who will prescribe him the necessary medication to help him safely go through detox. As of right now his plan is an at home detox, but I'm hoping to convince him to do this at a facility due to the outside temptations at home. He is very irritable and I'm afraid he'd become violent and force me to hand him the keys to drive to buy liquor. We have 6 children at home ages 5 weeks to 8 years and I prefer them not to see him like this. He doesn't want to be alone. He's very beyond ready to begin his road to recovery & breaks down when his brain begins to think he needs a drink. He begins to panic. And its not good to quit "cold turkey" so he drinks to calm himself down & to stop the shakes and such. His body begins to hurt all over when he starts having withdrawls.

He has been drinking for the last. 2 yrs on a daily basis (minus a brief 2 Month period- which was a legal obligation to remain sober). He currently drinks a medium sized bottle of. Jose Cuervo (sp?) on a daily basis and he takes a couple anxiety pills daily (not prescribed to him) and he smokes 2 packs a day.

I'm curious to hear stories of your detox (congratulations!) Or if you've been a witness to someones detox. Any advice you have? And pros you may think of as to why a home detox would be okay in our particular situation...

Thanks in advance and again congrats to those reading who have been through this. I know its hard.

5 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Last drink was aug 7th 1987 entered rehab aug12th 1987-been sober ever since.

    Had to re-learn all aspects of communicating with family , friends and strangers.

    i was on antebuse for 3 months and then i was offered a job by my nephew.

    Hardest thing was learning how to deal with day to day stress without drinking.

    when i left the first time i got stresed out i bought $10 of chocolate bars.

    That would be my *crutch for the 13 years i worked for my nephew.

    In that time I dealt with the death of 3 fellow employess, the death of my father and step grand mother.Never felt the need to drink

    All boils down to this wanting to quit{accepting he has a problem} or needing to quit{medical or legal reasons.

    Anything else i can answer you can always e-mail me @

  • klyn
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Well i have been abstaining for over five years, and yeah, I believe a hell of a lot better! I am not really certain what you mean by using detox. You say you may have a couple drinks per week? Good in case you stop, you're not going to 'detox' in any respect. Detox is relatively a time period used for men and women who've developed a tissue dependence for a substance, meaning they're going to experience a bodily withdrawal on cessation of use. If you're having withdrawal signs of any kind, you must see a health care professional before quiting. But to answer the rest of your query, alcohol detox regularly takes from three-5 days, depending on how lengthy and the way much you will have been consuming. And its a miserable 3-5 days, however its worth it. You can get your existence back.

  • 9 years ago

    Home detoxes won't work. Recovering addicts need to be alone during this time and not have any outside distractions so they can focus on themselves. My Mom has been trying to stop for almost 10 years and any time she tried at home, it didn't work. It's not good for kids to be around people recovering. He's going to be feeling a lot of different emotions and it can mess the kids up. It's best he gets proper help at a facility where they'll be able to help him with counseling and such. They'll probably deal with his anxiety as well because taking anxiety pills isn't a good thing either.

  • 5 years ago

    Alcoholism can be challenging and difficult to overcome, but it is practical to accomplish. It's a problem, but do not make it into something that is impossible. You will need to determine exactly what is more important for your requirements and keep that in your mind at all times. Believe in your self even although you have a set back. Set backs do not suggest failure. Providing up the battle and drinking is failure.

    I came across this video clip recently and discovered it very interesting. Into the video they talk about helping with the alcoholism. I think it shall probably be worth a look in the event that you're looking for solution to address alcoholism. You'll search on google for “quit drinking program Dawkins” to find the video which I utilized

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  • 9 years ago

    No way should he expect to go through detox safely at home with 6 small children around. It is not fair to them.

    I work in a hospital and have seen plenty of detox cases, and not one of them was smooth and safe enough that I think it could have gone just as well in front of children aged 6 weeks to 8 years. He also should be in a medically monitored situation, where vital signs could be checked and medications administered.

    And YOU need to be an advocate for the safety of your 6 children. Do not allow him to go through with this at home, is my sincere advice.

    Source(s): RN
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