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Drving from Orlando, FL to Merritt Island?

Are there alligators and crocodiles in this area??!

I am a nervous wreck!! We are supposed to drive from Orlando Airport to Merritt Island and I am terrified of them.

Are they around this area??! Any chance of them crossing the street, or coming out to be seen??!

This is no laughing matter.... I am having anxiety over this trip....

thank you...

6 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    well if your in a car your safe if you come across one leave it and don't make one mad and if there is one, people might scream just keep your eyes opened and when i went it didn't see any

  • 9 years ago

    From MCO Orlando airport is a relatively short drive to Merritt Island - less than 45 minutes - Usually quite heavy traffic.I have been on that road at least 100 time and have never seen an alligator. I once did see a squirrel and a few birds They didn't look too dangerous. Where in the world did you ever get this idea?

  • 9 years ago

    Unless you drive off the main roads into some swampy areas looking for them - you aren't going to see them.

    If you go the KSC Visitor Center there are canals along the road that sometimes have gators...but I have driven that road regularly and not seen ANY recently. If you do take that road - you won't see them unless you are looking - they look like logs out in the water.

    The most common place to see alligators/crocs in FL is in alligator parks or zoos that are meant for tourists to come see them.

    Alligators are not crawling all over FL - you don't see them just walking across roads. I have lived in FL my entire life and think I only saw one on a roadway once. There are areas they are more common in nature. They don't want to be near people unless they have been fed by people (wildlife trappers destroy those animals that are not afraid of humans.)

    They can't bother you inside a vehicle even if you do see one (which is unlikely.)

  • 9 years ago

    yep they hitch hike between orlando and merritt island all the time!!!

    no seriously you have a serious phobia.

    you'll be in a car so why the hell does it matter wheather there is or is not an aligator?!

    i can tell you that in all the times i've been to florida the only time i've ever even seen an aligator is at a wildlife park/theme park.

    they don't just lay in the middle of the street waiting for an anxiety ridden lady to come driving down the road. they have a lif ya know!

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  • D J
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Alligators live in wet areas, roads are dry. Alligators are not interested in you, you could be within 5 feet of a gator & never know they are there. They hunt at night. Crocodiles live much farther south around Miami & the Keys.

    There are more things to worry about than gators & crocs. Worry about the ignorant tourist who know nothing about their country beyond their own small home town. I gators were eating tourist it would be on the nightly news.

    Source(s): Rational human being who was raised in Florida in close proximity to gators, ohoooooo.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I live on Britain it's an island.

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