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married 7 years; born again; love to sing for God; have 2 terrific grandchildren; love cats & dogs; hate rap music; die-hard CUBS fan.

  • How does an adult handicapped child become a ward of the state in Illinois?

    My husband has a daughter, who is 36 physically, but around 8 mentally. His ex wife has sole custody, but she does not do anything beneficial for the child.

    My husband provides medical insurance for her, but we were recently told that the child has Medicare, Medicaid, and SSI....

    My husband feels he has gone above and beyond the call of duty, and he thinks she should become a ward of the state. How does he do that??

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce5 years ago
  • Tiffany birthday party?

    I've been invited to a Tiffany - themed birthday party. We are encouraged to wear the Tiffany color blue. .

    But, I don't know what kind of a gift to get her.

    I really don't know what she likes..

    Perfume. .jewelry. .Candles.

    Any suggestions? ?

    I'm totally losy...

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • Tiffany birthday party?

    I've been invited to a Tiffany - themed birthday party. We are encouraged to wear the Tiffany color blue. .

    But, I don't know what kind of a gift to get her.

    I really don't know what she likes..

    Perfume. .jewelry. .Candles.

    Any suggestions? ?

    I'm totally losy...

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • Tiffany birthday party?

    I've been invited to a Tiffany - themed birthday party. We are encouraged to wear the Tiffany color blue. .

    But, I don't know what kind of a gift to get her.

    I really don't know what she likes..

    Perfume. .jewelry. .Candles.

    Any suggestions? ?

    I'm totally losy...

    3 AnswersEtiquette7 years ago
  • Illinois child protection laws?

    How dirty/ filthy does a house have to be, for it to be considered a dangerous environment for young children? !

    My sister's house is disgusting. The smell of dog, cat, pig, goat..something dead....clothes EVERYWHERE.. nowhere to walk..nowhere to sit. You can't tell what is clean or dirty.

    Tub & toilet hasn't been cleaned in forever.

    Sink full of dirty dishes.

    My nieces tell me Mommy rarely cooks. They are 5, 7, & 9 years old.They go to Mc Donalds or order a pizza a lot.My sistrr works two jobs, and says she just doesn't have the time to cook. But her boyfriend is not working. So I feel that there should be somebody to clean the house and cook.

    Soo. When does DCFS or Child Welfare declare the house unacceptable for children to reside in it??!

    My mom says it's none of my business. .but how can anyone stand back and let children the subjected to that kind of Filth and neglect?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Illinois child protection laws?

    How dirty/ filthy does a house have to be, for it to be considered a dangerous environment for young children? !

    My sister's house is disgusting. The smell of dog, cat, pig, goat..something dead....clothes EVERYWHERE.. nowhere to walk..nowhere to sit. You can't tell what is clean or dirty.

    Tub & toilet hasn't been cleaned in forever.

    Sink full of dirty dishes.

    My nieces tell me Mommy rarely cooks. They are 5, 7, & 9 years old.They go to Mc Donalds or order a pizza a lot.My sistrr works two jobs, and says she just doesn't have the time to cook. But her boyfriend is not working. So I feel that there should be somebody to clean the house and cook.

    Soo. When does DCFS or Child Welfare declare the house unacceptable for children to reside in it??!

    My mom says it's none of my business. .but how can anyone stand back and let children the subjected to that kind of Filth and neglect?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Why don't churches have an equal balance of worship & teaching?

    My husband & I are very frustrated with most of the churches around us. If we get a good sermon/teaching, we don't get good worship. If we get good worship, then there's no fellowship, or ministries to get involved in. WHY IS THAT??

    We consider ourselves Charismatic..most recently, we attended Calvary Chapels.

    Do we go with strong worship, or strong teaching?

    Why can't we seem to get both?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • If you are a house cleaner And you See a door closed what do you do?

    If you're house cleaner and you are at someone's home & a bedroom door is closed, do you go in and clean it, or do you take it as a hint they don't want you in that room??!

    5 AnswersCleaning & Laundry8 years ago
  • decorating cakes with sprinkles?

    I seem to be doing something wrong:

    After I frost my cake or cupcakes, & I used the color sugar sprinkles, they seem like they liquify or something weird... the sprinkles don't look like sprinkles anymore...

    Can anyone help me?? thanks

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Should I be chipping in?

    My husband 's siblings are chipping in on a birthday gift for him.

    One of his brothers called me & asked if I am going in on the gift as well...

    I thought that was a bit odd, as I am throwing the party...

    Am I expected to kick in, too??

    I mean, we don't usually buy gifts for our siblings, unless it's a milestone like this.. he's gonna be 60.

    3 AnswersEtiquette8 years ago
  • Illinois Law in re. of child abuse/ molestation?

    What is the proper procedure for investigating possible child abuse or molestation? ?

    I think the father of my grandchildren has done something. How do I prove it??

    The children are 10 & 11...

    They gave said things that really concern me..

    What if it's true??

    What if I am wrong?

    My daughter lives with him & the kids.They are not legally married but have been together 13 years..

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • Ask to share expenses for a trip to Vegas??!?

    my husband is turning 60 soon & he wants to go to Vegas..

    He's never has a birthday party before..

    Would it be rude, or wrong, to ask family & friends to help pay for a trip to Vegas, or should I just have a dinner party??

    5 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • Has anyone taken phentermine?

    Has anyone taken this to lose weight??

    How much weight did you lose??

    How long were you on it??

    What about side effects??


    7 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Drving from Orlando, FL to Merritt Island?

    Are there alligators and crocodiles in this area??!

    I am a nervous wreck!! We are supposed to drive from Orlando Airport to Merritt Island and I am terrified of them.

    Are they around this area??! Any chance of them crossing the street, or coming out to be seen??!

    This is no laughing matter.... I am having anxiety over this trip....

    thank you...

    6 AnswersOrlando9 years ago
  • Anyone see the movie COURAGEOUS?

    What a fantastic movie!! We need more like this one....

    Your thoughts??

    1 AnswerMovies10 years ago
  • Kids in church running loose?

    We are a very small church, only about 50 members. We have this one family who has 6 kids, from 1 yr, to 12.

    The oldest child, a girl seems to be more of a mother to the youngest ones than the actual mom. The dad is more interested in socializing and having a cup of coffee than keeping up with the kids.

    These breeders allow their children to run around BAREFOOT like a bunch of hillbillies every week!!

    They are the first ones to the fellowship hall and grab & touch all the food before anyone else gets in there. The youngest one is only 18 months and is left unattended all the time.

    I have talked to the pastor and his wife about this, but they claim the couple has been approached and they get offended if someone tells them to watch after their kids!! WTH..

    I've scolded them and the mother has given me dagger eyes...

    Whatever happened to elders being served first?

    We have our Thanksgiving party coming up and I dread it, because these kids don't use tongs or a napkin; they grab all the big pieces of everything and then they waste it; they take up 3 tables and leave such a mess for someone else to clean.

    Do I have the right to say something to the parents??

    I mean, I've never been in a church that allows kids to run around barefoot and unattended...

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Do autistic people have a hard time dealing with cavities?

    My husband has a severely handicapped adult daughter. Rachel is 31 physically, but about 10 mentally. Her mother refuses to allow her to do anything on her own.. she smothers her!

    We got a phone call from the mother, saying Rachel has a cavity and cannot handle it.

    While we were in church, she calls again, but this time, there is a police officer on the other line, saying my husband needs to drop everything and come over & calm her down..

    We don't know who, or why the police were called. Usually, my husband's ex threatens to have Rachel locked up if she doesn't behave.. Ridiculous!

    We tried to call back, but no one answered, so we assumed everything was OK. WRONG!

    Later that night, we got a phone call, that the mother was taking Rachel to the hospital to be admitted!! FOR A CAVITY??!

    When my husband tried to call again, the mother hung up, saying he puts his wife (me) before his daughter... I've been sick all week with salmonella nd wound up going to another hospital...

    Is this common with autism? I mean, it just sounds like so much drama...taking up precious emergency room personnel for a cavity or cracked molar??!

    I mean, they sent her home, probably because she was causing too much commotion in the hospital, and now she is supposed to have oral surgery at the dentist's office on Monday. other has convinced the daughter that daddy needs to be there to hold her hand.

    I mean, she never calls unless Rachel is having a temper tantrum...

    please advise as I am new to this situation...

    5 AnswersSpecial Education10 years ago
  • Free services for seniors in Sarasaota, FL?

    My in-laws live in North Port, FL... they are in need of a deep house cleaning. Mom would love to go to the hair salon and get her hair done or a manicure.

    Does anyone know of a free service around Sarasota that would do it for free, either a church group or something trustworthy??!

    Are there any services that would come to the house and do her hair for FREE?!

    Anything that would help them out is appreciated.

    Dad has Altheimer's...

    1 AnswerOther - Local Businesses10 years ago
  • free senior services in North Prt, FL?

    My in-laws live in North Port, FL... they are in need of a deep house cleaning. Mom would love to go to the hair salon and get her hair done or a manicure.

    Does anyone know of a free service around Sarasota that would do it for free, either a church group or something trustworthy??!

    Are there any services that would come to the house and do her hair for FREE?!

    Anything that would help them out is appreciated.

    Dad has Altheimer's...

    2 AnswersSenior Citizens10 years ago
  • Where can we stay for a romantic getaway in Branson,MO?

    We are planning a week end getaway in Branson, MO.

    We don't want to stay in a hotel or resort with lots of kids.

    Are there any places with no kids allowed that still have a great view?

    We'd prefer a cabin in the mountains, or something off the main drag...

    and it MUST BE NON SMOKING..

    2 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago