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decorating cakes with sprinkles?

I seem to be doing something wrong:

After I frost my cake or cupcakes, & I used the color sugar sprinkles, they seem like they liquify or something weird... the sprinkles don't look like sprinkles anymore...

Can anyone help me?? thanks

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It sounds like there is something wrong with the sprinkles they may not have been in an airtight jar and have gotten damp.


  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    If the cupcakes are completely cool before you frost them and the frosting is cool as well, then it has to be something wrong with the sprinkles themselves.

    I suppose it could be some weird chemical reaction if you're using weird frosting or weird sprinkles.

    The only time I've ever seen that happen is when something wasn't cool enough.

    If you're sure everything is cool, I would just get different sprinkles.

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