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Why don't churches have an equal balance of worship & teaching?

My husband & I are very frustrated with most of the churches around us. If we get a good sermon/teaching, we don't get good worship. If we get good worship, then there's no fellowship, or ministries to get involved in. WHY IS THAT??

We consider ourselves Charismatic..most recently, we attended Calvary Chapels.

Do we go with strong worship, or strong teaching?

Why can't we seem to get both?

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Unfortunately, most churches are more like social clubs with a charismatic leader. It's good that you want a balance of learning and worship. That's what Jesus commanded at Matthew 28:19 20 . The reason I m a Jehovah's Witness is because I learn what the bible is about and why we need it and why bad things happen and what hope we have for the future. I would like to commend you for your a question because a lot of people on here are either not sincere, or they are trolls which means most of the questions are just meant to poke fun at everything. Keep searching and asking questions.

    The biggest problem is that there are thousands of different denominations of Christianity alone, when there should only be one. Check out the biblical book Acts of the Apostles. It shows what the early congregations did and what True Christianity involves

    Source(s): Bible Wol
  • 4 years ago

    the completed theology of the Incarnation and the Trinity has consistently questioned me. i've got have been given faith it has questioned all and sundry who has particularly concept approximately it. a brilliant number of the fairly genuine theology around it (from the 4th century) holds little activity to me. each and every and all of the uncooked fabric is in the present testomony, and one gets a feeling that there are complicated paradoxes in touch. The verses you cite emphasize Jesus as a guy and since the Son; others (John 8:fifty 8 & John 10:30 working occasion) emphasize Jesus's solidarity with the divine. i've got have been given faith that the two perspectives are in a deep adventure genuine. surely God isn't immediately forward for the human concepts to charm to close, and that i doubt the apostles might have invented some thing as intellectually messy like the Trinity for purposes of prevailing converts. i think of of this basically the closest we are able to get to grasping it in this life. on the quite a few hand, there are factors of the Gospels that talk lots greater beneficial of direction. Jesus particularly rose from the ineffective, a brilliant form of persons testified to this to the element of loss of life. and a brilliant form of what He asks human beings is as sparkling because it is troublesome. working occasion: Luke 10:25-37 - the forged Samaritan Matthew 18:21-22 - Forgiveness Mark 10:17-31 - finished dedication in the no longer likely adventure I completely hold close that physique of concepts to life, i'll bypass directly to attempting to comprehend the Trinity at a deeper element. Have a stable day, and peace be with you. greater beneficial concepts are on my weblog (link decrease than) in case you're curious.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I know that we usually sing 4 songs and wish that we had 4 more.I love the worship part and wish it was longer,it is such a powerful feeling singing with the whole Church.Our services are usually one hour and fifteen minutes,and would gladly sit through a few more minutes.I didn't used to like to sing in public,but God reached into my heart and now sing out loud with the congregation!

  • 8 years ago

    Make up your own church and teach your way

    Its what sects of the Christ cult do all the time.

    You should know how to indoctrinate others so your good to go.

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  • 8 years ago

    Celebrating the Eucharist with the Priest is all that matters.

  • 8 years ago

    The problem is that the more highly you educate people the more they tend to realise that religion is all about controlling them and not about their salvation.

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