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If you are a house cleaner And you See a door closed what do you do?

If you're house cleaner and you are at someone's home & a bedroom door is closed, do you go in and clean it, or do you take it as a hint they don't want you in that room??!

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm not a housekeeper, but if I was I'd knock before I opened any doors. I'd clean unless I was told not to

  • Irene
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    There's no second-guessing when you are hired to clean a house. You and the owner discuss all areas of the job before you start, including opening and closing whatever doors are there. If you are told to leave the master bedroom alone, then it must be left alone. Period!

    As time passes, there will be other tasks that need attention such as cleaning out the fridge, and if they are not included in the initial cleaning, then a separate charge should be discussed.

    No one should assume that a home is 'empty' when all occupants are out. You are in a trusted position - don't break that trust just to be nosy. People don't hire home cleaners because their homes are clean, so remember not to grumble if you meet up with some dirt. That's why you have a job.

  • Jrbott
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    When you hire on why not ask which rooms you are allowed to enter and the rules of handling closed rooms. You may be surprised how many home owners record you as you move around cleaning their home. Pick something up that is not in your realm of cleaning and you could be looking for a new job. Camera sizes are now so small you are hard pressed to even see them, but they will record you.

  • 8 years ago

    Well if no one is in the house, I would peek in and see whats in there. I leave my door close when my cleaner comes but I never hide anything.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    If your a cleaner and expected to clean this room

    then knock first before you enter it

    but they should,nt be in there if they know its your day to clean

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