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Where can I find reference to which is the first and seventh day?

I've seen folks posting that Saturday is the seventh day (and Sunday the first), but I can't find a reference to this in the scriptures. Can someone point me to a reference on this, or if it's a derived doctrine, can someone point me to a site that explains the derivation?



To the answers so far: References to a calendar which was established by men less than 3,000 years ago doesn't give any credence to which is the biblical "seventh day." The way they're named doesn't help either, as that's also a much later creation of man. I'll concede that it's entirely possible (perhaps even probable) that the people establishing that calendar and those names had in mind to name the seventh day Saturday, but they would have no way of knowing which was the 7th, so they simply had to choose one and name it thus.

And as for "look at the calendar", I checked the 9 calendars in my house. 8 of them start on Monday and end on Sunday. The other starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday. Inconclusive, even if we accepted a modern calendar as evidence.

5 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is the beginnng of months for the Israelites, The first month God called Abib

    Ex 13: 4

    This day came ye out in the month Abib;

    the names of days were not mentioned as they were referred to as first day, second day etc:

    Things changed when the Jews went to Babylon and took their Babylonian calendar and added their god's names for days and months

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    The scriptures don't name the days.

    However, we use a system known as the Gregorian Calendar (aka the "Christian Calendar"), which was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII.

    According to this calendar system, the week starts with Sunday (day 1) and ends with Saturday (day 7). Look at any wall calendar and you'll see Sunday at the far left and Saturday at the far right. That's why.

  • 9 years ago

    The seven day calander system has not changed since the times of Christ. Our Sat. or 7th day was the same then as it was today just with a different day. Just look at a calander, the first and last days of the week have not moved around or changed. Only the names have changed.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Saturday is the seventh day. The seventh day is the Sabbath. Only reason its not explicity stated in the Bible is because we get the names of our days from the Roman system, and the Bible was written in Hebrew and Greek.

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  • 9 years ago

    Saturday = Sabbath. On the seventh day god rested....he rested on the Sabbath. Genesis.

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