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Lv 728,783 points

Gerry S

Favorite Answers14%
  • Japanese (kanji) analysis?

    I need some information on the following kanji: 精進

    I believe this is "shojin", and I would like to know the etymology, denotation and connotations related to this kanji. What are common usages, and are there any idiomatic usages that might complicate usage.

    Here's the situation: this may be incorporated in a new style name for an offshoot of a martial art. I believe this kanji can translate to "diligence" or "diligent effort", and have been told it can be used to refer to disciplined self development, as well. In addition to the information above, I'd like to have someone confirm or contradict this understanding.

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerLanguages8 years ago
  • How can I create a launch menu for a USB drive?

    I'm putting together some USB drives with some self-study information. I'd like to set up a menu that would pop up when the USB drive is mounted. This menu needn't be complicated. Ideally, I'd like to be able to do multiple levels (like a DVD menu), but I'd be okay with just a simple menu with 5 or 6 links/buttons.

    Since I'd expect most of the users to be using Windows computers, I'm looking for something that works in Windows, from Vista to the current version. It'd be great if I could do the same for Mac and Linux, so if you know a solution for other platforms, please pass that along too.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Where can I host online learning content?

    I am looking for a location to host online classes, including video instruction, files (PDF would be sufficient), audio, and perhaps some slideshows. I want the video content streaming, but would be okay with downloadable, as well.

    I looked at Odijoo, and their free program (10% overhead on sales) looks good, but they don't seem to have a way to host video or audio content there, rather are focused on SCORM-compliant content, which appears to be slideshow oriented.

    For clarification, some of the courses will be paid. Some will be one-tme courses, while some will have multiple episodes, and would be best with drip content (though I could simply release the entire content to them at one time, if drip isn't an option).

    1 AnswerOther - Education9 years ago
  • What are the scores like at most local amateur tournaments?

    For those of you who play in local tournaments, or belong to a club that hosts them: What are the ranges of scores you typically see? I've considered playing in an occasional tournament, but I don't want to be entirely out of my league. I have no hope of winning, but it would be fun to play _if_ I could at least place somewhere near the middle of the group.

    1 AnswerGolf9 years ago
  • What is the Latin phrase Eddie Izzard uses in "Definite Article"?

    There's a phrase he uses when he's talking about having "done a bit of Latin". It seems to start with something like, "Amo amar sematum..."

    Languages9 years ago
  • What is your view of a modern school that doesn't teach children?

    While I understand the value to the children who attend martial arts schools (whether it's a mcdojo where they have fun and learn some cool moves or a more traditional school where they actually learn to defend themselves), I'm disinclined to teach classes to children.

    I'm not a full-time instructor (I have two other businesses), and prefer to focus on the core of the art - those parts which can't realistically be taught to children. For this reason (and a few other reasons I'm leaving out in the interest of brevity), when I re-open classes, I'm planning to only teach ages 16+.

    I've had instructors (including some of my own) tell me that there's no way to run a program (much less a school) with a profit without kids' classes. Any thoughts on this?

    The style is very self-defense oriented, with a moderately traditional format.

    Background: the style is a full-range style, so the equipment costs are relatively high. We'd need good mats for falls and other basic equipment (practice weapons, sparring gear, etc.). I'd like to make some money doing this, but I'd at worst like to break even.

    6 AnswersMartial Arts9 years ago
  • How can I access my Y!A private messages?

    How can I get to the messages people send me on Y!A, other than clicking on the link in the email message I receive? Is there somewhere I can go on Y!A to see these?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • Is there a good digital ink (note-taking) app for the iPad?

    I remember reading a couple of years ago that the iPad wasn't particularly good for digital ink (taking handwritten notes) because of a low resolution. I'm wondering if that has been improved with the iPad 2 or the New iPad. Has anyone found a good digital ink app for the iPad?

    Detail: I take notes at business meetings and conferences - several hundred pages a year. I'd love to have all of those digitally, but the digital ink would have to be pretty fantastic.

    2 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds9 years ago
  • Where do hybrids fit in a set?

    I realize it will vary a bit from one brand to the next, but which clubs are normally replaced by typcial hybrids? I do reasonably well with my 3-iron, but I'm interested in trying hybrids to replace both the 3-iron and the 7-wood. How can I select the appropriate hybrid from a set to match each of these?

    3 AnswersGolf9 years ago
  • Would my business losses offset my spouse's income?

    If my business expenses exceed my personal income (so I have a loss), will that loss offset some of my spouse's income?

    4 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • Can I play a blanket provisional ball?

    Let's say I hit a ball, and am not sure its disposition. It's near OOB, near some rough, and near a hazard. I can't see which way it bounced, so can't be sure if it's in any of those areas, or still in play. Is it possible to simply put out a provisional to cover any or all of those, to keep play moving (since there are typically people playing behind me, to avoid having that walk back to the tee while they wait)?

    1 AnswerGolf9 years ago
  • If I assign commissions to a company, are they liable for taxes?

    I earn commissions for insurance sales. I have the option of assigning those commissions to my company (LLC, taxed as partnership). If I do this, will the 1099-misc then indicate this as income to the LLC, rather than to me?

    (Bonus if you can tell me if the LLC has to be a licensed agency in order for me to assign commissions.)

    1 AnswerOther - Taxes9 years ago
  • Can a division be referred to as "a company"?

    Let me lay out the details:

    1) I have a legal business entity (say, Business Entity LLC)

    2) There are divisions within this business, each having a legal DBA (Business Group, Another Business, etc.)

    Can I put "Another Business, a Business Entity LLC company" on my literature for that division? In other words, can I refer to a division as "a company", even though it's not a separate entity, or am I going to run into legal issues around the term "company"?

    1 AnswerCorporations9 years ago
  • How do I transfer revenue into LLC?

    I am a member in a multimember LLC (taxed as partnership). If business income is paid directly to me (check payable in my name), but I want that income to show as income within the LLC (to be used for operating expenses, distributed among members, etc.), how do I do that? Is there a form I need to file, or is it sufficient to deposit that money in the LLC's accounts?

    3 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • Where can I find reference to which is the first and seventh day?

    I've seen folks posting that Saturday is the seventh day (and Sunday the first), but I can't find a reference to this in the scriptures. Can someone point me to a reference on this, or if it's a derived doctrine, can someone point me to a site that explains the derivation?


    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What are the letters Muslims put after significant names?

    I've read many posts here where Muslims place letter combinations after significant names. What are they, and what is their significance?

    Example (from a question posted in R&S):

    "Judaism started when Allah (SWT) appeared to Moses (AS) ..."

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Is there a Joomla extension for setting up an affiliate program?

    I've looked through some of the extensions that come up when I search for "affiliate", but so far the pretty much all seem to be for displaying affiliate advertising. I'm not an expert, but am reasonably able in Joomla, and need to find a fairly simple extension for creating a one-level affiliate program.

    I know I could probably do this with PHP, but that's well above my grade at the moment (and I have no plan to reach that level of expertise). Ideally, I'd like an extension that works well with one of the simple store/shopping cart extensions, so I can easily track purchases through affiliate advertising.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design10 years ago
  • Prop comedian with word placards, "I've got 'something' for you"?

    Does anyone remember the name of the prop comedian who had a trunk with several word placards in it? He'd pull one out that said "something" on it. He'd say, "You want 'something' from me?" and a whole line of one-liners based on "something," "nothing," and similar words.

    Any help?

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment10 years ago
  • How to get the typical fried rice flavor?

    I've looked at some recipes for fried rice, but they all seem to be leaving something out. Every common Chinese restaurant in America offers fried rice, and it all has a similar basic flavor (and easily recognizable color). The fried rice recipes I've seen don't produce that color or flavor. In fact, the rice ends up looking (and tasting) like plain rice, with a bit of egg mixed in and some barely noticeable carmelization.

    So, how do I get that iconic fried rice flavor (and look) when I'm making my own fried rice?

    10 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • What does "fort aux halles" mean?

    I came across this in an old Joe Dassin song (l'équipe à Jojo), but it's an idiomatic expression I'm not familiar with. I'm not looking for a direct (word-for-word) translation, but an idiomatic translation. Would love to hear from some native French speakers.

    1 AnswerLanguages10 years ago