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His response and actions are confusing....?

I met this guy 1 1/2 years ago through work (does not work with me) we met in the halls in the building I work in.

First day asked me if I wanted his number I said no (in a nice simple manner-smiling) to where we both just laughed it off as a joke (no hard feelings).

The next few days would stop by and just say good morning or hello. So out of curiosity we exchanged numbers and from there he would text, call me, e-mail, stop by my office and asked me to lunch and dinner. Flirt, say sweet cute remarks to me, etc.

Took me to lunch, dinner and paid

He bought me expensive gifts

gave me beautiful cards

give me compliments (hair, outfits, etc)

Hug me and would be the one to ask for the huge ( we never kissed or never been intimate)

He was always respectful to me and has an amazing personality

I made the mistake of telling the guy "I liked him" a year and a half later as I got to know him. I did not say anything more than that to him.

His response " I don't want to ruin the friendship"?

I feel humiliated and embarrassed for telling him that and wish I would have kept it to myself. I am confused like why the wining, dining, compliments, flirting, visits, gifts and you never liked me?

Mature answers only, I thought what happen to action speaks louder than words? I guess it means nothing.

Why invest the amount of energy and actions into a woman/girl if you felt nothing? I don't get it.


1. He is an Armenian-American guy (maybe its a cultural thing)

2. He is not married, no kids for a fact ( I met 2 of his girl cousins and 1 aunt) women gossip they I believe would have told him to knock it off or would have told me so I could have put a stop to it

3. As well as I am not Armenian (maybe that is it) who knows.

10 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's not a mistake that you told him you liked him. And it's not an embarrassment that he wants to remain friends! He's got a lot invested in this friendship.... I'd assume he meant what he said.

    He's enjoyed the ritual you two established. It might mean a lot to him. He tried to have it mean a lot to you as well. Just not a physical love affair.

    And you may be a beard. There are men who find it to their advantage to have what appears to be a romance going on with a woman. And as long as the rules are clear... it works.

    It's just that you deserved to know, or figure it out (!), that a year and a half of courting was the product in and of itself. If you are both willing, nothing need change.

    Only you need to make room in your life for a man who does want more than romance.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I was in that situation twice. One guy did not want to ruin our friendship so it went no where. Sounded like he was just making excuses though. He liked a different "type" of call her a "woman" would be a stretch. I hear he's changed a bit from that mode of thinking. People can change when they realize what they are doing and the reasdon they are doing it makes no sense. Unfortunately, some just have to hit rock bottom in a blackend abyss before searching for the light. But people can change.

    Recently, I met a guy while working on a project. We were friends first. I like him and he likes me. He is smart and knows I am smart and can appreciate my drive for the cause. Anyway, we both realize the friendship could be even more meaningful with us remaining friends AND becoming lovers as well. We are growing stronger in our friendship/relationship now than ever before and hopefully will continue to grow and have something even more permanent.

    We don't exchange gifts, cards. money, nothing. He does not pay my bills and does not ask me to pay his. He has no money and neither do I. But its ok. I'm not in it for the money. I enjoy working with him on this project and feel its worthy of my time and effort. Its easy to be friends when you are working towards a common goal. Having things in common and respecting one another helps too. It should be the basis of any relationship that will hopefully lead to marriage

    Hard to say what you should do as you have to talk to him and make that decision together. But if he says he only wants to be your friend, accept that and move on to someone who wants what you want. Its just like if a man divorces you....don't beg him to stay...or come on here making up stories to make yourself feel better...that's just...pathetic.

  • 9 years ago

    That makes no sense to me... I think the guy has some issues. I think like you do on this matter, why take you to dinner or buy expensive gifts for someone if you feel nothing for them other than friendship..? Seems like a strange reaction to something so simple as letting him know that you like him. I would suggest maybe confronting him about the way you feel (confused) on the matter and ask why he did such things if you were only friends. He may actually give you an answer. Not that you will necessarily agree with it, but it would be an answer and possibly help you feel better about the situation. If not, I would suggest not talking to him anymore if he is unwilling to give you an answer and did such strange things. Good luck

  • 9 years ago

    "Like" seems to have taken on a whole new meaning these days. It used to be the kiss of death and meant she just wanted to be friends. We need to regain our vocabulary. A guy will invest a lot to get laid but if he really did start to like you it may have bothered him that he could actually hurt your feelings in the process.

    He doesn't want to commit and likes you enough to put the brakes on to spare your feelings.

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  • 9 years ago

    I think he does like you both as a friend and as more, the only problem is from his view is that if something happens and it doesn't work he has also lost a friend. I think it's good you said you like him, gives him something to think about, if you really like him try and spend my time together and take it slow. Hope it works out

  • 9 years ago

    you've accepted expensive gifts from him for a year and a half with out even expressing interest in him??? you must be hot. my advice to you is leave him and marry someone else quick because when someone as cold as you gets old and ugly no one will wanna be with you unless they've made a vow

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    WOW~~ you two are moving REALLY slow.

    It took you a year and a half to tell him you like him?

    He probably feels like you are just friends since after all this time you still haven't even had sex.

  • ♦cat
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    He's one of those guys who love the chasing part of the relationship, when they get you, they lose interest and move on to new conquests..Really sad and hurtful but you have to accept and move on.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    He treats you like he would his sister ?

    If its took this long to get this far with him

    I would move on how can he ruin your relationship

    You have,nt got one apart from friends

  • 9 years ago

    Probably because he has a wife and family he's not willing to give up!

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