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  • Toxic friend and severing the friendship?

    I have known this woman for 18 years. She and my son are the same age, both children met in pre-school. Both children are now young adults and off to college. The twist to this story is I had my son at 19 years of age , this woman had her child in her early 40's and she is now 60-62 years of age.

    The problem I am having with her is she seems to be going through a mid life crisis, competing with me, always making random comments about me (appearance, clothes, weight, body frame, etc). She recently moved in my neighborhood (few doors down) and getting involved in the neighbors business (marital issues and disagreements). She tries to act like a teenager and the worst thing is my parents are exactly her age and when I invited her in the past to my sons birthday parties she would call my parents: Mom and pops like a young person, mind you she is the same age. To where other guest were appalled by her behavior and called later to ask who the old lady was.

    Everytime someone comments on something it could be a general friendly conversation, she corrects them if she feels their statement or comment is politically incorrect to her standards and she acts as though if she knows it all, when she does not.

    I am drained and feel she is toxic. I recently flat out told her I no longer want to be friends with her. I feel our kids are old enough to communicate and continue on with there friendship since they are now older. I feel I no longer have to deal with her just because our kids are friends since pre-school.

    Even my son commented one time she called him over to her house to assist her with computer, he commented to me privately as he was working on her computer. Someone called her and she was talking and making racial remarks that did not sit well with him. It bothered him but he didn't say anything to her but confided in me.

    Am I wrong for severing ties with this person? ( I did not give her a full explanation) I basically said I am done and have not been in contact with her since. Problem is we live in the same neighborhood and a few doors down from each other.

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • Wedding etiquette, is this tacky?

    My co-worker is getting married for the 4th time. The whole office was invited only to the wedding ceremony but not the reception. She handed out paper flyers to the entire office.

    On this flyer/invitation listed under gifts: Established Couple (Monetary gift preferred). I found this to be distasteful and I was under the impression that the gifts are usually taken to the reception and given there?

    Is this proper to do? or tacky?

    8 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • His communication skills are confusing? any advice?

    I have this guy friend when he met me tried to hit on me, took me out to dinner, bought me extravagant gifts, would flirt with me, always complimented me, would call, text (whatever). Even invited me to family and business functions.

    Anyways, over the course of time I grew to like him (we never slept with each other, we never kissed). Just a hug after our dinner dates.

    I told him in January I liked him (that is all I said). Well he rejected me and said he just wanted to be friends, he values our friendship too much as he put it. I accepted that and thought ok at least I have a friend.

    What I am confused about now is I remain the same (a friend) I don't bring up the past, I always am polite and pleasant I hold no hard feelings. Well this so called friend is short with me for no reason, can't even look at me (eye contact when talking) looks around, seems preoccupied. Acts weird around me now. I remain myself and a friend (nothing more).

    He now stopped calling, texting and e-mailing me. So in return I don't even bother communicating with him since he acts this way.

    BUT the big issue is when he comes to my office for business he text me " I am here" like nothing expecting me to greet him and meet him. (this is like twice a month).

    I don't get this guy and friends don't treat friends this way. What should I do or how do I act when I see this guy now and he does this? What would you do? If someone did this to you.

    Another strange thing he randomly now text out the blue when he goes on his vacations telling me he is in paris, carribbean etc. and then ask how I am doing?

    Mature answers or advice

    Felt mature adults would provide better advice or experience than the teeny boppers in friends or singles.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Guy friend changed from hot to cold? Its confusing?

    I have this guy friend I have know a few years. We use to have great conversations, hang out, he use to visit me on my job, text me all the time, call me frequently etc.

    Well that has all changed, he rarely text, rarely calls, won't return my calls, we no longer hang out. I noticed even when he talks to me in person he gives me literally no eye contact (just brief) and turns while talking.

    I continue to be a good friend as though nothing is wrong, but it bothers me. I noticed when he does text now he just text me to tell me where he is traveling to: Paris, Miami, etc. as to brag. The texts are at odd times (late evening or night) due to time difference.

    When I just text or call just to say hello or see how he is doing, his text or responses are : Good or Well.

    I feel friends don't do this to friends and we never had any disagreement or problems.

    This guy went from hot (warm personality) to cold (stale).

    So I thought of just ignoring him, no longer calling or texting, giving him his space-move on. If he text about his trips/vacations just ignoring it.

    His behavior confuses me. If I ask him if he is ok or his behavior has changed, trust me he will say nothing is wrong. So I don't want to even go there.

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Guy friend has changed? For no reason.?

    I have this guy friend who I known a couple of years. We use to laugh, text and call each other not all the time but at least a few times a week.

    We would hang out and have a great time. He would even stop by my job to say hello and chat.

    Well now he has changed. We have always gotten along, we never had any fights or disagreements, I don't get in his personal business ( I feel its not my place) only if he offers to share information. I keep my boundaries as friends.

    Well the calls and text have gone to literally like twice a month. When I text just to check how is he doing or say Hello ( I get one word responses like : Good or Well).

    I saw him a couple of times near my job (office building where I work-has different businesses). I went to say hello and he acts different, like weird toward me now. When we talk in person he looks at me briefly and turns away (while still talking). Lack of eye contact now.

    Where before he use to give me eye contact when we talked in person throughout the whole conversation.

    We where never in a relationship, only friends, we never had any disagreement. I treat him respectfully as I would any friend and continue to be myself.

    He has changed alot it bothers me to where I just want to not even be friends anymore because of the odd behavior. I never did a thing to him.

    Why would a guy act or behave toward a female friend this way? Mature answers only.

    8 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Looking around when talking? Lack of eye contact?

    There is this guy I consider him a friend (platonic). I will admit we went out to dinner a few times (he asked me when we first met). We had a great time, use to talk, text all the time, he would stop by my office and visit me to say hi. He would flirt with me, compliment me etc (but we never did anything more) than I mentioned on here.

    As time went on I started to like him and I told him a few months ago that I liked him ( that was all) never mentioned anything else . Well he said he enjoyed our friendship and didn't want to ruin it. I accepted the answer and kept it on a friendship level to this day (platonic).

    When we use to talk he would give complete eye contact.

    Well now I noticed when he talks to me in person, he now barely gives me eye contact. He starts with eye contact in the beginning (very brief) then starts looking around while still talking. I looked over to see if he was looking at something or someone when he did it yesterday, there was nothing or no one around. Just us two standing there talking.

    Why would someone go from assertive (eye contact originally) to all over the place limited eye contact?

    Its confusing and bad manners. I don't want to be rude and ask why he does it now. Its just bothersome to me now that he does this. Even if I asked he would probably be to embarrassed to tell me the truth.

    4 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • Wrong impression, how to deal with neighbors?

    A couple moved next door they have 2 small sons. The husband introduced himself and was nice, polite. As they were moving in he blocked my garage entry with furniture I thought no problem I know your moving in so I will just park on the street until you move in.

    In passing he started talking to me about he and his wife purchasing a home in near future (saving to buy). I work in the real estate industry (government) and gave him some advice pertaining to home purchasing and informed him I would bring him brochures for him and his wife to read.

    I am single, not married but a professional. My neighbor (the guy) does not work, his wife does and he is covered in tattoo's claims he is a tattoo artist.

    Well I met the wife and the kids as I was pulling up to my garage. She was pleasant.

    This guy (the husband has been acting strange) for no apparent reason now and as I was taking my trash out to the dumpster. The wife loudly said there goes your girlfriend to her husband. I heard her through the window (there window faces the dumpster).

    1. I NEVER showed any interest I was only being polite and considerate.

    2. He is covered in tattoos and unemployed (please definitely not my type).

    3. He even offered me to have dinner with them to explain the property material (brochures) I gave him.- I never accepted.

    Now I no longer feel comfortable nor want to even speak to them because it seems they

    have the wrong impression. Please not that much booze in the world would qualify him for dating

    or partner material nor even an affair, for these two to even think that.

    Mature answers only . How to handle this situation with the neighbors? What would you do?

    11 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • Dissolve a friendship?

    I had a guy friend, we use to hang out, talk, text and enjoy each others company (platonic) nothing more.

    Anyway, I told him I liked him as we have known each other 3 years. Well he started acting weird/nervous. His behavior changed. I meant I liked him like your a great guy.

    So I sent him a card and wrote a note telling him that I like him as a person and that he is a great guy friend (I never hinted anything about a relationship).

    Then I made this point and stated that even if we both mutually agreed to move out of the friend zone and tried to take it to another level that it couldn't go past that, which is why I prefer to maintain

    our friendship as is because of this. (I said this because his family is overly religious and want him to marry or date only girls of the same religion). I am not of his religion.

    This guy was calling and texting non-stop after this. But I actually saw the guy yesterday and to my disbelief he acted like he didn't see me, so I walked up to him to say hello (just being polite) I didn't mention the note or anything.

    He seemed uneasy and I thought we resolved the issue.

    I felt I did my part to clarify things and continue being a friend but this guy's behavior is odd. What would you do? Cut all ties? I am at that point now. By the way the guy is 29 years old by the way.

    Mature answers.

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Guy or girl friends call early?

    Is it normal for a guy friend or female friend to call early in the morning (at 7:00 a.m.) just to say hello?

    A guy friend of mine called me early, I happen to be up. I thought it was a bit odd. He didn't want anything (no favors, no money, was not in trouble) just wanted to say hey and find out what I was doing .

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • How to reconnect with a friend?

    I had a friend (male) we fell out due to a misunderstanding (we are only friends, not in a relationship). I was upset for a few days so I didn't want to speak to him, see him, text, e-mail nothing because I needed time to gather my thoughts.

    So last night I texted and e-mailed him and apologized. Took responsibility for my own actions or part that I had in the misunderstanding. He has not returned the text, e-mail not a phone call or nothing.

    So at this point what to do? move on? end the friendship? I did my part not sure what else is left to do.

    Mature opinions, advice only!

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • Can a guy like a girl and be attracted to her without wanting to date her?

    Is this possible? because he wants to preserve/not mess up the friendship he has with her?

    Mature answers and opinions, any personal experiences?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • His response and actions are confusing....?

    I met this guy 1 1/2 years ago through work (does not work with me) we met in the halls in the building I work in.

    First day asked me if I wanted his number I said no (in a nice simple manner-smiling) to where we both just laughed it off as a joke (no hard feelings).

    The next few days would stop by and just say good morning or hello. So out of curiosity we exchanged numbers and from there he would text, call me, e-mail, stop by my office and asked me to lunch and dinner. Flirt, say sweet cute remarks to me, etc.

    Took me to lunch, dinner and paid

    He bought me expensive gifts

    gave me beautiful cards

    give me compliments (hair, outfits, etc)

    Hug me and would be the one to ask for the huge ( we never kissed or never been intimate)

    He was always respectful to me and has an amazing personality

    I made the mistake of telling the guy "I liked him" a year and a half later as I got to know him. I did not say anything more than that to him.

    His response " I don't want to ruin the friendship"?

    I feel humiliated and embarrassed for telling him that and wish I would have kept it to myself. I am confused like why the wining, dining, compliments, flirting, visits, gifts and you never liked me?

    Mature answers only, I thought what happen to action speaks louder than words? I guess it means nothing.

    Why invest the amount of energy and actions into a woman/girl if you felt nothing? I don't get it.

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Took courage, but I told him.....?

    I have known this guy for about 2 years. We met in my office building , so the first time I met him he was flirty asking if I wanted his phone number and would stop by and say hello to me.

    He then asked me out to lunch and dinner we went out quite a few times, he has given me beautiful gifts. He texts me, calls me, hugs me, visits me and is always sweet. Yes he is flirty as well in his texts.

    I have grown to like him because I got to know him, he has never tried to kiss me or has never been inappropriate.

    Well I thought about it and didn't know how to tell him so, I texted him that I liked him and that he is really a nice guy that I just wanted to let him know that but didn't know how to express that.

    Well it took courage and he has not responded...............I am a bit now embarrassed and trying to figure things out and wondering if I made a mistake of telling him.

    Mature advice and answers only, please share your experiences and opinions..... Thanks

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Too direct? was I wrong?

    This guy I met a year ago e-mails me, texts me, calls me and even stops by my office just to say hello.

    Well the problem is he constantly makes dates for lunch and sometimes dinner and cancels them or can't make his mind up and changes the date. Mind you he is the one who keeps asking me to go out to lunch/dinner.

    So end result I have to adjust my schedule and feel I am always in limbo. So yesterday was the final straw.

    He sent me a text stating the date for monday may be a problem for him (schedule) and what other date do I have available.

    I responded Wednesday (if this specific calendar date does not work for you) then lets just forget about this whole lunch/dinner date entirely.

    He has done this before and I am busy just as well. I feel he makes eating (lunch/or dinner) complicated.

    Am I wrong for the text I sent(my response)? Mature opinions only.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Why the need to explain himself?

    I met this guy about a year ago. He asked me out for coffee (we met), to dinner (I went), asked me again to dinner (arranging to go-due to conflicting schedules).

    He calls me and texts me frequently and always has to explain himself to me. He picks up the tabs anytime we go out (I have even offered to pay-he refuses).

    example: If I ask "How was your weekend" I expect a reply like "Good, or I didn't do much".

    Instead he goes into details example: I and Bob went to Las Vegas, we did this and that and came back home that night (blah blah). (never mentions any girls).

    What I am confused about is:

    Enjoys taking me out, pays for everything (even when I try to pay), calls me, texts me, explains himself to me (even when I don't ask). Has never tried to touch or kiss me, but has sent flirty text and given me gifts (flowers, chocolates, etc).

    I assume were just friends (platonic) nothing more, not sure what this guy wants or is thinking?

    My question is why all the explaining? do guys just like taking a girl out just because (want nothing from them)? This guy is difficult to read. This guy definitely has me puzzled, whereas other guys I have gone out with I can figure them out or they tell me directly what the intentions are.

    By the way this guy is 30 years old (why its odd to me). Mature responses or answers only.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Guys do you ask the same girl out occasionally because you like her or enjoy the friendship?

    Someone please enlighten me, I am a bit confused.

    There is a guy I met in my office building (does not work with me). He was nice and asked me out twice 1. Starbucks 2. Dinner on two separate occasions.

    We laughed and had good conversations, I thanked him when we went to Starbucks and Dinner (just gave him a hug (nothing more).

    This guy text's me (small talk or to see how I am doing) sometimes calls me when both our schedules are permitting.

    Well he asked me to go out again this past week (hang out again).

    My confusion is I treat him as a friend because he has never mentioned anything about dating me or a relationship so I assume we are just friends.

    Why would a guy keep asking the same girl out ? Is this what guys do with there female friends?

    Mature answers (p.s. he pays for everything dinner, etc whenever we go o

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Ladies and gents what to say tomorrow, need a bit of advice?

    There is a guy I met a year ago in my office building (its a high rise building with various businesses).


    1. He asked me for my number on the first day he met me (walking down the hall)

    2. A couple of months ago (4 months ago exactly) we went out to dinner and to coffee (he paid).

    3. He has given me gifts just because (nice gifts)

    4. Constantly calls and text me (cute and flirty things but always a gentlemen)

    5. He texted me that he was going to be in the building tomorrow and wanted to drop by and say hello.

    6. I was out 2 weeks ago and my co-workers informed me he stop by my office asking for me.

    Confusion is here:

    1. He always asks me for hugs (but we have never held hands nor ever kissed).

    2. Always complimenting me (clothes, appearance, beauty, etc)

    3. Text me sometimes late at nite just to say hello and wanting to know what I am doing. Texts me in the morning just to say good morning.

    I just don't understand why this guy won't just tell me how he feels about me or if he is interested or not. I don't want to seem aggressive or inappropriate as a girl but in a respectable and or tasteful manner what do I say or do with a guy like this?

    I am confused.

    6 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Can guys be friends with a girl? with no motives or intentions behind the friendship?

    Me and a friend were having a discussion.

    My friend claims that guys (straight guys) cannot just be friends with a girl that there are some motives, thoughts or desires behind the friendship.

    My point is guys (straight guys) can be friends with girls, because there are some cases where a guy and girl may have grown up together and have known each other since childhood. He treats her like a kid sister but respects her and loves her as he would his own sister, or girl cousin.

    What are your thoughts? Opinions? or experiences?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • If a straight guy is willing to go with a straight girl to a gay bar to hang out ? Does he like her?

    If a straight guy (100% straight) is willing to go with a girl who is straight (100%) to hang out with her and her gay (guy friends) at a gay bar does he like her?

    Also the guy is homophobic and had to be assured that I promise no one would bother him and he would be with me (girl) and I would advise my gay guy friends as well in advance.

    Me and my gay guy friend Mike were discussing this and he claims the guy likes me is why he is willing to go?

    What are your opinions? Mature answers or experiences?

    3 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Negative work environment and office culture, any suggestions?

    I work in an office setting with about 20 individuals (government office). I have only been on the job only a year. When I started the ladies in the office were rude and mean to me (no reason). I have never done anything to any of them.

    1. They are all in clicks (mind you these are women ages 30-55)

    2. They order lunch and exclude me.

    3. I do my work but am expected to do more and more, while others sit on the internet, sleep, gossip, talk on the phone making personal phone calls all day.

    4. A few have talked down to me (insulting and negative remarks comments).

    5. They all create a hostile work environment that is uncomfortable.

    6. They always try to find something wrong with my work (even for the tedious/stupidest things).

    I don't want to be the squeaky wheel but I am tired of it, don't want to go to work sometimes and feel alone in the office.

    Anyone ever experience anything like I have, any suggestions? ( I am documenting and asked to speak to the director). What do I say without sounding like a whiner or complainer, any advice.

    3 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago