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How would a female secret agent subtly convince a man to divulge information?

I'm stumped with something and this is as good a place to post the question as any...I'm fleshing out a story involving a female undercover police officer (or secret agent, I haven't decided yet) trying to convince a suspected criminal (a refined, intelligent, worldly member of royalty, not a street thug) to reveal critical information about his crimes, and I'm at a point in the plot where I don't know how the female agent would do it or what she would even say to him. It would obviously have to be very subtle and gentle so the male criminal would want to give up information on his own, because she's undercover.

Right now I'm going with the idea that she would use her femininity to sucker the male into committing a slip of the tongue, but I'm not certain how. Throughout the story, she'll still be trying to preserve her core values so she won't become a slut to get the job done, and besides, this worldly criminal is royalty and has refined tastes so he wouldn't fall for it anyway. I'm thinking she would pretend she was a evening gown wearing rich bubblehead and try to get the criminal to impress her by going into detail about what he was doing, all while getting him to think it was really his idea to open his mouth, but I'm not certain how.

From a female perspective, is this what a female agent would really do or is there some other way she would do it? The other possibility would be to pretend she was a world class criminal on the same social level he was in order to get him to trust her in his crimes, but I'm not certain whether this male character would be gullible enough to fall for it. Simply beating him up or threatening him with prison time would NOT work on this character because he's royalty, and he knows he could use his royal connections to buy his way out of trouble anyway. The only way he can be nailed is if she can really get the goods on him somehow.

I guess what I'm asking is, ladies (or men, if you have any good ideas too) if YOU were a female secret agent/undercover police officer/whatever and you were trying to get a member of royalty to admit some critical information without making it obvious you were trying to get information from him, how would you do it?


I guess the best way to describe it is if you're Cinderella, and Prince Charming had a nuclear weapon hidden somewhere that you had to locate.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Easy. She wouldn't even need to have sex with him.

    Ask him about his ideas and hopes and dreams, hang on his every word, repeating over and over again how smart and original and insightful he is and how refreshing his perspectives are. He will not be able to resist telling you more about himself.

    Never offer your own view, unless if you set him up to answer in a way to teach you something more, so as to make him feel smart, to which you of course reply with lots of gushing.

    Never criticize, never argue, don't prod on details, only respond to signs of his personality in it, rather than the actual information you're looking for.

    Also, ask him for advice on any thing you are certain he knows how to advice you for.

    Always sympathize with him, take his side, and construe everything he says to make him seem like the smart guy.

    Never say anything negative that might discourage him from revealing things - ie. never let on that you would consider something morally wrong (like spying in this case), etc.

    Make sure he feels nobody understands him like you do. Make him feel extra under-appreciated by others.

    Rule #1 in dealing with people: we all do what makes us feel good about ourselves.

  • Jack
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Is "Prince Charming" working with a rogue group or something?

    If so, Cinderella could feign a kidnapping, thump the bad guys/girls who kidnapped him, then act like they are from that rogue group...and she needs him to tell her everything so that she can protect him because they want him dead.

    You said you don't want her to use sex to get the information.

    Of course, she could also slip something into his drink that forces him to tell the truth...then take him back to her hotel room, restrain him, and ask him the questions.

    OR...she could be a master hypnotist...or use a colleague to hypnotize him...and then get the truth out of him that way.

  • Erika
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    You recommend - you at the instant are not incredibly a DONKEY??? properly i'm going to be buttered on the two aspects! Makes a metamorphosis besides from maximum individuals around this place - who're pretending to have a clue.

  • 9 years ago

    he would have to be really really really stupid, people in that area are extremely suspicious of any new faces and unlike movies they know undercover agents and spies are going to target them, I cannot see any way she would get information out of a real world bad guy and even on the slightest suspicion he would have her eliminated, every book and movie you have ever seen has the same flaw - stupid and brainless behavior leading to the crook's downfall - it just doesn't happen

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Seduce him with her boobs.

    Source(s): works every time
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