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Is it ok for a Born Again Christian to LIE?

I have a couple of friends that are die hard Born Again Christan's and they ridicule me because I'm not a Born Again nor have I ever read the Bible , I have caught them both in lies , they don't know each other , one is a very self centered person and the other is a very greedy jealous person , the way they are just doesn't seem the way a good person should be...

23 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    See this is the hard thing, that many unbelievers don't understand.

    Even born again Christians sin.

    Just because we believe in God, doesn't mean that we are perfect.

    We are sinners just like the rest of the world. We are no better than anyone else.

    The problem is, many "Christians" claim that they are believers, yet God has no part in their life.

    They look like hypocrites because they say one thing and do the other.

    And that's because they aren't trying, they aren't living their lives for God.

    If you get anything out of this answer, just know this.

    Christians aren't perfect, they aren't sinless, we make mistakes and we make them hard, we fall down just like anyone.

    Yes you should be able to expect more from us, we have Christ, who has shown us how to live a godly life. But its hard! and we aren't always going to get it right. I know I don't!

    Your friends need to stop ridiculing you, and start explaining to you why they believe what they do.

    They aren't right for lying, or for being greedy and jealous and self-centered.

    That's sin in their lives that they need to get right with God about.

    I'm sorry that you don't have Christians in your life that show integrity, and commitment to what they say they believe.

    Hopefully God will work in their lives, and they will begin to change.

    I'd encourage you to look into the Bible, and maybe you can find some things to challenge your friends with. Find what the Bible says about the things your friends struggle with, and show it to them. Say "man, i read this in the Bible, and you say you believe this stuff, but your not really living it out."

    I'm sure that would be a smack in the face to them! and it would wake them up, to see that they aren't living the way they should.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Of course not.

    You are seeing Christians for what they truly are... SINNERS!!!! We ALL lie, we all are self-centered, greedy, jealous, and not "good" people. Christians are not exempt from sin nor immune to it.

    I recall in a discussion with a client once, and she asked me a question, and the truthful answer would not have been "flattering" for my business, and I knew it. And, just like some knee-jerk reaction, I LIED to her! As soon as I said it, I knew I had lied, and not only that, I didn't tell her I had just been untruthful to her. But what astounded me was how AUTOMATIC it was for me to blurt out the lie AND to cover it up! I surprised and shocked myself! But I was sorry for having lied, and have put myself "right" with God about it.

    Many will tell you that Christians are like everyone else, only they are forgiven. This true, but it does not give us carte blanche to blatantly continue sinning. See the article cited below for an article about this issue.

    But my point to you is, don't expect Christians to be any LESS human than YOU are or anyone else. The friends you refer to ... I suspect they are "babes" in the faith, that is, they have not learned some of the "deeper" lessons of their faith, they are immature. And, sadly, many of these people are also very vocal and "in your face" about their faith and can give Christianity a bad rap.

    In particular, "Born Agains" can be rather terse and almost intolerant of non-Born Agains. They have their "truth" and if you are not in total and complete agreement and compliance, then they are almost unfriendly towards you. Again, sadly, this behavior gives ALL of Christianity a black eye.

    If you do have a faith, I would suggest you pray for these friends, that God would gently open their eyes and hearts to what they are doing.

    Forgive others as I have forgiven you.

    I’m not here to win a popularity contest, but to witness to and speak the TRUTH.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The Bible tells us that there is no room in heaven for liars. Christians are not perfect, we are sinners saved by grace. However, we cannot continue to repeatedly live in sin. When we do sin we can confess and be forgiven but this is not to be taken for granted. So if they are lying on a continual basis they are in dangerous territory. If they are die hard christians as you say then they should know this.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    The e book of Genesis information the two lines of people and clearly tells us that the lines that turns into the Muslims will hate the others. submit to in concepts... those issues have been written thousand of years in the previous Islam became invented in 6th century advert. How ought to the author of Genesis know that???? Very exciting, huh? hint: The Bible became written with the help of a God who's prevalent with of what is going to take place lengthy in the previous it does take place. The hatred Muslims have for something of the worldwide is merely data of the Bible's authenticity.

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  • 9 years ago

    No, it isn't okay to lie.

    But, you know what. Even Christians mess up.

    Just because we are Christian doesn't mean were sinless, it just means were forgiving.

    Now, I don't know their hearts they may or may not be truly born again. That is not for me to judge.

  • 9 years ago

    Scripture says everyone sins and falls short of the glory of God. That includes born again Christians. It's never okay to lie. Lies are among the things that God hates. (Proverbs 6:16-19)

  • 9 years ago

    Born agains are still sinners and can grieve the heart of God just as non-bacs can !!!

    We have walk in the spirit of God for the victory that you are looking to find in others !!!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Yes, it's okay for Born Agains to lie, but it's not okay for anyone else. Sheesh!

  • 9 years ago

    Then they are the typical douchebag "born again" chrstian.

    ALL humans lie. Sometimes it is acceptable and sometimes it isn't, depending on the context.

  • 9 years ago

    No it is not ok for born again christians to lie. Clearly those people you call friends aren't born again christians.

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