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Kyrie F asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

Do you think that Evangelicals have spoiled the GOP?

Okay I am just curious. Evangelicals tend to vote republican no matter what and they often come out with things like trying to ban gay marriage and abortion and maybe this is why it is hard for the GOP to have a word in edgewise? I mean I want to hear their ideas on the big issues but hate when they try to make it seem like Jesus wants them to violate my rights.

12 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think there is an 'unholy alliance' between the Republican Party and the fundamentalist Christian movement in the US. But it's not like you say, it's the other way around.

    The GOP has carried on a deliberate program to co-opt fundamentalist Christianity. This is partly because the South is their 'target demographic' and fundamentalism is very strong in the South. So the GOP corrupted a few very visible Christian leaders to conflate a political message with their spiritual one--to deliberately confuse political and spiritual themes. The result was not that our politics was corrupted by religion but vice versa.

    The abortion issue, for instance, was -designed- to capture Christian voters for Reagan in the 1980 election. Before that election the Pro Life movement was overwhelmingly Roman Catholic--and in a way they have a legitimate right to it because they also oppose contraception. It became a Protestant issue mostly in the 1980 election, and Republicans deliberately designed the issue in such a way that it could never be resolved. Clearly they had no real intention of banning abortion! They've never even really tried! Instead they sought to milk the issue for maximum political mileage.

    Gay Marriage is a very similar issue. The Republicans rail against it but it seems pretty much inevitable. They run ballot initiatives in states to ban it, hoping that well-meaning Christians will come to the polls to vote against gay marriage, and while they're there they'll mark a few names on the ballot with (R) after them. The Republicans are The Party of Intolerance--every kind of intolerance--but homophobia is the last safe form of intolerance that can be discussed openly.

    But in fact the real Republican agenda has nothing to do with 'family values' or bringing the country back to God. It really has to do with concentrating wealth and increasing corporate control over our lives. They cultivate a number of single-issue constituencies--Christians, gun-rights people, anti-tax people, anti-government people--but they never actually DO anything for them, they only promise them stuff to get their money and their votes.

  • No more than the War mongers. We could really use some moderate anti war Democrats to help us elect Ron Paul. I know we have some differences but once we agree on anti aggression diplomacy and everyone having their individual liberty the rest we can talk about. Maybe we could finally get our third party for all of us normal people who are not fanatical about killing and prejudice toward certain groups.

  • 9 years ago

    Unfortunately I have to think the answer is Yes.

    Those running for office have to set aside the First Amendment and big chunks of our Liberty to get support from them.

    Liberty permits freedom for all Responsible citizens and we can not have true Liberty if we deny religious freedom for those we disagree with.

    Still, they are Far better than the Leftists who want a Marxist Tyranny led by Elitist Despots.

    I vote for Real Liberty and Representation for All responsible citizens.

    Be a Real American Patriot!

  • 9 years ago

    Thats because the moderators that ask the questions for these candidates, are all liberals. They get cornered into these questions. Like the other night, the contraceptive questions. Really? this country is spiraling into debt, the US dollar is becoming worthless, unemployment is a problem and they're asking questions about condoms?

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  • 9 years ago

    They have not done the GOP in favors by making the Republicans act like they are catering to a bunch of religious fanatics.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    If those youngsters want redistribution of wealth, they must be protesting on the White living house. Non of those obvious WS "Crooks" are going to disband their companies in simple terms by using fact non violent protests are happening. in basic terms the government can tension them to accomplish that.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    That is just as bad as asking if I think Black preachers have spoiled the dems. Bigotry is bigotry whether racial or religious.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    As a Libertarian-leaning Conservative, I've learned to simply ignore them.

  • John W
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Even Science says life begins at conception, but I dont know how science votes

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The GOP has spoiled the GOP.

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