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Kyrie F asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

Conservatives: Do you want epilepsy to go untreated?

Okay I see people rail against Obamacare but can't we keep the part where people with preexisting conditions get covered and you stay on your parent's insurance till 26? How are those two things bad? I understand the individual mandate argument but that one? Do you want disabled people who may work if they had access to medicine to mooch of the government?

11 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Insurance companies are right to be at the very least hesitant to accept people with serious preexisting conditions. Such people tend to incur more medical expenses than they would pay in insurance premiums. The whole point of insurance as a profitable service is to provide otherwise healthy people with a way to quickly cover emergency or short term medical costs. Extending automatic coverage acceptance to people with preexisting conditions would guarantee that the companies will operate at a loss and have to either close down or dramatically increase rates. Insurance is a business, not a charity, after all.

    As for having people stay on parents' insurance plans until 26: Again, this is something that should be left up to the insurance companies themselves. If such a policy was necessarily a great idea, insurance companies would work to find ways to offer such plans to their customers without government coercion.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    OK, IF you get my auto insurance company to cover the damage from my last wreck if I buy collision coverage AFTER the wreck. Insurance is intended to be a gamble. You buy it in the hope of never needing it. However, if some event occurs and you need it, you will have it. Why should you be allowed to choose your own "lifestyle", become grossly fat, a drunk, a smoker, a slut, a junkie, contract some condition like diabetes, cancer, or AIDS THEN buy insurance and expect everyone else who buys from that company to pay for the consequences of YOUR choices?

    At what point should a person be responsible for their own care and decisions? What if Mommy and Daddy don't WANT to pay for your health insurance until you decide to grow up?

    I want the government to get out of my doctor's office so he can decide what he needs to treat me without the government interfering and telling him he MUST have this and that machine and accept this and that patient or perform this or that procedure. Get the government OUT of the health care business and watch costs drop. EVERYTHING the government has interfered in has seen costs soar as quality dropped. There is NOTHING in the Constitution of the United States that mentions "health care". The federal government has NO SUCH AUTHORITY.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    The reason healthcare costs so much is because the consumer is too far removed from the provider.

    Get rid of ALL insurance, both public and private and watch the cost of healthcare drop to pre WW2 levels(after inflation adjust.).

    The few who still couldn't afford healthcare could and would be taken care of by private charity.

    Just because someone doesn't want the government to do something, doesn't mean they don't want the something to be done.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You wanna keep one part of the rotten apple?

    Look. Let people take care of them selves. It's enough for me & my husband to fend for ourselves & our kids. If we have extra it goes to the church to help thse less fortunate. We can do without the govt forcing taxes from us for special interests.

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  • 9 years ago

    So if you oppose the EPA destroying jobs by over-regulation for the sake of building your own power base you are in favor of dirty air and water.

    If you oppose a system of medical care that is currently bankrupting an entire continent while simultaneously providing poor care for all you are out to get epileptics?

    Dr. Savage gave the only truly free medical advice I have ever received, liberalism is a mental disease.

  • lienot
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    They should have already protected themselves by having insurance. Your question should be "since this person choose not insure themselves will you tax payers now foot all the bills"

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    the problem is with the cost of health care services....not the availability......and the only way costs will drop is if the government takes their finger out of the pot and PEOPLE PAY THEIR BILLS.....

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    American Disabilities Act was passed by George Bush Sr so I don't know where your argument is relevant.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I want your herpes to go untreated

  • RADA
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Do you have a shed of proof to support your claim?



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