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amalone asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

Is the US foreign policy beyond repaired?

Some foreign countries, especially Islamic countries, hate the US and I think Ron Paul's right. Who in the world do you think will not develop hatred toward someone or something when he/she is constantly being bullied by him/her/it?

So here are some questions:

Do you believe the US is partially responsible for attracting these enemies or do you believe these people just hate the US because of her success?

Do you believe that our foreign policy is beyond repaired due to the fact that everyone wants a few nukes and some of them are our enemies? Also, if we back down and let them do what they want, we would likely make fewer enemies but the world will not be a safer place to live (nuke war). If we keep on acting as the world police, we will certainly attract more enemies and the world may be a safer place.

I have a bad feeling that we are in a situation similar to the Palestinian conflict and it will drag on. At the end, we will be forced to go all-in to defend what the other side throws at us and it will not matter who is right because the conflict can't be solved.

Ron Paul has the right foreign policy and he spoke the truth but I think it's already too late to implement it due to the fact that the conflict is already beyond repaired.

Please share your thoughts, I'm interested in hearing what you think about this issue.


chevypirate, that kind of thinking is what got us into this conflict in the first place.

Update 2:

True, the super power won't abandon its duty but that is the same as kicking the bucket down the road until someone takes over as superpower. I guess that's human nature and truth and right/wrong has no meaning.

8 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Unless Ron Paul can win than yeah its unrepairable. America is headed down a dark road and the stupidity in this culture will not help us get out if this mess. The big money power brokers are running wild. Bomb Iran and watch the price of gold and oil. War is money

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    First, Islamic countries hated the west long before there was a US. The Islamic world started the war against the west in the 600's AD and it has been going on ever since. Sometimes we push them back and other times they push us.

    They invaded Europe and were up to the gates of Vienna and conquered Spain. Even the Kaaba was a pagan holy site that they took by force.

    Islam by tenant hates anyone and anything that is not Islamic. The Koran even states that you cannot be friends with a non-Muslim but you can pretend to be a friend of a non-Muslim if it is in your interest.

    It was too late to play nice-nice with the Islamic world a thousand years ago. Try reading history and you will see that the world never changes and we must protect ourselves because they do hate us, they have always hated us and will never stop hating us.

    Ron Paul is a Kumbaya flake with strong antisemitic and racist beliefs. He is a danger.

    Also, in all his years of service, only four of his bills have actually made the floor for a vote.

    Ron Paul DOES NOT have the right foreign policy. His policy is just like that of Neville Chamberlain whose weak leadership in part led to the rise of the Nazis and WW2.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Obama's War Against Libya illustrates the difference between the so-called "Bush Doctrine" and our current President's policies.

    Bush determined to strike proactively against nations and leaders which threaten America. He had successfully neutralized Qaddafi in the War on Terror.

    Obama's approach is to promote instability in wide swaths of the Middle East -- including Egypt and Libya -- where the leaders were not threatening the U.S. and (in the case of Egypt) were collaborating in the War on Terror.

    Stolen Libyan heavy weapons and heat seeking missiles have found their way into the hands of Al Qaeda. Obama's motives remain unclear.

  • 5 years ago

    once you're "for arising new jobs", you will on no account help this point of spending or something Obama has completed as much as now. enable's look at information. certainty: the government has on no account created a single activity. Any activity this is began via the government is paid for via the U.S. Taxpayer. This income turn comes from the internal maximum sector, which brings funds into our economic gadget. certainty: government spending will on no account create an analogous beneficial result to the economic gadget a tax decrease will. With a tax decrease, the money is interior the economic gadget at present - it would not bypass by way of committees or substitute palms dozens of time. Gov. spending is dispensed by way of all kinds of wasteful spending, committees, companies, and so on. It touches various distinctive instruments of palms, with funds being siphoned off at each step. to boot to this, the spending we are talking related to here is mortgaged via China.

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    In the history of the world the superpower has made mistakes but does not removed its dudies as a superpower

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    obamas foreign apology is to apologize for everything, while at the same time blaming bush and the jews, and calling anyone who doesnt support him mindlessly a racist.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    We gotta get rid of Comrade Obama.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Name one country that can whoop us in a fight.


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