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If God told you to kill your child....from previous question..To understand God's Word is to study the meaning?

This Verse and the question folks have is..... Why then would God give this command? The point was for Abraham to demonstrate that he trusted God completely and placed him above all else, even his own son.1Though God of course already knew that Abraham had faith in him, it was necessary for Abraham to prove it through action. "His faith was made complete by what he did" (James 2:21-23). Because of his actions, not only God but Abraham, his family and future generations knew that Abraham trusted God. This trust was important because it indicated that Abraham had the proper relationship with God (he was treating God as God deserves to be treated) and could benefit from God's good plans for his life. While we are at it...God is the ONLY one who has the right to take a life. Anyone who takes a child's life and blame it on...God told me mentally imbalanced. This has to be in question form soooo....why do those who don't believe in God take verses and blast them to outer space?


I knew trying to answer this question for many would come up with idotic answers. If this will help just one who reads...then it's worth all the nasty remarks

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    if god told me to kill my child, i'd tell him to f*ck off before i call the cops.

  • 9 years ago

    This is a rant and does not help anyone. You have failed to look at the scenario logically and like many other people, probably apply ration and reason to every part of your life except your religion. Lets look at the situation. You believe that your God is omniscient and thus he already knew that Abraham had faith and would readily kill his own son on God's whim. Is it morally correct to do this to someone? If you believe that God is infallible, then you have to accept that this was a moral action of God despite logic and reason telling you that if anyone else put someone in this position then they would be a monster. Thus we have a case of special pleading - one rule for God and another for everything else. So, God didn't need proof of Abraham's faith because he already knew it (omniscient) it wasn't for Abraham's son who also knew his father's faith. We then have to accept that this test of faith was either for Abraham or for readers of the story. It could be argued that whilst faced with a moral dilemma, Abraham also knew his own faith and that just leaves the readers of the story who are then faced with the obvious conclusions:

    1)God asked someone to kill their child

    2)Anyone else who asks someone to kill a child is depraved

    3)God has license to do otherwise depraved acts and atrocities

    4)Abraham valued God over the life of his son

    5)Abraham did not have the kahunas to stand up to his God

    6)Thankfully, most modern day people would question such a command from their God

    7)Most modern day people are more moral then their own God.

    8)Maybe Abraham failed his test because what he should have done was questioned any voice that tells him to kill a child.

  • 9 years ago

    You are corect that it is important to examine carefuly the contexted meaning of the story.

    But you are missing the main point of the story.

    Abraham lived in a time when the sacrifice of the first born child to god was expected.

    The conversation with God came after Abraham's neighbors stopped respecting him because he failed to sacrifice his son.

    So -- the point of God taking Abraham and Isaak to Moriah was to graphicaly express once and for all that The God of Abraham REJECTS human sacrifice.

    This rejection was later written as a law in the Laws of Sinai

    and reiterated by Jeremiah in powerful poetry condemning those who had reverted into it.

  • 9 years ago

    This is where people who blaspheme God over such issues make their mistake:

    Would you really have the guts to stand in front of your Creator, Who can end your existence with a WORD, and utter such trash to His Face?

    Abraham did it because He was told to do so by God.

    God telling Abraham to kill His child was not like most people today- such as yourself- being told to kill their child.

    1. He had heard the Voice of God on many occasions- MANY occasions.

    2. This was not some bum crackpot, but a more-than-mature man of some 113 years age.

    3. He knew full well that he would not even have had this child, except that God had worked a miracle. Men of 100 years age fathering children is not unheard of today, (my grandfather was over 100 when he fathered my father). But his wife was 90- and that is impossible short of the Supernatural. (NO ONE EVER TALKS ABOUT THIS!!!)

    4. Abraham was a warrior (he mounted an armed expedition to rescue Lot, and trash-talked down to the king of Sodom at the end of it). Human life could not mean the same to him as to the milksop armchair philosophers who have never butchered so much as a chicken, never mind a goat, in their entire life- nor even seen it done. Killing whoever God told him to kill would be an easy decision for him- unthinkable to a modern man. This was not a terrible thing to him, rather he would count it as an honour, even as it was a heavy loss. That is why they call it a "Sacrifice."

    5. Giving your firstborn's life to your god was not an Alien concept to the people of that time.

    They would even have felt bad, should they withhold such a sacrifice from their god.

    Abraham could even have expected such a command.

    If God were to tell me to sacrifice the life of my child (presuming him innocent of any crime deserving of death- any kid of mine who comes in from the bedroom with a knife dripping with his mother's blood will learn the meaning of "Retroactive Abortion " in very short order indeed!) we would have to discard The Gospel- there is nothing in Jesus' Teachings to justify that. We would have to abandon The Law of Moses- nothing in that justifies sacrifice of the child for no just cause. There are several just causes for executing one's own child: Blasphemy; Idolatry; Sabbath-Breaking; Witchcraft; Drunkenness and Disobedience.

    A True Christian cannot kill their child- even if they knew it was God speaking.

    It would go against any previous authentic manifestation of God.

    Even if those factors could be discarded for sake of argument, and I knew without doubt that God had told me to kill my child for Him, I would refuse, and face whatever the consequences are.

    The context shows that God's Plan was to stamp some psychological change on Abraham and Isaac. When the Mohammad hijacked this story (Islam was established From The Beginning as the Hijack Religion) the Qur'an depicts Ishmael, the first, but rejected son, telling Abraham, that he willingly lay on the Altar to be sacrificed (Isaac had to be caught and tied- trauma be damned,) loudly glorifying Allah. (All Muslims believe that story, that is why they are all six beers short of a sane head!) This is why these (*Bleep!*)ards can never be beaten. (You know they send children to trigger landmines, don't you? This must be why many soldiers came back from the Gulf and committed suicide. They never conceived such a thing in their short lives.)

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  • 9 years ago

    Something many people forget about the story of Abraham, is that when he was young, his father tried to sacrifice him to the Egyptian gods. So God pretty much came up with the ultimate test. Will Abraham turn into his psychotic father?

  • 9 years ago

    So, it's okay to traumatize your child by almost killing them if you think god tells you to, but people who go that extra step are mentally imbalanced?

    The psychological gymnastics you people go through to rationalize irrational, atrocious behavior from the bible, they are truly epic, and not in a good way.

  • 9 years ago

    Blasting verses into outer space is an easy way to avoid the bother of comprehending it.


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    "Thou shalt not kill..." unless you're God. Or they REALLY deserve it (like when those children called a man bald! How terrible!)

    And if God needed Abraham to prove his loyalty, he is not omniscient.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Wait a minute... why stop there? Why not go the whole Bible length and EAT THEM, TOO???

    God asked Abraham to slaughter his son Isaac, drain his blood and burn him to ashes on an altar to his honor.

    Abraham was eagerly complying in a clear case of ATTEMPTED MURDER that in most civilized countries it is punishable by law, but not so in the primitive Bible stories that Jew, Christian, JW, Mormon, and Muslims use to worship their God!

    God made this killer Abraham the father of the Judeo, Christian, Islamic faith…

    Romans 4:16


    (*murderous attitude)

    of ABRAHAM*

    (*if he ever existed!)

    who is the father of us all!


    God forced the Jews TO EAT their own children while at the same time gays were to be stoned to death, as well as any pregnant lady, thought to have committed adultery (Num5:11-31), or for not crying loud enough through the gag when she was being raped (Deu22:23-24)!

    Members of the Clergy and especially American Politicians know how to take full advantage of religious oriented people! Can you imagine an US President wearing MAGIC UNDERWEAR!

    When their expected 666 trademark hits the market, Christians may eat their own children because they won’t be able to buy or sell any food stuff unless they have the “666” stamped on their forehead!

    Ezekiel 5:10

    Therefore in your midst*

    (*God/Jesus believing people)

    fathers will eat their children*

    (*this cannibalistic bull crap tease is all over the Bible!)


    It took Moses 2 men to carry a single cluster of gigantic size grapes on foot for over 200 miles to show the Israelites in Egypt how plentiful was the Holy Land of Palestine that they were going to invade (Num13:23)!

    In the Bible stories well fed Jews in Egypt are COVETING gigantic size grapes that only grow in Palestine, regardless of the “thou shalt not covet” bit in the 10 Commandments.

    LESSON #1: When convenient, God’s people are allowed to skip any Law!

    After invading the “Holy Land Flowing with Milk and Honey,” the Jews never found any extra large grape or any milk and honey flowing anywhere, so God forced them to eat their own children for dinner!

    Christians obviously refuse to believe any Bible story that is detrimental to their faith!

    Jeremiah 19:9


    (*God, not any Demon or Satan but the Judeo/Christian God!)

    will make them eat the flesh of their sons and daughters!

    Lamentations 4:10

    With their own hands compassionate women*

    (*Not lesbians, or atheist ladies, but Jesus loving COMPASSIONATE women!)

    have cooked their own children...!*

    (*done! They turned out delicious, just like God promised!)

    2 Kings 6:26-29

    As the king of Israel was passing by on the wall, a woman cried to him, “Help me, my lord the king!” The king replied, “If the LORD does not help you, where can I get help for you? Then he asked her, “What's the matter?” She answered, “This woman said to me, ‘Give up your son so we may eat him today, and tomorrow we'll eat my son.’ So we cooked my son and ate him*

    (*he was finger licking good!!!)

    The next day I said to her, ‘Give up your son so we may eat him, but she had hidden him*

    (*she’s in Hell, for not sharing and for cheating!)


    They were all compassionate kinda Jesus loving ladies who have slaughtered and cooked their own children for dinner at the tune of…

    “The LORD is my Shepherd I shall not have any want” -Psalm 23 in the Protestant Bible, or 24 if Catholic!

    Isaiah 49:15

    “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I* (*God) will not forget you!*

    (*watch out! Hide your baby!)


    In the “irresistible will” of God! What goes around comes around!

    Jeremiah 19:9

    ...(God says) and they shall eat every one the flesh of his friend...

    Ezekiel 5:10

    ...and the sons shall eat their fathers...!

    All because the CURSED JEWS fail to support the Clergy!

    Malachi 3:9-10

    (God says) You are under a CURSE—the whole nation of you*

    (*ALL Jews in Israel)

    because you are robbing me* (*$$$). Bring the WHOLE TITHE*

    (*10% of all income)

    into the STOREHOUSE*

    (*Temple Treasury)

    that there may be FOOD*

    (*real money! God doesn’t go for animal sacrifices any more)

    in my house*

    (*or God and the Clergy will starve to death)

    Matthew 25:41

    (God the Son Jesus Christ the King of the Jews, and Savior of the World shouts at the Jews that he came to save) Depart from me, YE CURSED*

    (*Christians KNOW that the Jews are cursed and on their way to Hell!)

    into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels*

    (*only some “Messianic” oriented Christians disagree with Jesus!)


    Christians still honestly WORSHIP this felon oriented John 3:16 God who forced the Jews into cannibalism.

  • 9 years ago

    It is truly amazing that people find everything wrong with the Bible from their own point of view and not realizing their point of view does not mean diddly to God. He will always have the last word always.

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