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? asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 9 years ago

The reason God does not exist is that if He did, He would not allow all this evil to exist in the world.?

The reason God does not exist is that if He did, He would not allow all this evil to exist in the world. Evil exists. Hence, God does not exist...

criticize the claim

use philosophically principles to analyze why this is false.


Why would someone make such a claim ? because we all know this is false

14 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Whether God exists or not it makes no difference to people like us. who can go to any extent for material gain. His presence would have made different to who have stern faith in Him.

    Now, according to Indian Vedic philosophy like Vedanta, Samkhya etc there is nothing evil. Its all a play and we all are the actors. Had there been all kings or servants or queens, the drama would not be enjoyed by us. There is no problem whether you believe or not, love God or not but matters how deep you love or hate or try to prove or disprove His existence. That will enable you to be loved by Him. The deepness matters not anything.

    Your assumption that we all know this is false is also a conception of your mind. What makes difference if somebody believes or not. Has He been there, we will have receive His bless and if not we lose nothing.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I actually agree with the claim. Not all that there wouldn't be evil stuff but the fact that god doesn't exist. Simply because we have scientific explanations for stuff these days, and they didn't back then so created this story of a mighty thing called god that is the reason for everything we can not explain, and if that is so god actually isn't so great. Religion has always been on the earth for ages, and even now people make war over such (in my opinion) made up things which is completely unnecessary. Humans are scared of the unknowing and not being able to hold on to something, like religion. No offense at all, I respect all religions and opinions. This is just mine ;)

  • 9 years ago

    Well I follow Islam and this is what I believe:

    God is testing us to see which path we follow - Good or evil. We have free-will. If there was only good in the world, there would be no purpose to be on Earth because this life is a test. There is a reason why everything exists.

    Evil existed since the world began and Satan promotes it and people continue to follow him. Even though its wrong! This is why evil is increasing more than before, the world is close to judgement day and he (satan) wants people to become evil like him and go against Allah (Arabic term meaning God)

    Science nor Philosophy can explain everything but there is links in Science and Islam too. If I list them all down here, I'll be here all day.

    Source(s): Qur'an.
  • LG
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    It's all about definitions. One of the premises has to be a definition of god. This is a typical problem with arguing or logically proving the existence or non-existence of god. It's assumed everyone has the same idea in their head when the word "god" is spoken. But I don't think that's true.

    IF god is defined as being all powerful, and IF god is defined as an entity that would necessarily get rid of all evil, then evil(evil also has to be defined) would not exist if god exists.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You assume that were God to exist, he would not allow "all this evil" to exist. How could you possibly know what God would or would not allow or permit? This is a huge question, but the problem of evil does not negate the possibility that there is a God.

  • Kieth
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    If you refer to the concept of God that is something external to your Being as in a white bearded man in the sky or some far off spirit hovering in the heavens above perhaps you would have a case. If you are referring to the life force that flows through your Being and all else perhaps we are attempting to answer an altogether different question.

    It is very convenient to use the conceptual God as a scapegoat. This way one can avoid any and all sense of personal responsibility for this thing you call evil. You will notice that this word is live spelled backwards and perhaps believing in the concept of God whatever your concept is is backwards. Seeing God as something separate from you only makes sense if your thoughts are confined to the limits of the conceptual definition of God that you have chosen. If you dare to step out of this mental box you will see that the whole concept no matter how complex is rather absurd.

    It is not for me to tell you or anyone that there is or isn't God. What I do understand is that we are all part of one family and that our consciousness is shared amongst all. I understand that as long as we continue to deny this fact by putting the onus on some conceptual idea we will continue to remain idle while this thing you call evil continues to thrive. We as individuals have the power to put others before ourselves. We can make choices to help those of us in need and to help ourselves when we are in need. We have the power to put aside pride and prejudice and judgement that keep us fearful of one another and separate. We can decide that it is not for us to judge, criticize, condemn others because of mental concepts of which most have been handed to us through one form of conditioning or another. We have the ability to act with kindness and compassion towards others and especially towards ourselves. We have the power to reject the endless distractions and focus on what is truly important and worthy of our attention. We as individuals can choose the higher standard of forgiveness and reverence for all life. We have the ability to be present and accept responsibility for not allowing our light to shine and for relegating those responsibilities to some work of fiction that is always somewhere else when we need him. Perhaps it is our duty to recognize who we are as principle actors through which the Life flows in every moment and every moment in between. Do you really think that God is a stagnant confined entity floating on a cloud?

  • 9 years ago

    False. God does not micromanage the affairs of man. Philosophically, if god had a need to do that then it would be evidence that God is imperfect, which is contradictory. Evil is the creation of man.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    God chose to make humans, with free will, not push-button robots

    He told us how to live, but most of mankind ignore Man's Maker's Manual, the Bible

    But the many fulfilled endtime prophecies show Messiah returns soon - to win Armageddon

    & rule earth in perfect peace & justice from Zion - Jerusalem

    I'm a Bible College grad son of a Bible College grad mum

    Now philosophise @ female flirting signals:-;_ylt=At...

  • 9 years ago

    The world is only temporary. I have always thought about earth as school for eternity. You are here to learn and then you die. If your life sucks, maybe you have more to learn. Remember God reaches people through their pain. In my opinion, accept your problems and look to forever.

  • 9 years ago

    If you really think about it, and I don't doubt you've tried, it only proves that it would be unthinkable for a God to have an easy job, just because He has unlimited power, knowledge etc. And all that much harder for people to believe.

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