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How, precisely, are Ron Paul's ideas radical and impractical?

I keep hearing this and people back it up with name-calling. Before I vote for him, I want to know which ideas of his are radical/impractical and what the fears are about where those ideas - if implemented - would lead.

20 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, All the other candidates are bashing Ron Paul because he doesn't want to invade Iran so they call him weak, Iran has not developed nuclear weapons, If they started refining right now it would take them years to have a useable product, China and Russia have both stated they will intervene if we attack Iran. China has an army of over 100,000,000 troops, russia has thousands of nukes.

    Which decision sounds smart and which sounds stupid? Attack iran and begin WWIII or negotiate with them and resolve it peacefully?

  • 9 years ago

    People should study U.S. history in serious depth - especially its economic history. Ron Paul's ideas have been tried before. Indeed they were standard political and economic theories over a century ago. But back then we had infant mortality of nearly 40% and the average life expectancy in the U.S. was barely 50 years old. We had huge economic calamities at various intervals. People worked like slaves in horrible conditions without the right to organize. Children as young as six worked in coal mines and died like flies and no one could stop it. All because the Supreme Court had ruled that economic regulations to stop this stuff were unconstitutional. Ultimately economic catastrophe forced a revision of our banking laws on several occasions. First was the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1915 which stabilized the economy for 15 years. Second was the Great Depression and then the creation of the FDIC which restabilized the economy for almost 80 years. There's nothing new in Paul's worn cliches. They aren't so much radical as reactionary - and would take us back to a standard of living that would be horrible. We would quite easily become effectual slaves of corporations.

  • bob
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    His ideas are stuck in the nineteenth century. We can not have a national budget in line with a world that did not have an electrical grid, a highway system, an air traffic system, an internet etc. I also think his isolationist policies that were practical when we were a nation separated by oceans that took months to traverse are not so practical in an age of jet travel an satellite systems that make this a much smaller world. His "return to the gold" standard is not at all practical in world with a trade system as complex as today's. He also is a strong advocate of segregation, as long as it is imposed by private individuals. We saw that this was not fair and that is why we now have laws against excluding segments of our society from services that are readily available to others simply on the basis of skin color or country of origin. If you think we can revert society to the 1800's he is your man. If you enjoy a more modern world, he is not.

  • Matt
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Here you go...

    Ron Paul is a complete racist and is just about the nuttiest candidate out there in any party. I would vote for Obama before Dr. Demento - Ron Paul.

    Paul thinks the majority of blacks are criminals - stated it in his own newsletters over and over again.

    Paul thinks Bush did 9/11 as an inside job. Waaaaaayyyy nutty.

    Paul thinks America deserved to be attacked on 9/11. Said it himself many, many times.

    Paul claims to be a strict constitutionalist, but does not understand the basics of how it works.

    Paul would generate warfare all over the globe by bringing back US troops from every overseas base. We provide a lot of security and stability in the world.

    Paul thinks America should have never fought the Germans in WWII.

    Paul thinks Iran should be allowed to build nukes and they don't threaten anyone.

    Paul thinks meth, marijuana, cocaine, heroin and LSD should all be totally legal because the Constitution says so. What a lunatic.

    Paul is just about as insane as they come. He is racist and frightening in so many other ways too.

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  • 9 years ago

    Those people who believe that believe that, for some reason unknown, people who work for the federal government are benevolent saints, while those who work in business or for state and local government are not.

    JRH, there is no assumption that business acts with goodwill, EXCEPT that it is in the best interest of businesses to do so. If you don't treat customers well, you get fired. There IS, however, the assumption by statists of several things. First, they always assume that the stated purpose of a bill is what will be accomplished. Second, they always assume that it will accomplish only what is desired and nothing else(unintended). Third, they assume that those who work in the federal government for these agencies are benevolent and/or impartial.

  • fishn
    Lv 5
    9 years ago


    R Paul is choosing to ignore foreign & domestic problem that does not make them go away they will only become bigger problems. Now that is what you call a passive isolationist the same ideology that stood back and watch Hitler march across Europe his thinking is pre WWII this is 2012. You want to see a president get tested put RP in the W/House guaranteed. His domestic vision for America is even to extreme for the main stream GOP they keep there distance from him.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I believe because because libertarians are plain wrong on government, regulation and "free" markets. Deregulation gave us Enron, the threat to the republic posed by media consolidation, the savings-and-loan disaster two decades ago, and most recently the horrendous housing-and-mortgage crisis. The libertarian assumption that unfettered business acts responsibly and for the good is illusion. We forget that government isn't the enemy; it should be an agreement among free people on efficient management of a society.

    He cannot do away with 1trilion dollars the first year. He has little or no grasp of such affairs, he has less of an idea about foreign relations.

    If his ideas are so great, why has he never gotten one passed into law? Before the parroting begins, please do not hit me with YOUTUBE or worse yet, "everyone is stupid but him." Be mature.

    Also check out his affiliation with The League of the South. A racist hate society.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    He is radical because of his views on government programs and the deficit. He says he would immediately cut the debt in half and close down ALL government agencies. The Austerity Pain he wants to inflict would be something most Americans would not want. He would end Social Security, Medicare, EPA, FDA and end unemployment insurance. Most Americans do not really want that. We already have dirty water, air, and food that makes us all sick because they won't provide funding for food inspectors. Ron Paul would make it all worse. But they sure have no problem handing out cash to the rich and corporations with those Bush tax cuts.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    remarkable: a guy crammed with racist, sexist innovations and who needs to close down our needed protections under the EPA, FDA and abolish the provisions of the Civil Rights act is your fave for POTUS? I need no longer truly ask, yet are you feckin' loopy?

  • 9 years ago

    He thinks America provoked the 9/11/01 attacks, for one. He has a lot of good ideas, until it comes to the security of the nation. We must stop Washington DC, but we can't in turn surrender to Iran and North Korea.

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