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Why is it that there are so many women bassists in metal?

I'v found it strange how there are so many metal bands with female bassists (discounting all female bands: Equilibrium, Chthonic, All That Remains, White Zombie, Bolt Thrower, Obsidieth, ect.) yet there are so few with female guitarists (again no including all-female bands, I can only name 2: Rebelion and HB). You'd think based on the fact that women are generally smaller than men, a female guitarist would be more common than a bassist.

I know people won't be able to give me an answer as to why, so:

MQ: What are some bands (other than all female ones) with women bassists?

MQ2: What are some bands (other than all female ones) with women guitarists?

BQ: Favourite all female bands?


@Lord Frieza: Actually, I can think of even more female keyboardists than bassists, here's a list of some bands:

The Crescents, Ensiferum, Cradle of Filth, Lordi, Obsidieth, Sothis, Delirion, ect.

5 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    OMG I just wondered that myself, I'm glad you asked this.

    I haven't thought this through yet so I'll write a short-ish answer, my brain's kinda numb now.

    I think it has to do with the more supportive role of the bass. It's not a lead instrument like the drums, guitars and so on. It doesn't really matter if they don't come up with the most original driving basslines in the world. I think that might be a reason why female bassists are the most common ones but I really dunno.

    MA: Bolt Thrower and Chtonic come to mind, can't remember anything more.

    MA2: blanking out here, sorry

    BA: Kittie and the Iron Maidens I guess? LOL

    * The chick from Gallhammer, Vivian Slaughter is another one.

    Kelly Johnson (Girlschool) and Liz Buckingham (Electric Wizard) are guitarist examples.

    ** Okay, you seriously picked my interest now. It seems like, despite the physical shortage, girls DO seem to have a natural talent on the bass, rather than guitar/ drums. Not even too many keyboardists out there.

    Maybe because it takes less imagination to compose the basslines as compared to guitar? Maybe because it's not such a loud instrument they feel more comfortable with? Easier to play? I'd say there's more to it. Females seem to actually play the bass BETTER than their male counterparts.

    I really wonder why? Damn! I'll go research some more. Talk about a gap in your education, for a sociologist music fan too!!!

    * Eyes Set to Kill, The Great Kat, a whole bunch of them here ~

    Look at that {list of guitarists} ~

    All female bands DO have it all packed ~

    Only "professional" opinion I could find ~

    "Drawing on interviews with women and men musicians, this study examines women's overrepresentation in an instrumental specialty, the electric bass, in alternative rock music. Structurally, this phenomenon may be explained by the instrument's greater ease of learning and lesser attractiveness to men, yet women bassists frequently advance an alternative theory of "womanly" affinity. The entrance of women into rock bands via the bass may provide them with new opportunities and help legitimate their presence in a male-dominated site of artistic production, yet it may simultaneously work to reconstruct a gendered division of labor and reproduce dominant gender ideologies."

    "Not mentioned in this paper is the insightful observation that, of course, women are more familiar with the hand motions required of bass plucking, while men are more familiar with those required of guitar strumming."

    Some forum opinions ~

    "Women have a more ingrained rhythmic sense, perhaps due to childhoods spent dancing to pop, perhaps due to some conditioned "lady-like" gracefulness. And playing the drums is a bit too much of a testosterone fest, so bass is the preferred option."

    "the supportive role of the bass guitar in rock music ties into notions of maternity and support inherent in the female view is that its a self-perpetuating thing - there are already loads of female bass players to idolise and so bass seems the logical step if you're wanting to get into rock music."


    Top 3 Articles which should clear everything up {theoretically} ~

    Source(s): Sorry it'll all over the place, I just shared my 'research' attics with you =D
  • shams
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Sharon den Adel/Within Temptation - She's one in every of my favourite vocalists, and Within Temptation is a favourite band of mine. I suppose it is beautiful neat that she's in no way had any formal coaching, however can sing the way in which she does. I love love love the reside variation of "Ice Queen" wherein the band will get the group concerned with the tune on the starting. It sounds remarkable! I suppose Sharon isn't unattractive, however no longer clearly lovely. Did you understand she's pregnant once more? Cristina Scabbia/Lacuna Coil - I like her/them, even though she's/they are no longer a favourite. I must concentrate to them a few extra. My favourite tune from them is "Angel's Punishment". Cristina is lovely and appears means more youthful than her age. Amy Lee/Evanescence - Amy has a beautiful strong voice, however I do not just like the tune the band makes (apart from a couple of random songs). I like their early stuff greater. She's beautiful I think. Angela Gossow/Arch Enemy - Not keen on the ones forms of vocals, however exciting nevertheless. I do not relatively like her type however she's no longer unattractive. Alyssa White-Gluz/The Agonist - I do not like them relatively, however once more it is not my variety of tune/vocals. As for appears, equal as above. Karin Axelsson - See above. Emma Anzai - Not relatively certain who she is, however I like slightly little bit of Sick Puppies.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I've always wondered that too. I suppose it could be to do with the anount and force of strumming, and with men's arms generally being more muscly, it's easier for them.

    I can't name many bands off the top of my head as it's more my friends who listen to that sort of stuff, but I do know of one with a female bassist - Mindless Self Indulgence. They've had two (or three, I'm not entirely sure) bassists and they've all been female

  • 9 years ago

    All I care about is that they're hot.

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  • 9 years ago

    I don't know, why don't you go and ask them?

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