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Lv 4
? asked in SportsOutdoor RecreationFishing · 9 years ago

Question to Older Angler's on the forum? More directed to Chimp and Enuf? About some of my Previous questions.?

To both of you:

I'm not here to argue, nor fight about this. I'd like to resolve the problem without bad words, or vulgar use of sarcasm and name calling... etc. I'd just like to clear the apparent tension between us. So If you could please answer with a straightforward response I would appriciate it greatly.

Enuf: About the mountain dew "GMB'S about me"

Look, I'm not trying to adress that you disagree with the (well I admit it, many stupidities I ask and answer about on here) But, do you really need go to such extremes to make your point? In the question the main points were...

1:Kind-of to make more sense about GMB's "Don't touch my mountain dew" Account's about me. It is abit awkward, and I wanted to understand it abit more. Abit of a joke as well as to some of the quotes in it.

2: And the second point was to let him know, that I did not really understand his "what kind of fish would you find around middle earth" question. I thought middle earth was some kind of location, Not a movie and or literature piece.

Do you need to call me a no life moron becuase I don't know what the book was? Is it nessesary to call me an illiterate fool who knows nothing and has no taste in classic or otherwise "good" literature? Must you have told me that I was a no skill (in other words) Angler that has no idea what he's doing?

Why? What did I even do to you? Are you annoyed that I come onto this section? I was on here like 2 weeks ago you weren't like that with me then. What did I do that set off the insults? I admit I ask stupid things, but just cause they are stupid dosent mean that I did not have a reason to ask them. The point was towards GMB in the fishing section, where else was I to put it? At least I'm no troll... Or am I one in your opinion?

Chimp: About the mountain dew question... And my response to "big kahuna"

Why are you sarcastic about me going to collage, is it ammusing to you that I'm trying to get an education? Why did you trash me 2x (in the question and in your EDIT to me in the "big kahuna" question" Do you doubt that I have things to do, or that I really sit on my butt all day and waste my time playing games and rotting my allready idiotic brain with tv and melting my bad eyes outta my head?

And with the kahuna edit:

Whats with the hosility?

Bruce. Brother man, shut the hell up!! " Or " You don't set the date, time, nothing!! You haven't earned that right"

I never said I did... And why are you so annoyed with me? What the hell did I do to you lately?


And 2 things I don't get

1)Be sarcastic all you want

2) You've never been here for one and the things you learn and earn are way better than any fishing site out there.

1st... When was I sarcatic? I had no (at least not intentionally read to you that way) sarcasm in my answer... Perhaps I put things in a stupid way..

2nd: When did I question that this was an awesome fishing site? I learn new awesome things every day just by reading your's (and everyone elses) answers to peoples questions. This is an awesome site, and I NEVER questioned how much I can learn from it

So... Can we clear the air? I just wanted to start on a clean slate you know? I wanted to get reasons why this has happeneed lately. I don't want to be fighting with any of you guys, and... I get out of line myself sometimes (Saying that you forgot how collage was since you haven't done it in... Awhile) And I'm sorry for that, I had no right to bring up any possible age up in the conversation.

And enuf... I also want to clear the tension here. I did not have the right to say GMB'S about me was strange or weird in any way (I myself am more of a freak). So I'm sorry for that

I think we all have a part in your anger towards me and any tension from me to you guys. But I'd like to patch things up. So... Thanks for answering if you do. And I appriciate that you would take the time to read though this hell-load of a question. God bless...


Am I a clown here? O o... Probably... I forget spell check most of the time. But I probably should use it...


I just enjoy writing I suppose... I also like to explain myself well, and make every point I need from the start. I like to get across as much detail as I can so I'm not misunderstood, but it seems I am either way..

Update 2:

By the way I'm addicted to that games music (which for instrumental type is a good thing) not exactly the game... So what your going to trash me for liking orchestral style music too?

Update 3:


Thanks dude... Alot of encouragment there. Hmm... I have been asking alot of junk lately (and I admit that) Perhaps I should tone it down and be more relivant, than asking illogical questions of pure impulse to ask them. Thanks... I really appriciate that.

Update 4:

Motocross... You really suprise me at the strangest of times, thats a good thing though.

Update 5:

Thanks fly-fisher That means alot

Enuf... Thanks for the response. Perhaps it all went wrong somewhere along the way. I don't take all fault but I realize I could have provoked it and had further infuence into it.

Update 6:

Also with the collage thing.. I get why it's funny now.. I've been saying I've been preparing to make a fun arts and craft.. Hah! That is pretty funny isn't it? Hm okay then "college" Is more suitable for my meaning right? Sorry about that, I was doing a stupid mistake and I did not even realize I was doing it repetitively. What embarrassments can spell check save me? ... I'm guessing alot when I don't realize a different word spelling i coming naturally when I type

7 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yeah that collage thing is pretty bad lol... but no worries man, haters gonna hate.. Just because for instance GMB is at the top of the answers thing or whatever doesnt mean that he has any higher a voice than you do.. you have the right to say whatever the hell you want.. ITS MLK day dammit! Don't judge by the colors of the avatar but the content of the character!

    Edit: To be honest with ya here Bruce, you have been a little off topic in those questions.. Just try to be a little more direct on fishing.. People on here are quick to correct wrong answers and attack people who arent explaining things that go along with their "way of thinking" ... So if you can take it down a knotch with some of the rants and focus on fishing a little more, a least a little bit, im sure people will be a little more forgiving on attacking you for the way you like to write, answer, and ask questions..

  • 9 years ago

    methinks l saw my name mentioned somewhere in this epistle of yours...

    AHA... there 'tis.

    GMB and l have some sort of an... um... er... a relationship. his mountain dew account is nothing more than a troll account for asking...ahh...special questions or giving answers in which he wants to make a particular point and by no means is he trying to go anywhere with this account. he DOES NOT pick answers with it. eventually, l should hope this topic may come to rest.

    l, for one, have nothing against long-winded Qs or As. l am guilty of this myself. sometimes it takes that amount of space to give a complete response.

    but l DO have a thing against erroneous information. particularly when passed off by someone that has little, if any, experience or tries to pass themselves off as one who does. l'm not directing this comment particularly at you.

    this is a fishing forum. not a scholastic forum. l don't usually say anything about one's grammar or mis-spelling. even one collage educated. but l missed that one ENTIRELY! good save, Chimp!!

    whenever it seems necessary, l will come to anyone's defense. even yours, need be.

  • Andrew
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Being as this is not directed to me Bruce. In a nice way I would just like to ask how is it that every question and answer you write like a fricken novel it's crazy! Again this isn't trying to be mean its serious.

    Like really how is it that you always manage to never write anything short of 2 or more paragraphs.

    Again I'm really not saying this in a mean way I'm just wondering are you like a author or something

  • 9 years ago

    "Why are you sarcastic about me going to collage"

    Chimp Dancer was making a joke, see it's spelled "college", NOT "collage". LMAO. That's the ultimate fail, someone making fun of your grammar and you have no clue what they're meaning and go on spelling like crud..

    But quit asking big long questions about this. It's over. DONE.

    The collage/college thing was priceless though. LOL!

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  • Hamish
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    The only kind of fish worth catching in Middle-earth is the Over-The-Rainbow Trout. They're damn good eating in a lembas sandwich. And anybody who doesn't know this is dumber than a mountain troll in the Coldfells.

    Source(s): "Collage?" Is that where 18-yr-old hobbits go to get drunk and pick-up elfchicks?
  • 9 years ago

    Bruce, you seem enthusiastic about fishing and that's great and all, but you make 'War and Peace' look like an Archie comic. Can you shorten out your Q & A. Tell you the truth, I read about 5 lines and I don't want to read anymore. Thanks.

  • 9 years ago

    I like your Q&A's. I'm not always in the mood to read everything you write, but, when I am, I find you quite entertaining. Don't worry about anyone judging you. Just be who you are and let rude/cruel comments role off your shoulder.

    No one can please everyone.

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