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Lv 5
omg asked in TravelAfrica & Middle EastIsrael · 9 years ago

Don't you think that Michael X, Michael M, Michael Y, Bulldog Brit, and Wilbert are the same person with multi?

ple users? There's also another guy who have similar picture like Michael X, only in black and white, which I don't remember his name. Michael M, Michael Y, and Wilbert have the same person in the picture, I think.

They all claim to be British, often bash Jews and Israelis, don't often use the term Zionists like other anti-Israelis, use the same rhetoric, have open visible Qs and As to all, and are very very prone to remind us of supposedly crimes done by Israel.

Michael X:

Michael M:

Michael Y:

Bulldog Brit:



Also the holy trinity of the 3 Jews from Arab countries, Iranian Jew, Nabil, and Daniel Garay, which is pretty obvious.

Update 2:

Additional reason: They never answer on the same Q.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It'll be highly improbable for three handlers with the same set up of screen name to be here with identical views. Statistically, given the size of this forum, and my knowledge of distributions in other forums concerning names, it's not something to be expected that three Michaels would only be distinguished by their different initial following their name and non-Yahoo avatar picture of some older gentleman.

    Statistically speaking, of course. I do recognize that it's possible, but it's not probable. Especially when you take into account their similar writing styles, too, and their shared nationality. I know a few Brits, and none of them are named Michael to be honest so I can't imagine that it's a popular name.

    Though, it's not uncommon for either side to open multiple accounts, but I do think that Michael X,M, and Y (I could swear that I've seen another) are the same person behind them. I think that sometimes he's confused, if he's attempting to remain different, since I can't remember which one claims to live in Bulgaria with his wife, and I could assign it with two of the pictures and thus two of the personas.

    Wilbert writes similarly, claims a similar background details, and I'm not sure but I think that he's used the same picture before to represent himself. So I'm not ruling it out.

    Bulldog Brit, though, is more likely, at least IMHO, to be a separate person. Granted, he is a similar Brit with similar views, but his writing does come off slightly different. He's also a deviation from the older man picture rule that the Michael accounts follow. I'm willing to believe that he's different.

    However, I do feel the need to bring up SA. He's another that could be easily confused for a Michael, any one of them. He's writing style isn't that unique, either, fitting in with theirs; however, he does at least claim a different background (from what I can tell, I think: He still isn't somewhat silent on that, but hey, so am I).

    One more thing that links most of these accounts: They always bring it back to "how horrible Israel is" (it isn't, but that isn't the point), even in questions where what they post doesn't even answer the question to begin with. Just one more thing I noticed.

    As for the "Arab trinity" (not ascribing holy to it, not because I'm Jewish, and in any case Iran ISN'T Arab), I do have to say that I'm a bit curious about that one. For one, Lebanon does have a small community. It's definitely an aged one, one that I will witness die out. As such, I'm curious as the the statistical improbability that both are here. Two young Lebanese: It's likely that we have a whole number % of what remains of the Lebanese community here on this site, by some estimates. That fact infuriates me, and I do have to point out their deviations from mainstream Middle Eastern Jewish culture.

    Iranian Jew strikes me as odd. I remember thinking that he and Nabil might be clones, based on something that I'm not sure about anymore (he hasn't been back in a while - maybe it was writing style, or 'facts' used, or something else). I also seem to recall they claim to have met before, and visited. Granted, it is possible, but once again I have to point out the improbable. I could reason that they were friends before and one told the other about here (probably Nabil to Iranian), but do I really want to put faith in theories? I mean, if they met on Y!A, their interaction, as far as what I can possibly see goes, isn't enough for one to just suddenly visit another. It's just not likely at all, so I am a bit skeptical about it.

    @ Sameer - 1, fyi. All my points are legitimate.

  • 9 years ago

    I don't think he is trying to hide this.

    \That's the difference of a white person and a jew.

    Michael never answers the same question using one of his backup accounts.

    \The jew who uses 10-20 trolling accounts floods the answers with cheap and hate filled propaganda, which is something very bad.

    bye bye

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Michael X, M, Y and Wilbert are definitely the same person. Never thought about Bulldog being the same. Could be.

    Michael/Wilbert does spout real genuinely antisemitic stuff at Jews from time to time, also odd ball antiJewish conspiracy theories. So does that give a clue.

    Nabil is also Bravo Sierra. That one took me by surprise, but I saw the mixed up error one day that makes it beyond doubt.

    Also a very gifted multiple personality is Brian, Roy Borill, France Spencer and Dubian Princess, & certainly others. I'm still trying to decide if this person is also Black Rabbit, but I'm not sure on that.


    @Dean, Hatmanone - so SA is same as Wilbert. That makes sense in comments & style.

    @Petite - the pro-Israel supporter you talk of, purposely switched to a NEW account, is not using multiple accounts. I was made aware too, & notice the old account is no longer active. So it's not genuinely part of this :).

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    So called "michael", from "Michael A" to Michael y", are of course the same person.

    Bulldog brit and wilbert- too.

    Actually, there are not more than 6 pro-arab clowns here who just use multiple nicks and change them to create the impression about "the world supporting palestinians".

    The poster "?" is the same as "Joel", and Dan Dan is the same as "S". Sometimes they forget what nick they used and give the same answer to the question signing it by different nicks, like it happened in this case

    And of course, "Nabil- the lebanese jew" and "garay" are the same jerk .

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The Michael's, and Wilbert are definately the same person. Wouldn't be surprised if British Bulldog is too.

    Nabil and Daniel Garay are as one as you say. They even sign off their answers in the same way, and both always mention "Torah loving Jews" multiple times. They both say they are a Torah Loving Jew. The obvious thing about that to lead to the knowledge that they aren't Jewish is that a "Torah Loving Jew" by definition would be religious, and unless they are a Rabbi providing support to the local community (which neither claim to be) there is no way a religious Jew could live a religious life in Lebanon, due to lack of access to Kosher food, or a Minyan to pray with, or centers to study in.

    If they claimed to be a non religious Jew the story might stand, but considering he/they both claim to be Torah Loving and religious, their story just does not add up.



    You are right, as usual.

    I forgot about SA, he is the same person, although Michael/Wilbert seems to act more aggresive with the SA account.


    @short and sweet

    Nabil is bravo Sierra?

    Makes sense I suppose.

    Don't forget the Black Rabbit is also Katie.

    He also has an account called Lucia, where he poses as a Jewish female highschool student. Lucia once emailed me claiming that not one single scholar in the whole world believes the Holocaiat happened, and dared me to name one. I then reminded "Lucia" that Universities have whole departments devoted to Holocaust studies, and sent a link which included the names of the foremost Holocaust experts, and the top 500 books on the Holocaust. In true Black Rabbit style "Lucia" sent me an abusive answer, and then blocked me

    But I don' think Frank Spencer/Brian is the Black Rabbit. Unfortunately the Black Rabbit is more intelligent than Frank/Brian, but just as sinister.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Because they are British and both have similar pictures? Can't really tell but recently one of the regular Israeli supporters here kindly asked me not to tell anyone about his/her multiple accounts. Also, the daily Israeli hate questions (like Hamas Obamas, Camel Urine, Cherson...etc) are without any doubt by users with multiple accounts. But multiple accounts do not drive my attention as much as the huge amount of propaganda and lies that comes with them.


    I noticed that it was only after the cover was blown up, the original account became inactive, and some odd story about yahoo protection program made up. Anyways, as I stated before, I don't give much fuss about multiple accounts. It is the propaganda that I hate the most. And this particular user broke all the records by using lies and propaganda in every single sentence. I have no respect for this type of people at all.

  • Esther
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Lol!!! Yes! Do they do it to make it seem like there are many, many people who feel this way?

    I love how Dean carefully dissects this and scrutinizes everything. I would have to say that he gets a lot of B.A.'s because his answers are detailed, analytical and void of unnecessary emotion, not because he has multiple accounts. I get a lot of B.A.'s too-- not in this category, but in languages. It's not because I have multiple accounts. I only have one. So B.A.'s are not necessarily indicative of multiple accounts! Besides, wouldn't that only work if you asked the questions and answered them yourself with another account, thus giving yourself best answer? I noticed that Adeikov gave Dean a B.A. Do you really think that Dean and Adeikov are one in the same?!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Wilbert and all three of the Michaels have pictures of Frank Sinatra as their avatars. If it is just one guy behind all of those accounts, he's not trying to hide anything.

    He's probably using those accounts for point gaming. He probably gives his own answers multiple thumbs ups too. If you guys all get a bunch of thumbs downs for disagreeing with him, then most of those thumbs downs will be coming from his accounts.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I don't think they ALL are the same person, because some are stupider than others, and one in particular sticks out like a blazing beacon of stupid.

  • John E
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I am not so sure about that my friend.

    One thing is for certain, all of these users contribute to this section the most since their answers are always honest, smart and spot on.

    On the other hand there is solid proof that our Jewish friends do indeed use trolling accounts to appear as if they are many.

    Please study the last two answers of this question;_ylt=Ah9Tp...

    The Jewish Top Contributor uses at least 2 other trolling profiles (Look at his/her "Mad" Pulse profile. The 3rd account is the "Samsooma" one).

    Imagine how many other fake accounts are out there!


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