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Anonymous asked in Business & FinanceRenting & Real Estate · 9 years ago

My landlord wont return our security deposit?

Our landlord said shes not responsible to return our security deposit because her ex husband didnt give it to her when they divorced and he moved out and sold his share of the house to her. Can she get away with this???

10 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    She is wrong. What her ex did or did not do is not your problem, it is her problem.

    Sue her for the deposit. If your state allows you to sue for more then that (2 or 3 times the deposit) you sue for that. With this pitiful excuse there is no way a judge will not give you as much as he is legally allowed to.

  • 9 years ago

    In Cook County, Illinois, you would absolutely have her dead to rights. I'd imagine that the rules are pretty similar everywhere, but here she would already owe you at least 150% of the original deposit. In Cook, there is a board that hears grievances on these matters, similar and just as binding as a court, I'd would ask around the city offices and see if someone can point you in the right direction. The other option is to get a lawyer and sue, or file pro se in your local courthouse. It's your money, fight for it.

    Source(s): personal experience as a landlord
  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    The judge will laugh and order in your favor. Sue her; what happened between her and her husband should not effect your return of the security deposit.

    Source(s): Sued previous landlord for *exactly* the same thing... Got 2x my original deposit back.
  • 9 years ago

    WRONG! Renter can sue her for the money. Once they accept money that involves a written contract, that owner is bound to fulfill that contract or produce documentation as to why you are not entitled to the security deposit back. And there are law's in each state that require the owner to produce written letters to this effect. Contact the locate city for rental laws and ask about attorneys.

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  • 9 years ago

    No she cannot get away with this. However, you will probably need to sue her in small claims court. You will win as long as you have all of the paperwork showing that you paid the deposit. When she got the house she also got all of the bills relating to it.

  • 9 years ago

    It depends on the state you live in. But as long as you have a rental agreement that stated you will get the deposit reutrned after vacating the house. Its shouldn't be your problem she got a divorce. Take her to small claims court if needed. Sometimes a well written letter stating a potential for a lawsuit will entice her to pay you what you are owed. Good Luck

    Source(s): Personal experience
  • 9 years ago

    SHe continued accepting your rent as the owner of the home and what happened between them is of no concern to you...she absolutely must refund your security will be up to her to persue getting it back from him if she so choose, but that is not your responsability. Show her she is completely wrong and take her to court and get your money.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    It is time for small claims court. Let her tell that to the judge.

  • 9 years ago

    What happened between her and her ex is not relevant.

    She should pay you and then get the money from her ex.

  • Ed Fox
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Provided you've got receipts, sue her

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