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Does the Church of the Latter Day Saints (The Mormons) have a standard Dress Code?

I've noticed they are usually very well dressed in practically all situations.

And no, I do not plan to convert.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Dress appropriately and modestly in all situations... and/or

    If you really want to know more...

  • Yes. However they have become extremely lazy in the enforcement of it in these days with what the youth can wear. My husband used to be LDS and chaperon the youth dances. As to the "magic" underwear this is only given to those who have received their Temple endowments and Not all Mormons wear them. This all being said they do believe in dressing modestly and appropriately for the occasion.

    Source(s): Direct knowledge.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Modest dress -- if you consider that a "dress code" fine. Women wear sleeves and dresses down to the knee. No shorts above the knee. No low cut clothes.

    When we go to the temple, we start wearing SACRED garments. (nasty people on YA call them other things). Because of our garments, we don't wear sleeveless shirts or short things since the garments would show. It's actually rather simple.

    Source(s): Lifelong LDS
  • 9 years ago

    The only dress code is modesty. No showing leg above the knee, no midriff and shirts/dresses with sleeves. Other than that, you're free to wear what you want.

    Source(s): LDS
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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Yes they are supposed to be very conservative with clothing. They also think magical underwear will protect them, black folks are descendants of demons, they go to planet Kolob when they are baptized after death, Joseph Smith who is historically recorded as a scam artist was also visited by an angel and told to find golden tablets in his backyard that he couldn't show anybody, they once thought pedaphiles were ok (some who aren't still apart of the main church still practice), they were and are pologymists (only towards multiple women, the main church said to quit this practice because we all know god is perfect so he has to change with the times since he isn't perfect), they think anything their leader says is the word of god, we can become gods in an afterlife if we're Mormons, etc...

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Yea in Australia they ride around in 40 degree C tempreture wearing whte shirt collar and tie with creased trousers. Seriously weird that is!

  • Ammon
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    For LDS Missionaries there are. They wear Sunday appropriate clothes most of the time, and a name tag too. Chat.

    God bless.

  • 9 years ago

    It's advised to dress modestly and many do so but there are some who don't.

    Source(s): Mormon
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The arronic priesthood aren't forced to wear magic underwear its debatable if they observe folks in their homes too?

    Many unhelpful rumours exist? I'm a person whom if observes something isn't working asks why or if sees something that never was asks why not? So? Smile!

    Source(s): Scriptures
  • 9 years ago

    Yes, don't dress like Jesus or Mary.

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