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Lv 5
amber asked in PetsDogs · 9 years ago

What to do about an adopted dog who is supposed to be house trained, and isn't.?

We adopted a sweet little toy poodle (4 years old). She was supposed to be house trained (we rent, so this was 100% a must) In every other way she is wonderful. She has only been with us a week, so I totally get the change of environment, and her life before the adoption people got her was not great, and so on..........I get it.......and personally I don't mind cleaning up messes once in a while. That said; she (except for the first day that we got her) has been peeing/pooping in the house (mostly my bedroom) for days now. I am exhausted cleaning it all up.......maybe up to 8 times per day counting pee and poop. I totally understand the landlord letting us have the dog on the condition that she be house trained. I don't think this has anything to do with this, especially if she was house trained before, but she was adopted out to me un-spayed.........I do have an appointment and she will be spayed in February.

She is now in doggie diapers. She might be cute but...............she didn't poop at all today when I took her diaper off and walked her and I worry. She normally goes 2-3 times per day and she didn't go at all today. She did pee 3 or 4 times when we walked and I took her diaper off............she did not pee/poop in her diaper all day.

I have completely cleaned the stains/smell on the carpet...................she doesn't go in the same place twice anyway.......................I'm at my wits end because she even started pooping on my bed night before last, which was new. She is good at keeping her diaper on for the most part...........

She goes out many times per day and gets long walks so she can do her numbers...........she still peed in the house and, I tried the doggie diapers and they are working o.k. except she hasn't pooped all day; which concerns me. Any thoughts...................Thank you.

I am not mad at her at all and I don't blame her; I adore her. I just need some insight/advice. Thank you.


Also, her size is $13 per 12 diapers; which is expensive. I have to keep taking them on and off for her walks and do put more tape, one diaper can probably last a day or close to it.....................but even so..........that's still alot for diapers.

Should I just relax and give it a few more days and see if she poos.

Update 2:

She does hang out with me most of the day in the house as I work from home most of the time. Because she has run of the house (except my sons room), it is easy for her to just walk in and pee somewhere or pee in the same room that I'm in, before I even notice. She's fast!

I was told that she just walked out the door.....peed and pood and walked back problem.....................

8 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I hope this helps - every time she has an accident put her outside and she'll get the idea - eventually. This worked with my dogs even if I caught them some time after an accident.

  • 9 years ago

    When unsupervised, the dog is crated. When supervised, the dog is tied to you with a 6' leash attached to your belt loop.

    The problem is that she isn't being caught in the act and stopped - therefore she has no idea that what she is doing is wrong. You need to catch her in the act, swoop her off of her feet, and rush her outside to finish. She needs to be praised and maybe even get a treat for going on command in "the zone" where you have decided she should do her business.

    The combination of "if I squat in the house my owner freaks out and I don't even get to finish" with "when I go in 'the zone' I get cookies" is a pretty clear decision for most dogs. You should also work on training her to bark/whine or ring a bell at the door when she needs to go out - it could be that she tries to tell you and it just lousy at it.

    And, yes, regression in house training can be due to stress. I would also have her checked for a urinary tract infection when you go to the vet's - it makes the need to urinate much more frequent and urgent and can cause almost any dog to have "accidents". The bowel movements may be due to stress and/or a diet change, though usually it would be diarrhea if that was the case.

    Good luck!

  • 9 years ago

    Stop using diapers and TRAIN her.

    When you get up in the morning, take your dog out. Walk her/him till elimination occurs, then praise him/her, a lot. Give a treat. Walk your dog again midday, afternoon and at bed time. Always stay with the dog so when she/he goes you can give praise . At this age old you should know your dogs looking for a spot behavior. When you see that behavior, get him/her out. Any time elimination occurs outside, give praise. If you catch your dog in the act inside, say no and get him/her outside. If you find a puddle or pile after the fact put your dog in another room then clean the spot with an enzyme cleaner to get rid of the odor, not cover it up. The reason for putting him/her in another room is if your dog sees you cleaning up after her she/he will think that is your job. You must be diligent and consistent. Make sure you implement a feeding schedule, if your dog eats at the same times every day she/he will poop the same times every day. At night time or when you are gone, crate train.

    Here are three websites on how to crate train a puppy

  • Ocimom
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    You treat her as a 8 week old puppy - you put a leash on her and take her outside to pee/poop every 2-3 hours and crate her when you cannot supervise her. Sounds like she was house trained - to pee in the house any where on the stupid pee pads!

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  • mcc
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Pooping on your bed and in different places - suggest this is not house training but a BEHAVIOR - she is clearly sending you a message when she poops on your bed. The fact that she can hold it all day wearing a diaper - indicates that it's likely not medical.

    I would suggest that you and her sign up for 6 or 8 weeks of training/manners/ obedience. Whatever you can find with be useful - and learn how to form a bond - teach her to sit, walk at heal, down etc - if she is more secure you may find the problem goes away.

  • 9 years ago

    I am a huge fan of kennels for this very reason. Get a kennel and put her in it. Let her out only when you can watch her. Dogs won't go in a kennel. As soon as you let her out, take her immediatly outside and keep her out until she "goes". Then, let her go back in. Half an hour or so after she eats, take her out again.

    Do not let the water and food stay on the ground until she gets potty trained. Put the food and water down a few times a day, then take her out and pick the bowls up.

    Be persistant. If you don't start fixing this soon, you'll never get her trained.

    Good luck!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Sorry but you are going to have to train her. Try crate training but look into it first so you know what you are doing.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    um call them demand them to train her and answer this XD

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