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interests include reading and writing, my intuitive reading practice, psychology and holistic practices, and the relationships that people share with one another.

  • I have a question about who "should" be allowed to have a companion dog?

    Now, I read a lot about people re-homing their dogs because "they no longer have time for them" all of a sudden a family member has become allergic to the family dog, etc......... Also, they can no longer afford the dog.........I love dogs and have a sweet little companion dog.......that said, unfortunately, things do happen (divorce, loss of job, etc...) and it can become pretty expensive to keep up with a pet........also, maybe you now have to work a full time job or more to just make ends meet........I just want opinions because I am quite lost on this.....on the one hand I think it's terrible to have a pet and have the pet fall in love with you and count on's heartbreaking if you re-home him/her.......but what if you have to work and the poor dog is now being left at home, if you've lost your job and you really and truly can't afford the care anymore.............or (and it does happen) someone in the family becomes so allergic that they truly can't breathe because of the dog dander..............Just contemplating this tonight and how do you all feel about this..................please no nasty remarks........I'm truly wondering how people deal with these things without trying to find their poor dog a new home............p.s. I am lucky at this son is home when I am not and my dog is barely ever alone.................but still I wonder...............

    7 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • how do I find out (for free) the cause of death for a person?

    A friend of mine that I haven't seen for quite some time has passed away. It was just a couple of months ago. How can I find out what he died of. Thank you.

    5 AnswersGenealogy7 years ago
  • does nail tek ridge filler turn anyone else's nails yellow?

    I tried it for a few days and the more I put on (you're supposed to keep adding coats), the yellower my nails got........very gross yellow. It's the foundation ll The ridge filler. Thanks

    2 AnswersMakeup7 years ago
  • I have a question about native american culture and the cross?

    I always thought that in Native American Culture that the Christian Cross represented the broken circle of the Native Americans. In other words, when the Christians tried to convert them over to Christianity, the cross became a symbol of that conversion...............................A broken people a broken circle. A broken circle is represented by a cross. Does anyone have any ideas on this. I really want to know. Since having someone explain this to me in a class that I was taking, taught by a wonderful Native American teacher, I have not worn a cross at all. I do not believe in Making People believe what other's want them too.........or make them "forsake" their own beliefs...........the circle is a very important symbol to the Native American's. Thanks for any true help in figuring this out.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • does your cat mind going for car rides and walking on a leash?

    Once in a great while I see someone with a cat in the car that seems completely content to be there. Sometimes I see them walking on a leash. Does your cat mind car rides/walking on a leash. Also does anyone know any statistics on how many cats do not mind this kind of thing?

    5 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • I recently adopted a dog for a companion that gets car sick?

    I've had dogs all of my life and never one who had car sickness. I have a doctors letter saying that I need an emotional support dog (one that pretty much goes with me everywhere). I was not told before adopting this dog that she gets really car sick even if all you do is go to town and back; like 10 mins. each way. She starts licking her chops, yawning, and acting like she doesn't know what to do. She hasn't thrown up yet, but I can see it coming. I have tried many things including rescue remedy, the pet form from the health food store, ginger cookies, facing forward, not feeding her a lot that morning if we are going someplace in the afternoon, etc..... All of my previous dogs went on car rides with me including mini overnight stays. They also went to visit friends and relatives and to the doggie day car or dog park, etc........ I can't bring this dog anywhere. I've had her for four months and the lady who I adopted her from won't even get back to me (I was trying to ask her for history of car sickness, etc....) so now I am not sure what to do. I love my dog dearly but as I said, because of emotional stuff, anxiety, depression, etc..... I do need an almost constant companion pet. She is a good dog in other ways for the most part. I feel so guilty when I bring her anywhere because I know she feels terrible. I had car sickness when I was a kid; it was just awful. I don't want her to just "have to grin and bear" our car rides. I want her to atleast not mind them. I don't know what else to do or what else to try. Most times now, I keep her home, but then I don't have a companion animal with me; which does not make me feel well at all. Any thoughts???

    3 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • My dog used to go out every morning on a very long leash to do his business, what happened?

    I have an almost 2 year old shitzu/bichon mix. I adopted him about 6 months ago. I am a pet care provider (at other people's homes) and house sitter. It's very hard in this economy, in our area; to get that kind of work. I do have another job, just in case you wondered. I would have brought my dog with me so he could have companionship/a playmate while I watched the other dog. Since I've had my dog, I haven't done pet sitting hardly at all. I bring my dog to doggie daycare once weekly (it's what I can afford)..........He has a great time and always looks forward to the next week day when he'll go. Now to my problem.....First thing when we woke up in the morning (he's my bed I would put him out on a leash first to go pee-poo in our yard............he was great about this............that way I could run to the bathroom myself, prepare his meal, and make my coffee. He was out there maybe 5 or 10 mins. doing his business.............but after he started daycare (I figured this one out today).......he wants/needs to be walked "every time" he needs to do his numbers.......every time.........he is usually walked twice daily for 20-30 mins at a time plus has outside time...........This bad habit started maybe two weeks after doggie day care. Because he was out with the other dogs and because the handlers walked them several times...............but now to think of it.........I think it's because for the past several weeks, because of the ground, they had to stay inside when he went to doggie day was walked Every Single Time he had to pee or poo...........He is taken outside and walked every single time...........not on a leash or run.............but has to be walked..................I am thinking of taking him out of doggie daycare until the dogs can get back outside.........or finding another day care for him where they are outside a lot and free to run and play.................this is not o.k. or pleasant for me to have to take a 20 min walk 5-6 times per day on demand............Love my dog, don't get me wrong.......................but we had a good thing going now...............

    2 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Are Landlords Obligated To Tell You About Your Sex Offender Neighbor?

    We found out "after" we moved in, that we lived about 30 feet away from a sex offender. It is in a small community. I don't know why I did not think it ask the landlord or try and find a website concerning this; but I guess I was just in a hurry to move out of the maddening place that I lived in. Anyway, could someone please give me a website that would list all of the sex offenders in our area. I live in Vermont. Thank you.

    P.S. Yes, I know what this person did. I "now" know his situation. Yes, it did have to do with a young minor. I won't add too many details just in case; but let's just say that there are young kids all around here and this person is not allowed to leave their home, except within a short walking distance, without being chaperoned. It's sick and sad.

    12 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Am I selfish if I don't get my dog another dog friend?

    I have a little toy poodle; the love of my life. I've tried to get her a new friend a couple of times but it did not work one of the dogs were men aggressive and barked and growled at my son alot and we tried a cat but we have to have inside cats here in our park and it kept getting out. Our dog loves other dogs. I am very happy with just her; I can honestly say. I love other dogs. I am a pet care provider and love all animals. I give my little gal a ton of attention, she even sleeps with me, goes everywhere I go for the most part and doesn't mind sitting in the car if I have to run into places where she can't go. We are pretty tight. But........I feel kind of guilty not getting her an animal friend. I would love to hear stories of where one dog was enough and got along great with his/her people and lived happily ever, I do truly want your input..........thank you.

    2 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Before moving in to a development type situation?

    does the landlord/manager have a responsibility to let you know that you will be renting a home right next door to a known/tried/convicted's for child endangerment/and endangerment of others. also, it's know that if he doesn't take his meds, he doesn't do so well..and, he is on continued (for a very long time) house arrest and can not go out anywhere without someone with him........shouldn't that have been disclosed before we moved in.............

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • A friend of mine is selling her home, can she back out now or is it too late?

    A friend is selling her home. She listed it with a realter and it sold in 2 weeks. The closing is supposed to be in about a week. Things have changed for her drastically in many ways and she wants to keep the house. When is it too late to back out? Will there be penalty fees? I am assuming that the lawyers on both sides have to be paid. Does the realter get paid for his work even if the house doesn't go through/closing doesn't happen. I don't believe that any money has changed hands yet. Please only informative answers as this is a really tough time for her. Thank you.

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • How can I license a dog without her rabies tag/information and other vet information? She is adopted.?

    Hello, I adopted a sweet little dog about a month ago. I was waiting to take her to the vet for her spayed and then have her check up done then. I was given some papers by the current owner and a rabies tag to put on her colar. I can not find it anywhere. We have been in the process of packing for moving and I have misplaced the papers/tag. I've looked EVERYWHERE........We are moving into a place where the dogs must be licensed; which is fine with me. I believe in licensing your dog. The problem is.........I can't get in touch with the former owner (she came from 3 1/2 hours away to re-home the dog to me) I don't have her address, the vet address, etc..........nothing. I do have her e-mail and I can contact her on facebook but that was days ago and no contact. Please help.......I want our little dog to be able to move with us. If I bring her to another vet and tell them that she has had her rabies, distemper, and is UTD on everything (which she is), will they believe me and give me documentation and a tag. Otherwise, I don't know what to do. Thank you.

    8 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • I adopted a dog 2 weeks ago. I did alot of research, talked to alot of people before I chose her.?

    I talked to this person many times before we met and I adopted her. Lots of e-mails and phone calls. She assured me that this little dog was potty trained. She would let me know when she wanted to go out. This is not the case and I am very frustrated. I don't blame the dog at all and I've grown quite fond of her. The reason that I got her was because I have anxiety and depression/the seasonal affective disorder is tough to deal with this year. I know that animals can help calm the nerves and pick the spirit up and I just totally love all animals. I don't know what to do. I don't want to give her back but I am beside myself. She will not use a crate because she has terrible seperation anxiety and whines because she is upset. She is now being taken out many times per day (sometimes she will pee/poo outside) and wearing diapers. She is very good in the car but she wears a diaper there also as I can not trust her and don't want my car to smell like poo/pee. She is a sweetie but as I needed a companion to help me through, I am now cleaning the floor several times per day, including carpets, rugs; and I rent.........not good and putting alot of stress on me. I don't want to just give her back because it will probably make her feel like she is abandoned/not wanted again (she had a terrible life before being fostered and then adopted by me). I'm almost to the point of either keeping her in diapers 100% of the time with maybe 3 walks inbetween (because she normally doesn't go outside but sometimes will if you walk her forever) or giving her back. I truly need decent people to understand and try to help. I am a total animal lover and do not need any rude comments. Thank you. I appreciate any advice or positive/helpful comments.

    6 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Concerning house training a "supposed to be" house trained dog and severe seperation anxiety, please advise.?

    Hello, This is a continuation of a question that was answered yesterday. I am renting a nice apartment and the landlord was nice enough to let me have a potty trained dog. There was alot of conversation between the foster mom and I before I adopted my little dog. She was supposed to be completely potty trained but did not like to be alone. I totally get when animal have been through alot that they don't like being alone; it's probably scarey. Anyway, she "really" has seperation anxiety as, even when other people are in the house (and our cat that she hangs with), she whines and howls because I am not there. There is someone in the house almost 100% of the time. When I am gone, my son is here and we have family visitors from time to time. I don't want her to be a bother to the neighbors so I am going to have to either start taking her everywhere with me and leaving her in the car when she can't go in..............or.................What???????? My son had to pet her for an hour and a half today while I was at a meeting at work.

    Also, because she isn't potty trained at 4 years it o.k. to let her wear doggie diapers and just keep taking them on and off during the day so that she has plenty of time to pee/poo outside. I've been cleaning up after her for days and am exhausted. I am trying to train her with diapers and lots of walks. I was told that she just went right out and came right in with no pee/poo issues..........totally not that way here.

    Help Please

    4 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • What to do about an adopted dog who is supposed to be house trained, and isn't.?

    We adopted a sweet little toy poodle (4 years old). She was supposed to be house trained (we rent, so this was 100% a must) In every other way she is wonderful. She has only been with us a week, so I totally get the change of environment, and her life before the adoption people got her was not great, and so on..........I get it.......and personally I don't mind cleaning up messes once in a while. That said; she (except for the first day that we got her) has been peeing/pooping in the house (mostly my bedroom) for days now. I am exhausted cleaning it all up.......maybe up to 8 times per day counting pee and poop. I totally understand the landlord letting us have the dog on the condition that she be house trained. I don't think this has anything to do with this, especially if she was house trained before, but she was adopted out to me un-spayed.........I do have an appointment and she will be spayed in February.

    She is now in doggie diapers. She might be cute but...............she didn't poop at all today when I took her diaper off and walked her and I worry. She normally goes 2-3 times per day and she didn't go at all today. She did pee 3 or 4 times when we walked and I took her diaper off............she did not pee/poop in her diaper all day.

    I have completely cleaned the stains/smell on the carpet...................she doesn't go in the same place twice anyway.......................I'm at my wits end because she even started pooping on my bed night before last, which was new. She is good at keeping her diaper on for the most part...........

    She goes out many times per day and gets long walks so she can do her numbers...........she still peed in the house and, I tried the doggie diapers and they are working o.k. except she hasn't pooped all day; which concerns me. Any thoughts...................Thank you.

    I am not mad at her at all and I don't blame her; I adore her. I just need some insight/advice. Thank you.

    8 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • When a tenant leaves an apartment, who is responsible for steam cleaning the carpets?

    Is the tenant responsible for that final steam clean before new tenant move in or is the landlord responsible for the steam cleaning before the new tenants move in...............This is under normal circumstances...............normal carpet wear and tear and normal tracking.............nothing above and damage to carpets or anything, just needs final cleaning/or initial cleaning before new tenant moves in.

    10 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • I have a wonderful cat and am thinking of getting a house rabbit. What are the chances of them getting along?

    I have a sweet little cat about a year and a half old. About 3 months ago I purchased a small guinea pig thinking that eventually the cat might get along with him. I unfortunately had to re-home him after about a week because the cat was adament about getting to him and it was obvious it wasn't going to work. My cat is terrific with dogs. Anyway, would a rabbit be different. I love angora rabbits and had one years ago. I am thinking of getting an angora again as I find them so sweet and cuddly. I'm a bit aprehensive though because I want to make sure there is a good chance that the cat will get along with the rabbit. My cat weighs around 7 pounds and I would imagine that the rabbit would weigh a couple of pounds less, if that matters. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

    2 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Questions concerning my 2 year old grandson, bedtime, and getting into the cat liter/being wild with the cat?

    I have a wonderful little 2 year old grandson that visits and stays over from time to time. He's wonderful. I have a few questions though.....#1) he is getting too big for his pack and play but I don't dare put him in a toddler bed...if he got up before me, he would trash the house and probably get into alot of mischief and then there are safety issues when he isn't being supervised (like with any 2 year old child). What can I get him to sleep in that would still keep him in bed playing until I got up. I sometimes here him talking to himself and playing and let him do this for a little while before getting him up. Also......He loves to play in the cat liter.........doens't matter where you move it, he plays in it as if it were a small sand pile....I can't really put the liter box up somewhere.........Also, my grandson loves to chase the cat and the cat is not fond of this. I am an animal lover and don't feel that the cat should have to put up with this............what should I do. Because she is an inside/outside cat, she can go out for a bit (and wants too) but not for long in this weather. I'm at a loss as to how to take my grandson and also protect my cat. Thanks for any helpful information.

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Does anyone know when weight watchers will be running their free group registration again?

    I would like to try a group in the area. This program worked for me years ago. I know that from time to time they run a free registration so that you either pay just the weekly fee or sometimes nothing for the first week.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • How Do I Get My Landlord To Accept A Dog?

    I had a wonderful little dog. She was awsom and loving and perfect. Unfortunately and sadly I had to rehome her due to my elderly mothers "extremely severe allergies" to her hair/dander. I now have a wonderful little cat but miss my dog so much it's awful. My landlord said that my apartment was not big enough for a dog and a cat. My apartment is plenty big enough. He has tenants that have two large dogs that rent from him. He knows that I am wonderful with my pets. I clean up after them, take them to pee/poo and immediately clean up the poo after them. I give them plenty of exercise and they never ever bother the neighbors. O.K. So, I've asked if I can have a dog with my dog friendly cat and the answer is no. I have references from vets, people whom I've done pet sitting for, friends, family. I take excellent care of my pets and am careful to only adopt a pet that has been proven not to destroy a home or bother the neighbors. My cat is a small bombay (black cat) and I wish to get a medium to small size dog. I think this is rediculous. The landlord knows how responsible I am. I will be moving out in a few months when my lease is up if he does not allow me to have a dog. I miss my dog terribly and am an older responsible person. Once you've had a sweet little dog, it's hard to live without one. He did say that if I get rid of my cat "NOT" that I can have a dog. Not gonna happen! Any suggestions for talking to him again. I've already talked to him twice and sent a friendly letter. Thanks

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago