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Lv 5
amber asked in PetsDogs · 7 years ago

I recently adopted a dog for a companion that gets car sick?

I've had dogs all of my life and never one who had car sickness. I have a doctors letter saying that I need an emotional support dog (one that pretty much goes with me everywhere). I was not told before adopting this dog that she gets really car sick even if all you do is go to town and back; like 10 mins. each way. She starts licking her chops, yawning, and acting like she doesn't know what to do. She hasn't thrown up yet, but I can see it coming. I have tried many things including rescue remedy, the pet form from the health food store, ginger cookies, facing forward, not feeding her a lot that morning if we are going someplace in the afternoon, etc..... All of my previous dogs went on car rides with me including mini overnight stays. They also went to visit friends and relatives and to the doggie day car or dog park, etc........ I can't bring this dog anywhere. I've had her for four months and the lady who I adopted her from won't even get back to me (I was trying to ask her for history of car sickness, etc....) so now I am not sure what to do. I love my dog dearly but as I said, because of emotional stuff, anxiety, depression, etc..... I do need an almost constant companion pet. She is a good dog in other ways for the most part. I feel so guilty when I bring her anywhere because I know she feels terrible. I had car sickness when I was a kid; it was just awful. I don't want her to just "have to grin and bear" our car rides. I want her to atleast not mind them. I don't know what else to do or what else to try. Most times now, I keep her home, but then I don't have a companion animal with me; which does not make me feel well at all. Any thoughts???


I've also tried the sitting in the car, then going down the driveway, then driving down the road........little by little..................lots of praise...........etc............she just isn't having any of it.

3 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Emotional Support Animals (ESA'S) can't go with you everywhere in public. Legally they're just pets with special accommodations in housing and flying in cabin on an airplane. They're not service dogs and aren't protected under the ADA. If you're taking it with you everywhere pets aren't generally allowed, you're breaking federal law and, most likely, state law. You could get tickets, high fines, jail time and even lose your dog permanently if caught.

    A Dr's note or recommendation doesn't override federal or state law. Most likely, if he told you that ESA'S can go with you everywhere, he was just ignorant of the jaw.

    Constant licking of the mouth and yawning are signs of high stress. Even if this was a legitimate service dog that could go with you everywhere, this would be a sign that is not cut out for the work. Car sickness is a physical response to an unwelcome outside stimuli. It can't be "trained out". Although ESA'S don't have to be specially trained to assist their disabled owner with a task they can't do themselves - and therefore aren't highly trained - they still need to be relaxed and calm. This dog isn't. If its supposed to help you with your anxiety, how is it doing so by stressing you out?

    This dog isn't appropriate for your needs.

    As for the legality of taking your ESA everywhere with you, please visit these websites.


    Source(s): "Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA."
  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Contact your vet. Talk about medications. I have no idea if there is a form of dog anti nausea medicine but if there is then you could try that. If not your vet may suggest human alternatives and doses. Many medications animal take are the same chemically that humans take. The dossing is off but a vet may be able to discuss what you can do about it.

    I don't think your dog has motion sickness though. I think she might just be anxious or has extra energy that is coming out in the form of chop licking. She can't move around in a car, so she has to find some what to relieve stress. You might try to give her a larger area to stay in while riding. Lay the back seats down so she can move across them easily.

  • 7 years ago

    My dog gets car sick and it had been really annoying over the years. She would throw up as a puppy but she eventually grew out of that stage and now just lays down. We started taking her in the car more often for short rides and she is mostly ok with it now. When we would go on long car rides with her we would go to the vet before hand and they can give you something to help her sleep through the ride.

    Source(s): experience
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