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Lv 5
amber asked in PetsDogs · 9 years ago

I adopted a dog 2 weeks ago. I did alot of research, talked to alot of people before I chose her.?

I talked to this person many times before we met and I adopted her. Lots of e-mails and phone calls. She assured me that this little dog was potty trained. She would let me know when she wanted to go out. This is not the case and I am very frustrated. I don't blame the dog at all and I've grown quite fond of her. The reason that I got her was because I have anxiety and depression/the seasonal affective disorder is tough to deal with this year. I know that animals can help calm the nerves and pick the spirit up and I just totally love all animals. I don't know what to do. I don't want to give her back but I am beside myself. She will not use a crate because she has terrible seperation anxiety and whines because she is upset. She is now being taken out many times per day (sometimes she will pee/poo outside) and wearing diapers. She is very good in the car but she wears a diaper there also as I can not trust her and don't want my car to smell like poo/pee. She is a sweetie but as I needed a companion to help me through, I am now cleaning the floor several times per day, including carpets, rugs; and I rent.........not good and putting alot of stress on me. I don't want to just give her back because it will probably make her feel like she is abandoned/not wanted again (she had a terrible life before being fostered and then adopted by me). I'm almost to the point of either keeping her in diapers 100% of the time with maybe 3 walks inbetween (because she normally doesn't go outside but sometimes will if you walk her forever) or giving her back. I truly need decent people to understand and try to help. I am a total animal lover and do not need any rude comments. Thank you. I appreciate any advice or positive/helpful comments.

6 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    HI! I hope I can be of some help.

    I have a dog too. He's two years old now, I've had him since he was 9 months. i found him on the street & didn't know anything about him! i didn't even know if he was healthy to begin with. Nobody ever claimed him so i kept him..

    Most of my house is carpet! He wasn't potty trained. I came across a "diaper mat"! it's like a square diaper with something like "Cat Nip", But to attracts dogs instead. I found them at Petco for like $5 a bag. This is great for training them. Put the "Mat" in one place & don't change it! or else the Pup will be confused. A room with tile is highly recommended. After a while she'll be used to that spot. It's all about Consistency. Your dog will learn through repetition but you must do the same thing each time. Give her treat every time you catch her peeing there so she knows it's the right thing to do. Take her out on a walk only once a day..preferably at night time before going to bed. At a specific time.

    I don't recommend diapers when you put her in the car. Or else she'll get used to peeing on herself, even when you decide not to put one on. If you catch her peeing, make a loud noise, so she knows it's not okay. Pull over & get her out. It's a hassle at first but again, it works with consistency..

    Good Luck :)

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    You need to treat as if she where a puppy . No body has taken the time to train this poor dog , so she has no idea .

    Take her out to toilet regularly . That is after every nap , play time , meal and every 2 hours in between . It will take time and effort but the results will be worthwhile . Feed at set times to make when she toilets more predictable . When she goes indoors , if you catch her in the act , let her know you are dis pleased . Discipline after the incident is futile , as the dog will have no idea why she is getting wrong.

    I know she doesn't like the crate , but they are valuable training tools . Start by putting her in with the door open , so she can come and go . Put inside treats , toys and bedding. In time she will learn the crate is a good place , not something to fear . Once she overcomes her fear of the crate , toilet training should become easier .

    Diapers encourage toileting when it is not appropriate . Stick to a training regime and with effort she can be trained relatively quickly

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    You need to research potty training, or talk to a trainer about it. Any dog can be potty trained, and it's possible she was already but fell out of that when she was moved. It's very common for a dog to "forget" its potty training background.

  • 9 years ago

    when she goes to the bathroom outside, use positive reinforcement and show her that it's a good thing, and maybe give her a treat. When she goes inside, scold her to let her know that it is not a good thing and she needs to stop. If she still does not get it, try keeping her in one room. I hope this helps :]

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  • 9 years ago

    You need to ccall the place you got her from and tell them that its unacceptable that they lied just so youd adopt her and tell them that they either need to potty train her like promised or pay for training classes cuz that is simply not ok.

    i know the whinning in the kennel is hard but it must be done. its the best way to potty trian her.

    get a spray bottle and spray her and tell her no once if she whines and just keep repeating that. treat and praise her when she finally becomes quiet. she will get it.

    *My dog whos 8months used to whine all night but once we started spraying him when hed whine and praising when he wasnt he caught on quick and has now learned to sleep threw the night. (we got him a month ago for christmas)

    leave the kennel door open at all times, when she goes in her kennel all by herself tell her what a good girl she is and give her a treat.

    Potty Training:

    First rule: keep her on a leash EVERY time you take her outside, the leash tells her you are in control and that she wont get to play tell she goes.

    take her out after she sleeps, eats or plays. Make sure to take her out EVERYTIME!

    i she goes in the house and you find it lateer do not get mad at her.

    you must catch her in the act and say no and take her right outside,

    she wont understand why she is getting introuble unless she is in the middle of doing it.

    hope that helps.

    good luck

    dogs catch on quick and soon shell get she cant go in the house.

    try giving her a treat every time she goes pee or poop outside.

    make sure to praise her, but not too loudly cuz you do not want her to stop going and come to you.

    Source(s): Exsperiencedd Puppy/dog owner
  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    You can potty train her but if that is too stressful for you I would find her another home and talk to a disabilities agency that trains dogs. You might qualify for a disabilities dog which are guaranteed training wise. Therapy dogs are special and not every dog is up to the task. You sound like you need a dog who is well trained to deal with your specific issue.

    Help with mine?

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